I have a few problems with Polar Chart (V8.05) :
1. I moved the title to the left. It is not printed anymore, even though the print preview displays it.
2. The dotted lines are converted to solid, no more WYSIWYG as you promised. I tried to set the linewidth to 0 as you suggested, but that jumps back to 1. I tried PDF-Writer and postsrcipt and both behave the same way
3. Exporting to PDF converts all series colors to blackwhite. How can I retain color?
I used TeeSaveToPDFFile
4. Exporting to VML also turns colors to blackwhite, the "degrees" axis (star) is not shown at all in IE
5. I use a 125% font size for windows. The small IDE windows like "Border Editor" are not sized properly, and cut the content, I don't see the buttons OK, Abort and the fields Width and Space.
Any ideas what to do?
Polar Chart problems
Re: Polar Chart problems
Hi Jurgen,
Here is the code I've used to test this:
And I'm not sure to understand what you exactly mean the "degrees" axis (star) is not shown at all in IE. Could you please try to explain what you exactly mean here?
Here is the code I've used to test this:
Code: Select all
uses Series, TeePolar, TeeOpenGL, TeePDFCanvas, TeeVMLCanvas, TeeExport;
var Series1: TPolarSeries;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Chart1.View3D := false;
Series1 := TPolarSeries.Create(self);
Chart1.Title.Left := 10;
Chart1.Title.Top := 20;
Series1.Pen.Style := psDot;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
With TVMLExportFormat.Create do
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
ChartPreviewer1.Chart := Chart1;
Yes, you are right. I'll add this to the with list to be fixed in future releases (TV52014340).Jubar wrote:1. I moved the title to the left. It is not printed anymore, even though the print preview displays it.
Yes, printing as pdf seems not to print fine the title nor the dotted lines nor the chart colors. I'll add this to the wish list too.Jubar wrote:2. The dotted lines are converted to solid, no more WYSIWYG as you promised. I tried to set the linewidth to 0 as you suggested, but that jumps back to 1. I tried PDF-Writer and postsrcipt and both behave the same way
Using the code above I'm not able to reproduce this. The title, the dotted lines and the colors seem to look fine.Jubar wrote:3. Exporting to PDF converts all series colors to blackwhite. How can I retain color?
I used TeeSaveToPDFFile
I can see the chart colors as expected except on the background in the interior of the polar series that turns to white.Jubar wrote:4. Exporting to VML also turns colors to blackwhite, the "degrees" axis (star) is not shown at all in IE
And I'm not sure to understand what you exactly mean the "degrees" axis (star) is not shown at all in IE. Could you please try to explain what you exactly mean here?
Could you please show us a picture of that behavior?Jubar wrote:5. I use a 125% font size for windows. The small IDE windows like "Border Editor" are not sized properly, and cut the content, I don't see the buttons OK, Abort and the fields Width and Space.
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
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Re: Polar Chart problems
This png shows everything ok,
Unzip this vml & pdf first, otherwise I could not upload it
Here the series is shown black, it should have been green
In VML the "star" is missing, "star" are the dotted lines going from center to degree numbes
This shows how the "Border Editor" gets chopped
Unzip this vml & pdf first, otherwise I could not upload it
Here the series is shown black, it should have been green
In VML the "star" is missing, "star" are the dotted lines going from center to degree numbes
This shows how the "Border Editor" gets chopped
Re: Polar Chart problems
Hi Jubar,
If that's not what you need, you still can assign a width and height to your forms when creating them. But note that this solutions only applies in case that you were calling the border editor directly from your application, not from TeeChart editor.
If you are calling the border editor from the TeeChart editor, I'm afraid that there no easy solution for this.
I could reproduce it printing as pdf with PDF-Writter from CutePDF but not using TeeSaveToPDFFile with the Button1 at the code I posted above. Have you tried wit it?Jubar wrote:Here the series is shown black, it should have been green
Ok, now I understood what you meant and reproduced. It seems that the bottom axis grid isn't exported fine to VML. I've also added this to the wish list to be fixed in future releases (TV52014343).Jubar wrote:In VML the "star" is missing, "star" are the dotted lines going from center to degree numbes
I think I now understand you also in this. Please, take a look at the demo at What's New?/Welcome!/New in Components/ChartEditor PixelsPerInch and see if that solves your issue. (You'll find demos, examples and tutorials at TeeCahrt programs group)Jubar wrote:This shows how the "Border Editor" gets chopped
If that's not what you need, you still can assign a width and height to your forms when creating them. But note that this solutions only applies in case that you were calling the border editor directly from your application, not from TeeChart editor.
If you are calling the border editor from the TeeChart editor, I'm afraid that there no easy solution for this.
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
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Re: Polar Chart problems
I just tried it.
The pen color turns to black as soon as you set its pen-width to anything else than 1,
just set it to 3 for example. The same happens with vml.
> If you are calling the border editor from the TeeChart editor, I'm afraid that there no easy solution for this.
I do call it within Delphi, not from my application. I did not even know that this was possible
The fix is easy, do it the same way you did with all the other editors. Take the PixelPerInch value at design time and calculate it with the value you get at runtime and then size accordingly. We do that in all out app's, and you've probably done that with the other editors already
The pen color turns to black as soon as you set its pen-width to anything else than 1,
just set it to 3 for example. The same happens with vml.
> If you are calling the border editor from the TeeChart editor, I'm afraid that there no easy solution for this.
I do call it within Delphi, not from my application. I did not even know that this was possible
The fix is easy, do it the same way you did with all the other editors. Take the PixelPerInch value at design time and calculate it with the value you get at runtime and then size accordingly. We do that in all out app's, and you've probably done that with the other editors already
Re: Polar Chart problems
Hi Jubar,
You are right again. I've reproduced both in pdf and vml and I've added it to the wish list to be fixed in further releases (TV52014346).Jubar wrote:The pen color turns to black as soon as you set its pen-width to anything else than 1,
just set it to 3 for example. The same happens with vml.
I meant that I can't think on a workaround for that while this isn't implemented in the sources. I'll also add this to the wish list.Jubar wrote:I do call it within Delphi, not from my application. I did not even know that this was possible
The fix is easy, do it the same way you did with all the other editors. Take the PixelPerInch value at design time and calculate it with the value you get at runtime and then size accordingly. We do that in all out app's, and you've probably done that with the other editors already
Best Regards,
![]() | Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) |
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