At design time, I am adding four TColorBandTool to a Chart, and when I try to rename their name from automatically generated "ChartTool[2,3,4,5]" into meaningful: "WarningBand, MinorBand, MajorBand, CriticalBand" through BDS IDE (BTW, ChartEditor does not allow me to change the ChartTool's name), TeeChart have AV error with following stack:
+ $B[4224B7C3]{Tee910.bpl } Chart.TCustomChart.AxisTitleOrName + $B
+ $0[20006D23]{rtl100.bpl } System.System.@HandleAnyException (Line 9963, "sys\system.pas" + 13) + $0
+ $37[7C903275]{ntdll.dll } RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger + $37
+ $9[7C90E485]{ntdll.dll } KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $9
+ $E[20FD7C98]{vclide100.bpl} PropBox.PropBox.TCustomPropListBox.DrawPropItem (Line 827, "propbox.pas" + 212) + $E
+ $2C[20FD8168]{vclide100.bpl} PropBox.PropBox.TCustomPropListBox.CNDrawItem (Line 976, "propbox.pas" + 7) + $2C
+ $6[201406A7]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6
+ $6[200FE4E7]{vcl100.bpl } StdCtrls.StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.WndProc (Line 4790, "StdCtrls.pas" + 43) + $6
+ $C[2013C1B4]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 5021, "Controls.pas" + 5) + $C
+ $11[201407F7]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.DoControlMsg (Line 7353, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $11
+ $6[201406A7]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6
+ $6[2013FDD0]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
+ $0[20040E4C]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11583, "common\Classes.pas" ++ $0
+ $6A[7E418731]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $6A
+ $F3[7E41D056]{USER32.dll } EnumDisplayMonitors + $F3
+ $17F[7E41B4BB]{USER32.dll } DefWindowProcW + $17F
+ $15D[7E44FCBD]{USER32.dll } CreateMDIWindowA + $15D
+ $10[7C90E470]{ntdll.dll } KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $10
+ $44[7E41B8FE]{USER32.dll } SendMessageW + $44
+ $46E[7E43CDA8]{USER32.dll } SetDlgItemTextA + $46E
+ $5DD[7E43CF17]{USER32.dll } SetDlgItemTextA + $5DD
+ $50F[7E43CE49]{USER32.dll } SetDlgItemTextA + $50F
+ $9B[7E43C9D5]{USER32.dll } SetDlgItemTextA + $9B
+ $6A[7E418731]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $6A
+ $14A[7E418811]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $14A
+ $9C[7E41C63A]{USER32.dll } IsWindowUnicode + $9C
+ $16[7E41F658]{USER32.dll } CallWindowProcA + $16
+ $17[201407A3]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler (Line 7334, "Controls.pas" + 23) + $17
+ $6[201406A7]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6
+ $6[200FE4E7]{vcl100.bpl } StdCtrls.StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.WndProc (Line 4790, "StdCtrls.pas" + 43) + $6
+ $6[2013FDD0]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
+ $0[20040E4C]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11583, "common\Classes.pas" ++ $0
+ $6A[7E418731]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $6A
+ $14A[7E418811]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $14A
+ $17F[7E41B4BB]{USER32.dll } DefWindowProcW + $17F
+ $1CD[7E41B509]{USER32.dll } DefWindowProcW + $1CD
+ $10[7C90E470]{ntdll.dll } KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $10
+ $6[201406A7]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6
+ $5[20159E7F]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 3512, "Forms.pas" + 136) + $5
+ $6[2013FDD0]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
+ $0[20040E4C]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11583, "common\Classes.pas" ++ $0
+ $6A[7E418731]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $6A
+ $14A[7E418811]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $14A
+ $17F[7E41B4BB]{USER32.dll } DefWindowProcW + $17F
+ $1CD[7E41B509]{USER32.dll } DefWindowProcW + $1CD
+ $10[7C90E470]{ntdll.dll } KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $10
+ $8[530BFAD1]{exceptiondiag100.bpl} ExceptionDiagReg.ExceptionDiagReg.TExceptionHandler.HandleException (Line 211, "ExceptionDiagReg.pas" + 53) + $8
+ $B[0041586D]{bds.exe } AppMain.AppMain.TAppBuilder.MenuBarPopup (Line 6295, "ui\AppMain.pas" + 7) + $B
+ $7[201D16B8]{vcl100.bpl } AppEvnts.AppEvnts.TCustomApplicationEvents.DoException (Line 189, "appevnts.pas" + 2) + $7
+ $14[18124910]{ExceptionExpert10.bpl} ECommon.ECommon.TEurekaApp.ExceptionNotify (Line 212, "ECommon.pas" + 22) + $14
+ $F[20162A45]{vcl100.bpl } Forms.Forms.TApplication.HandleException (Line 8256, "Forms.pas" + 6) + $F
+ $0[20040E4C]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11583, "common\Classes.pas" ++ $0
+ $6A[7E418731]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $6A
+ $F3[7E41D056]{USER32.dll } EnumDisplayMonitors + $F3
+ $17F[7E41B4BB]{USER32.dll } DefWindowProcW + $17F
+ $15D[7E44FCBD]{USER32.dll } CreateMDIWindowA + $15D
+ $10[7C90E470]{ntdll.dll } KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $10
+ $44[7E41B8FE]{USER32.dll } SendMessageW + $44
+ $46E[7E43CDA8]{USER32.dll } SetDlgItemTextA + $46E
+ $5DD[7E43CF17]{USER32.dll } SetDlgItemTextA + $5DD
+ $87[7E43B193]{USER32.dll } DialogBoxParamA + $87
+ $10CA[7E463042]{USER32.dll } GetKBCodePage + $10CA
+ $1EA2[7E4355EE]{USER32.dll } WINNLSGetIMEHotkey + $1EA2
+ $9B[7E43C9D5]{USER32.dll } SetDlgItemTextA + $9B
+ $6A[7E418731]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $6A
+ $14A[7E418811]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $14A
+ $9C[7E41C63A]{USER32.dll } IsWindowUnicode + $9C
+ $16[7E41F658]{USER32.dll } CallWindowProcA + $16
+ $17[201407A3]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler (Line 7334, "Controls.pas" + 23) + $17
+ $6[201406A7]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6
+ $6[200FE4E7]{vcl100.bpl } StdCtrls.StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.WndProc (Line 4790, "StdCtrls.pas" + 43) + $6
+ $6[2013FDD0]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
+ $0[20040E4C]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11583, "common\Classes.pas" ++ $0
+ $6A[7E418731]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $6A
+ $14A[7E418811]{USER32.dll } GetDC + $14A
+ $122[7E4189C8]{USER32.dll } GetWindowLongW + $122
+ $A[7E4196C2]{USER32.dll } DispatchMessageA + $A