I'm having a problem plotting PolarSeries that use separate axes. I'd like things to work the same way as linear plots, where I can assign one LineSeries to the LeftAxis and a second one to the RightAxis (or even a custom axis) and display two different quantities at once, on different scales.
Here's an illustration of what happens when I try it. In the chart below, I've enabled the left and right axes (in the polar chart, left displays as the lower axis, and right as the uppper one). I created two polar series - Series1 (the blue one) and Series2 (orange) - and set Series1's vertical axis to aLeftAxis, and Series2's to aRightAxis. I manually set the left axis to minimum 0, maximum 1000, and the right axis to min 0, max 2000. Then I set Series2's data source to Series1.
So, I should expect Series2 to be a half-size copy of Series1 (which it is) but with the upper ('right') axis running from 0-2000 and showing that the values are the same as in Series1. Instead, the scale is just a copy of the left axis, and displays 0-1000. What is wrong with the right axis labels?

I'm running Windows XP SP3, RAD Studio 2007 and TeeChart 8.04.