Hi Yeray,
I've updated to v8.04 now but the same problem is still happening.
I've looked into it some more, and it seems that setting
Code: Select all
Series1.AreaLinesPen.Style := psClear;
doesn't actually disable anti-aliasing, but it does mean that the edges of AreaSeries are not smoothed. Try it with this (it's an adapted version of the demo project posted earlier):
http://www.b3ta.cr3ation.co.uk/data/zip ... alines.zip
I have put a LineSeries on there, as well as a couple of AreaSeries. The second checkbox switches AreaLinesPen.Style between psClear and psSolid (AreaLinesPen.Visible is always False). When we have psClear, the LineSeries is anti-aliased properly, but the AreaSeries still have a jagged outline. When we have psSolid, all the series are antialiased properly, but the AreaSeries have the ugly lines between sections.
Interestingly, if you change AreaLinesPen.Style to something else, like psDash, then only part of the edge is anti-aliased. It seems to only anti-alias where there is supposed to be a line (even though that line is not meant to be visible).