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Error on Startup of Delphi - Best way to report these errors
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:32 pm
by 10550242
I get the following error when I start Delphi now...

- ErroronStartUp.jpg (27.77 KiB) Viewed 13707 times
When I hit Cancel - I then get

- Error2StartUp.jpg (15.74 KiB) Viewed 13653 times
This all started after I add the MarkTips tool to the TreeMap Series. I am about to uninstall and then reinstall the TeeChart Components...
BTW - what is the best way of reporting these types of errors? Is it this board? Or is there an email address these should be sent to?
Bradley MacDonald
Re: Error on Startup of Delphi - Best way to report these errors
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:48 pm
by narcis
Hi Bradley,
Yes, it's fine reporting all technical issues on this board.
I'm not able to reproduce the issue here. Have you checked that your Delphi has all TeeChart packages enabled at Project -> Options -> Packages and that Project -> Options -> Directories/Conditionals -> Search Path list has v2010's "Bin" and "Lib" folder on top of the list? You can also enable the left-bottom "Default" checkbox so that this configuration is saved for default Delphi projects.
Re: Error on Startup of Delphi - Best way to report these errors
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:11 pm
by 10550242
I have resinstalled everything - both TeeChart 2010 Base for 2009 - and the source - and the patch given to me in another support post. It is back to working.
Thank you.
Re: Error on Startup of Delphi - Best way to report these errors
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:38 pm
by 10550242
Hello Narcis,
I have this error back again
Delphi 2009 - with TeeChart 2010. I have a small patch to the TreeMap series - sent to me a few days ago in another support reply.
I installed in the following order
TeeChart 2010 - Base
TeeChart 2010 - Source
Report Builder 12
Now - when I first restart Delphi after that - it works fine. However, after having to restart Delphi a second time (see my other post about TeeChart preview freezing Delphi) - I get this error message again. And the every time afteward.
I can choose to ignore it - and it does not affect the compile of the project that is using the MarkTool - or the run time. However, this does not leave me with a good feeling...
How can I provide you with more information? I can share a screen if that would help?
Bradley MacDonald
Re: Error on Startup of Delphi - Best way to report these errors
Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:58 am
by narcis
Hi Bradley,
What do you exactly mean with TeeChart 2010 Base and TeeChart 2010 Source? Does this mean that you install the binary installer and then the sources on top of it? If so, there's no problem with that. However, do you compile and install source code into Delphi using TeeRecompile tool provided? I guess this is a problem with Delphi referencing different packages and finally resolving the dependency because of referencing the source code or something similar. After installing the binary installers we recommend to install sources using TeeRecompile tool. Then check that Delphi is pointing to sources compiled packages instead of the binary version.
Hope this helps!
Re: Error on Startup of Delphi - Best way to report these errors
Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:17 pm
by 10550242
Yes - I use the recompile tool after I install the Source.
So - I do the following:
1. Install the binaries - so that I have the help files and examples
2. Install the source
3. Run the Recompile
Start Delphi - everything works
Restart Delphi - and it has the problem.
Re: Error on Startup of Delphi - Best way to report these errors
Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:06 pm
by narcis
Hi Bradley,
Can you please check the following when you run Delphi and the error occurs?
1. Go to Project -> Options -> Delphi -> Packages and check that TeeChart Pro 9 Components (v2010) package from source code compilation path is enabled.
2. Go to Project -> Options -> Delphi -> Resource Compiler -> Directories and Conditionals -> Include file search path and check that if any TeeChart path is in this list it belongs to the source code folders created from TeeRecompile and they are on top of the list. Otherwise remove them.
3. Enable the left-bottom "Default" checkbox.
4. Go to Tools -> Options -> Environment Options -> Delphi Options -> Library - Win32 -> Library path and do the same as in step 2. Source code compiled "Bin" and "Lib" folders should be on this list, at least. If they are here they don't need to be at the location mentioned at step 2.
5. Close Delphi and restart it again.
If the problem persists don't hesitate to let us know.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Error on Startup of Delphi - Best way to report these errors
Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:10 pm
by 10550242
Ok - I did the checks you recommended (see screen shots) - and it all looks fine - from what I can see

- DelphiSettings_ResourceSettings.jpg (300.19 KiB) Viewed 13646 times

- DelphiSettings_Packages.jpg (215.15 KiB) Viewed 13655 times
Here is something else
1. I start Delphi - and open the project - I get the message
2. I close the project - and then reopen it - NO Message is shown.
3. I close and restart Delphi - and the first time I open the Project - I get the error message again. However, after that the message does not appear.
Bradley MacDonald
Re: Error on Startup of Delphi - Best way to report these errors
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:50 am
by yeray
Hi Bradley,
TimeAcct wrote:1. I start Delphi - and open the project - I get the message
2. I close the project - and then reopen it - NO Message is shown.
3. I close and restart Delphi - and the first time I open the Project - I get the error message again. However, after that the message does not appear.
So it's more the project itself than the IDE, isn't it? Does the IDE work fine opening it (without any project) and creating a new project, adding TeeChart and compiling it?
If the problem only appears when you load the project, not with new projects, the problem may be in the project so, please, close the project and the IDE, and edit your project's files manually (with notepad or similar) and check if there is any wrong reference. It could contain (probably absolute) references to an old TeeChart installation.