Hi Steffen,
Note it would be preferable if we could get projects which all the dependences were on TeeChart and the components shipped with the IDE.
Anyway, I've installed Advantage Database Components as indicated and made your project run with the actual TeeChart sources.
If I run your project as-is, when I select the first, and some other series, I see the first series is wider.
If I edit the dmf ("View as Text" option at the design view) I see Series1 was set to have BarWidthPercent=75. Then, if I remove this line, or I set the BarWidthPercent to 70 as said in the thread where this was initially reported, this seems to be solved.
Then, if I zoom the chart, showing only 2 bars, I see the bar sizes don't vary. And I understand this is the behaviour you'd like to change. But adding this at OnCreate seems to change the behaviour correctly:
Code: Select all
PROCEDURE TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var i: Integer;
AdsConnection1.ConnectPath := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName);
AdsConnection1.IsConnected := true;
dbchart1.SeriesList.AllActive := false;
for i:=0 to DBChart1.SeriesCount-1 do
(DBChart1[i] as TBarSeries).AutoBarSize:=true;
// Series1.BarWidthPercent:=70; //use this or remove the BarWidthPercent=75 line on the dfm.