Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

TeeChart VCL for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder.
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joe pasquariello
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Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

Post by joe pasquariello » Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:41 pm


- New laptop with Windows 7, never had any version of RAD Studio installed
- Installed RAD Studio XE
- Installed latest TeeChart Pro VCL 2010 in RAD XE with all default paths
- Rebuilt TeeChart source code with TeeRecompile
- Create new C++ Builder project
- Place a TChart on form
- Add one FastLineSeries to chart
- Access violation on the code shown below


Can you explain why? This is a completely new project, on a new laptop, so I know the problem is not old paths from previous versions or projects. I don't see how this can be about the linker. I'm using 9 or 10 other 3rd-party components written in Delphi, and I'm not having trouble with any of those.

Chart1->SeriesCount() returns the value 1, so the code above should be fine.

If TeeChart VCL 2010 has problems, is there any option to use TeeChart 8 with RAD XE?



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Re: Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

Post by Free » Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:49 pm

Dear Joe,

I have the same problem. The answer I got is not very promising. You find the discussion at ... =3&t=11749.


joe pasquariello
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Re: Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

Post by joe pasquariello » Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:56 pm


Thank you for your reply. I don't understand this. The _newest_ QC issue that Narcis cites is from 2007, and the resolution for all of them is "fixed". If you read the QC reports, those who reported them say they are fixed. I've been using TeeChart since C++ Builder 3, or perhaps even C++ Builder 1, and I've _never_ had a problem like this until TeeChart VCL 2010.

Is it possible to use TeeChart VCL 8 with RAD XE until these problems are fixed?


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Re: Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

Post by Free » Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:48 am


I have a similar history using TChart and also had non of these effects before. In my opinion there is something seriously wrong with the latest update of TChart. It goes even further. I tried to draw a simple line graph without success. There is no access violation but it does not draw a line either.
Regarding using TChart 8 and C++Builder XE: as far as I know it is not possible. However, I think Narcís really needs to say what's going on and suggest a solution!


joe pasquariello
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Re: Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

Post by joe pasquariello » Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:21 pm


Reading the post from johnnix, I saw Narcis' suggestion to put the TeeChart paths at the TOP of the global Tools::Options::C++ paths. I did this, and it solved my access violation problem with TeeChart VCL 2010. So, this is not a C++ Builder problem. It's a linking problem.

johnnix thinks the source of the problems is a name conflict between TeeChart and other libraries.

I hope the people at TeeChart will figure this out and fix it.


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Re: Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

Post by Free » Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:23 pm


It works like magic! Thanks, all problems disappeared.

Free :D

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Re: Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

Post by scoka » Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:06 am

put the TeeChart paths at the TOP of the global Tools::Options::C++ paths
Set both Include and Library paths, clean project, and then build again :arrow: It worked!
Thank you.

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Re: Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

Post by vez » Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:52 am

After some dances I could recompile Tee8Pro for the RAD Studio XE, so it is possible.

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Re: Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

Post by JHN » Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:25 pm

Has anyone found a "real" solution to this yet? I changed the order of the paths as described above - this worked for a small sample problem like Joe P. described, but I have a very large code written with an earlier version of C++ Builder, and it did not work for this (I made sure I removed all leftover bogus paths first).


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Re: Trouble with CBuilder XE and TeeChart VCL 2010

Post by Yeray » Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:31 pm


We think there are two problems mixed in this thread.
One is a confusion in the paths. This is solved putting the latest TeeChart path in the top of the search and library path lists and cleaning the possible wrong references remaining in the project files manually editing the project files.
The other is the one explained here. If that's you case, debugging your application should point us to the conflictive properties.

If you could send us the problematic application or a simpler one that we can run as-is to reproduce the problem here, will be pleased to take a look at it and try to find where can be the problem.
Best Regards,
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