johnnix wrote:Thank you all for your answers, I added the TeeChart Sources path just above the Lib path and when I try to compile I get the following error:
[dcc32 Error] TeCanvas.pas(5785): E2010 Incompatible types: 'VCLTee.TeCanvas.TTeeCanvas' and 'TeCanvas.TTeeCanvas'
Any clues?
In old IDEs, putting the Sources path above in the list is enough so the correct pas and dfm are all there.
However, in the new IDEs, where the units must have prefixes, running TeeRecompile is the easiest way to auto-generate the units with prefixes (see Sources\VCL and Sources\FMX paths). So, running TeeRecompile to generate the prefixed units, you are already generating the dcu too.
Then, if you are modifying TeeChart sources at the Sources path and you are running TeeRecompile after each modification, then it should be the same putting the Sources\VCL path above or \Sources\Compiled\DelphiXX.win32\Lib.
But if you are modifying TeeChart sources directly at the Sources\VCL path, then (a) note TeeRecompile will override your changes if you run it, (b) putting Sources\VCL path above is essential if you want to use your changes without running TeeRecompile and (c) you'll have to move your modifications to the files at Sources to run TeeRecompile with your changes.