Trouble assigning series to other series
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:03 am
There is some trouble when using tChartseries.Assign to copy settings and data from one series to another.
Please check the attached zip file for a demo
1) CLick btTestSTack to add some data
2) Edit the chart , take a look at BarSum series, there is an AddTee function -> OK
3) click btTestCloneChart
4) Take a look at the newly opened chart window. a nice cloned chart.
5) from the main form open the chart editor once more. Take a look at BarSum series,
the datasource is not the teeAdd function anymore.
6) click btTestCloneChart once more
this cloned chart looks a lot different? - well of course, the source chart has been altered!
This must be wrong: the Assign method should never change the provided source object.
I have currently no fix for this. Yet I need to clone charts on a regular basis, so please tell me how to accomplish this in the official Teemach way, without destroying /altering my source chart...
Regards - hans
Please check the attached zip file for a demo
1) CLick btTestSTack to add some data
2) Edit the chart , take a look at BarSum series, there is an AddTee function -> OK

3) click btTestCloneChart
4) Take a look at the newly opened chart window. a nice cloned chart.
5) from the main form open the chart editor once more. Take a look at BarSum series,

6) click btTestCloneChart once more

This must be wrong: the Assign method should never change the provided source object.
I have currently no fix for this. Yet I need to clone charts on a regular basis, so please tell me how to accomplish this in the official Teemach way, without destroying /altering my source chart...
Regards - hans