is it possible to put html format tags like
<sup> xxx </sup>
for format the text of axix labels?
Search found 9 matches
- Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:43 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Format in Axix Text or Title
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4441
- Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:55 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Format in Axix Text or Title
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4441
Format in Axix Text or Title
Is it possible to use formating, bold, italic, superscript in axis labels or titels /subtitels
Thank you
Is it possible to use formating, bold, italic, superscript in axis labels or titels /subtitels
Thank you
- Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:48 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Feature Request: Export to animatet Flash/SWF
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4357
Re: Feature Request: Export to animatet Flash/SWF
Hi, > A little spoiler :wink:: New version includes Flex exporting with a little amount of animation available. We hope to add more animations in the future. Yep... we use TChart to generate Diagrams for a agricultura market info webpage... the diagramms exported and stored as JPG File by an desktop...
- Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:58 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Feature Request: Export to animatet Flash/SWF
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4357
Feature Request: Export to animatet Flash/SWF
Dear Support, I remember to send you an email about this in last summer... What will be a very very nice feature is an Export filter, before we decide for steema we found this: http://www.maani.us/xml_charts/index.php?menu=Introduction http://www.maani.us/xml_charts/index.php?menu=Gallery&submenu=Sc...
- Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:54 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Problem with GetLegendPos
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3923
Re: Problem with GetLegendPos
Ups... i move not item... i mean the "symbol" are not moved...
- Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:50 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Problem with GetLegendPos
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3923
Problem with GetLegendPos
Hi I try to uses "GetLegendPos" to move the text and symbol of the legend items... "The Legend.GetLegendPos event can be used to specify fixed Legend items X Y coordinates." but it only move the text and not the items... http://www.ulmer.de/file/tmp/GetLegendPos.jpg (Test call) Is this a bug or make...
- Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:58 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: size of Legene Items
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4667
size of Legene Items
Hi I have the problem that the titel of my series have different sizes and in the legende the space between Items are taken from the logest title and I have a lot of lost space... http://www.ulmer.de/file/tmp/info.jpg How can I arrange that only the textlenght hat really exist are used for title sep...
- Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:27 am
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Error on Labels on Bottom axis, how to solve...
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4021
Re: Error on Labels on Bottom axis, how to solve...
this don't change anything... I try that before I post the Message... I try to prepare a simple test application... who can I send this files...
with best regards
Nils Bödeker
this don't change anything... I try that before I post the Message... I try to prepare a simple test application... who can I send this files...
with best regards
Nils Bödeker
- Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:36 pm
- Forum: VCL
- Topic: Error on Labels on Bottom axis, how to solve...
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4021
Error on Labels on Bottom axis, how to solve...
Hi, I buy TeeChart 8.05 pro and found that on the bottom axis appears wrong (to much) labels if I set the label.angel to 0. I put scale.increment to 2 but with angel 0 this setting are ignored. If I try to set the angel to 90 then there ist not problems... But our customer want to have the horiconta...