Hi Narcis, sorry you are right. Archeology is very interesting, but I don't use Windows 95. it should be Win32. Here is the part of m code: Series1.Clear; Series2.Clear; if CntSPS_S>0 then begin for i := 0 to CntSPS_S - 1 do Series1.AddXY(SPS_S[i].Easting,SPS_S[i].Northing); end; if CntSPS_R>0 then ...
Hi Yeray, my problem is not to change the axes minimum or maximum to create isometric axes. I have a fixed minimum and maximum and will print a axis with a defined length (with printer resolution a defined number of pixels per axes). The scale of horizontal and vertical axes may be different. Best r...
Hi, I have to create a plot of a chart with a defined length of vertical and horizontal axes. For example I have a chart with a vertical axis form 0 to 25 and a horizontal axis from 0 to 350. I have to print the chart with a horizontal axis length of 10 cm and a vertical axis length of 20 cm. My Cod...
Hi Yeray, that's exactly what I try to code... I have a well log and have to create a Bitmap with a vertical depth axis from top down into the borehole (for a given scale like 1cm = 40 m) and a horizontal axis with the result of a physical measurement (for a given scale too). Now, you have solved my...
In my software I compute the size of horizontal and vertical axis in pixel. Now I want to create a bitmap of the chart with the exact length of axes in pixel. Example: iLeft:=90; iTop:=100; iWidth:=830; {length of horizontal axis in pixel} iRight:=110; iBottom:=120; iHeight:=1340; iWidth:=830; {leng...
Sorry, I forgot: I work with Delphi 7 and TeeChart 8.04 VCL. I try to change the Chart with this code: Chart1.Height:=iLeft+iBreit+iRight; Chart1.Width:=iTop+iLang+iBottom; Chart1.MarginUnits:=muPixels; Chart1.MarginLeft:=iTop; Chart1.MarginBottom:=iLeft; Chart1.MarginRight:=iBottom; Chart1.MarginTo...
I have to save a scaled chart in a bitmap, that means I computed the size of the bitmap, the length of axes and the start position of axis in pixel. I try to change the chart with Chart1.Width, Chart1.Height, Chart1.LeftAxis.IStartPos, Chart1.BottomAxis.IStartPos, Chart1.LeftAxis.IAxisSize and Chart...
I have to print a chart in a defined horizontal and vertical scale. My experiments have all a defference (for example if the horizontal axis should have a length of 30 centimeters I will get a length of 29 centimeters and for the vertical axis I should have a length of 21.5 centimeters I 'll get a l...