TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2024
Copyright (c) 1997-2024 by Steema Software.
All Rights Reserved.
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Wishes and issues
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11th December 2024
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2024
v2024.0.12.11 Release
- Improvements in ChartListBox performance.
- Derived Series Editor not updating changes
instantly, now fixed.
- ActiveX Bugfixes and related VCL/FMX
25th June 2024
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2024
v2024.0.6.25 Release
- Bug #2720 Resize errors in Excel Form VBA
18th April 2024
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2024
v2024.0.4.18 Release
- ICustomTrendFunction Coefficient were not
added into the past maintenance, now it has
been added.
- Canvas StretchRotate method were not
added into the past maintenance, now it has
been added.
- All changes related to name changes for
version changes 2024.
16th November 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.11.16 Release
- New Slope Series.
ISlopeSeries sorts and paints several lines into
a single series. Vertical order of points is based
on their ranking at each horizontal coordinate.
- New Squarified Map Series
ISquarifiedMapSeries displays hierarchical data as
rectangles inside rectangles, trying to calculate
the rectangles the more squarified as possible,
proportional to their values, using the standard
- New Chart Layout tool
Provides a way to create a grid of charts inside a
chart. Derives from SubChart tool class and includes
Rows and Columns properties to configure the grid.
Cell sizes can be specified in pixels or as percentage
of total available space.
- New ISelfStack Percent boolean property (default False).
Used by Bar and Horizontal bar series to paint all bars
stacked as absolute values or as a percentage from 0%
to 100%.
BarSeries1.MultiBar := mbSelfStack;
BarSeries1.SelfStack.Percent := True;
New ITeePicture Angle property of type Single
(default zero 0).
Used by the new Canvas StretchRotate method to paint
rotated pictures everywhere.
ICustomTrendFunction Coefficient overload method with
no first and last parameters (it uses the Source series range).
ICustomTrendFunction ITrendFloat type (defaults to Double).
It can be changed to Extended (32bit) when more precision
is needed.
ICustomSeries base class has been refactored, deriving a
new class from it: TCustomStackSeries.
The new ISlopeSeries class derives directly from ICustomSeries,
while the existing ILineSeries, IPointSeries, IAreaSeries
etc now derive from ICustomStackSeries.
New ICustomLineSeries base class, now the ancestor class
of ICustomSeries and IFastLineSeries.
New ISeries FormatValue method, shortcut to:
FormatFloat(Series1.ValueFormat, Value)
and FormatPercent, shortcut to:
FormatFloat(Series1.PercentFormat, Value)
New SaveChartToString and LoadChartFromString methods, convert a Chart into textual representation (default text format dfm).
IMapSeries and IWorldSeries can now persist their data values both at design and runtime.
New ISubChartTool Clear method, removes all sub-charts
The default canvas class for TeeChart controls is now GDI+ instead of GDI.
20th March 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.3.20 Release
- Fix setting Axis for x64bits, added the
IAxis.SetAxisLinkx64 property.
23th February 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.2.23 Release
- Fix on installer. Was not possible to use
control in VB6.
4th February 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.2.4 Release
- Fixes related to the TeeChart202364.cab
generation. inf file was not correctly
used for 64bits version.
30th January 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.1.30 Release
- Fixes in version Name and other minor changes.
16th January 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.1.16 Release
- ActiveX Bugfixes and related VCL/FMX bugfixes that
have been integrated in this version listed at:
- Now IExport interface includes CopyToClipboardJPEG and CopyToClipboardPNG.
- SeriesAnimation tool now exported to SVG, an example:
Dim FileName As String
Private Sub Form_Load()
FileName = "d:\svgimage.svg"
With TChart1
.Aspect.View3D = False
.Panel.Gradient.Visible = False
.Panel.Color = vbWhite
.Walls.Back.Gradient.Visible = False
.Walls.Back.Color = vbWhite
.Animations.Add tcSeriesAnimation
.Export.asSVG.SaveToFile FileName
.Environment.GoToURL FileName
End With
End Sub
31th January 2022
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2022
v2022.0.1.31 Release
- Breaking change : Due to a new conflict with
IMapPolygon.GetPoints method oce a new Microsoft
Visual Studio VC.NET project is created that uses
the TeeChart ActiveX component, we've had to
change the IMapPolygon.GetPoints method by
IMapPolygon.GetPixelPoints method.
- ActiveX Bugfixes and related VCL/FMX bugfixes that
have been integrated in this version listed at:
10th February 2021
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2021
v2021.0.2.10 Release
- New Violin and HorizViolin Series style.
- Mew BeeSwarm and HorizBeeSwarm Series style.
- New KDE Function.
- New Lagrange Function.
- ActiveX Bugfixes and related VCL/FMX bugfixes that
have been integrated in this version listed at:
30th November 2020
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2020
v2020.0.11.30 Release
- Bug #2071 - Fixed, now one can change the size
throught the editor and all is working fine, on AX.
- ActiveX Bugfixes and related VCL/FMX bugfixes that
have been integrated in this version listed at:
20th April 2020
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2020
v2020.0.4.20 Release
- Bug/Wish 2208 - Added new ISeries properties :
- Bug 2118 fixed :
TChart1.Series(0).asPolarGrid.Palette.UsePalette = True
- Bug 2180 - ILegend.NumRows and ILegend.NumCols properties
have been implemented.
- Bug 2235 - Now LightTool DrawStyle can be set via code.
Property added.
- Bug 2208 - The activity gauge series doesn't work in VB6,
adding series at designtime.
- Other bug fixes related with VCL version :
23th July 2019
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2019
v2019.0.7.23 Release
- New ISeriesColorPalette interface to support
25th April 2019
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2019
v2019.0.4.25 Release
This maintenance release includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
- Added new IClockGaugeSeries (scClockGauge) interface, and
its properties and methods. IClockSeries (scClock) is
2st Oct 2018
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018
v2018.0.10.2 Release
This maintenance release includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
- Changes in version number.
- Added new property which allows to export to new Excel
format (xlsx) at runtime.
1st Oct 2018
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018
v2018.0.10.1 Release
This maintenance release includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
27th Aug 2018
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018
v2018.0.8.10 Release
This maintenance release includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
16th March 2018
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018
v2018.0.3.16 Release
1) There was a problem registering the ocx library
that does not allow to select components at the
component list, now fixed.
"Note" : Please, if you've installed the
TeeChart v2018.0.2.9 previously, unregister it
before to install the v.2018.0.3.16.
This maintenance release also includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
9th Feb 2018
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018
v2018.0.2.9 Release
This maintenance release also includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
More bugfixes/changes
1) [No bug id]. Speed improvements to FastLine AddRealtime
method. See VB FastLine demo.
2nd Mar 2017
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2017
v2017.0.0.0 Release
1) Using asCircularFrame interface crashes. Now fixed.
2) Added new ShapeVisible property for ITeeCustomShape
This maintenance release also includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
20th Jun 2016
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2016
v2016.0.0.2 Release
1) VBScript support changed for the latest IE versions.
Added lines to support VBScript calls on html cab
2) TeeSmall.ocx crashes due to the use for Animation
which is not supported for "small" compilation.
3) About box shows version as v2016.0.0.0, it should be
v2016.0.0.1. Now changed to actual v2016.0.0.2.
4) About box shows "Unregistered" although the version is
already registered. Fixed.
This maintenance release also includes all ActiveX bugs
that are related with VCL fixed bugs found here :
20th May 2016
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2016
v2016.0.0.1 Release
1) All codesigning certificates have been updated to SHA256.
2) Bug 1536
The Chart popup menus aren’t translated to Japanese.
The same occurs for other Unicode Languages. Fixed.
4th May 2016
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2016
v2016.0.0.0 Release
New Features:
1) Third legend column support
Support for a third legend column accompanied by a new
TextStyle value: ltsXAndValueAndText.
This shows each point X, Y, and Text label at legend.
2) New GDI+ canvas ITeeGDIPlus.Scale property :
Creates smoother looking charts. Default value is 1 and
can be changed at design and runtime through the Chart
editor 3D render dialog.
3) MarksTail. Feature renders Tail from Mark to data point.
4) MS Access demo updated to MS Office 2016.
1) ISubChartTool and IText3DTool properties and
methods did not work on JavaScript code, fixed.
2) Bug 1015 - Removing Panel Gradient and Back Wall
Gradient at design time doesn't take effect.
3) Improved label positioned when rotated labels.
4) TeeChart was incorrectly plotting Font size in
MS Access Reports. Fixed.
This maintenance also includes several bug fixes
already fixed into the TeeChart VCL version.
For a full list of all fixed bugs please visit :
24th Sep 2015
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2015
v2015.0.0.3 Release
New Features:
1) Bug 1198
Added a new Tag property (integer) for each
tools item.
1) Bug 1193
Added IDoubleHorizBar.LeftChart property which
allows to access to the left chart properties
and methods.
2) DoubleHorizBarSeries and PolarContourSeries
could not be added at runtime, now fixed.
3) Bug 777
Persistence of some designtime changes not
saving properly depending on what default
Theme is selected. Resolved for affected
4) Bug 1247
Designtime flickering of chart occurred for
VC++ projects in VSNET after 'edit control'
option selected. Fixed. Note. Please use
the Chart Editor from the 'Property Pages'
5) Bug 1237
The AxisScrollBar Tool is not accesible via
code, now added support.
6) Bug 1220
Calling AddRealTime from the timer, the
Series are now drawn. Fixed.
7) Bug 461
Video Player doesn't play a created avi file.
8) Setting a Legend TextStyle property gives
an error, now fixed.
9) Setting a Legend TextFormat property gives
an error, now fixed.
10) Bug 1195
Fixed some problems into the TeeMaps demo.
11) Bug 1250
Using ISelectorTool properties gives the
"Not implemented" message and the property
does not take effect, now fixed.
12) Bug 99
Emboss is not available for series marks font
in VC++. Fixed.
13) OVBFunction did not work fine at designtime
and runtime, now fixed.
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2015
Copyright (c) 1997-2015
by Steema Software SL
All Rights Reserved.
email: [email protected]
support forums: http://support.steema.com
18th May 2015
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2015
v2015.0.0.2 Release
1) An error appears trying to load the the TeeChart
ActiveX Components to the VB6 component palette,
now fixed.
29th April 2015
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2015
v2015.0.0.1 Release
New Features:
1) New property. ITeeGDIPlus.GDIShutdown.
Advanced use only. Permits pre-termination and
unloading drivers of TeeChart GDIPlus rendering
option. Use the Active property when requiring to
simply enable/disable GDIPlus.
1) Setting an IOrgShape.Format gives an error,
now fixed.
2) Setting properties for Pie and Donut series, like
SliceHeight gives an error, now fixed.
3) Several examples demo bugs have been fixed.
4) This maintenance release includes a new chm file
help version.
5) Runtime Editor help source has been updated.
6) [No bug ID]
TeeChart's GDIPlus not closing cleanly on some
Japanese Windows installations. Fixed.
7) StrongNamed dlls has been updated as the
interop.TeeChart.dll could not be registered
due to the signkey.
31st March 2015
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2015
v2015.0.0.0 Release
New Features:
1) New property. Printer.FixedFontPPI permits
Font PixelsPerInch override when printing.
1) [B1122]
Exporting when TeeChart rendering in GDI
resulted in memory error when closing Chart or
recallin GDIPlus mode. Fixed.
2) [B1154]
Fonts weren't sizing correctly when printing
GDIPlus rendered Charts. Fixed.
3) [960]
Series Marks cannot be rotated at runtime by using
the following code :
TChart1.Series(0).Marks.Angle = 45
4) [212]
The JoinPen visible property of BarJoin, never is
setting to false. Fixed.
5) [837]
StartLine and EndLine in IColorBandTool are disabled
by default. This makes the Annotations on them not
to be visible even if you set a text for them.
Now are visible by default.
3th February 2015
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2014
v2014.0.0.3 Release
1) [B588]
IScrollPagerTool implemented.
2) IRepaintMonitor tool crashes once you use the
items property at ITools interface, now fixed.
3) IArrowTool could not be added via code, now
4) IScrollPagerTool could not be added via code,
now fixed.
5) ChartLink property was not working correctly
in x64 Windows due to change of integer spec.
New properties added (eg. ChartLinkx64) to
offer correct connectivity. ChartLinkx64 uses
variant type and also supports x86.
6) Modifications to instantiation code to better
support later and x64 versions of MSOffice.
7) SubChart tool's Chart now correctly
accessible via code for later versions of
Visual Studio.
20th November 2014
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2014
v2014.0.0.2 Release
New Features:
For a full list of new functionality and properties
implemented please visit :
1) Polar, Radar and WindRose Series
New property ColorEachLine boolean property (default True).
When ColorEachPoint is True, ColorEachLine determines if lines connecting points will be also colored
segment by segment.
TChart1.Series(0).ColorEachPoint = True
TChart1.Series(0).asPolar.ColorEachLine = True
2) All CLSIDs have been updated by new ones.
3) Notice, as all the CLSIDs has been updated for a new ones, this version is considered as a new major
version, meaning that some registry consideration has to be taken, since the TeeChart Pro v2014.0.0.1
the TeeChart components have been registered using 9 number version on registry, so to use specific
component you had to use for example "TeeChart.Chart.9", now the number version has been changed to "10",
having to use "TeeChart.Chart.10".
1) TextAlignment and other related Text properties was not available due to the last v2014 changes,
now the properties are available again. For example :
With TChart1
.Footer.TextAlignment = taLeftJustify
.SubFooter.TextAlignment = taLeftJustify
End With
17th June 2014
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2014
v2014.0.0.1 Release
New Features:
For a full list of new functionality and properties
implemented please visit :
1) AskDelete property at IChartEditorOptions
which allows to specify if user have to
be asked before to remove a Series.
2) EditData property at IChartEditorOptions
which allows to specify if grid at
Data tab is readonly of not.
3) New Position property (Start, Center, End),
default = Center.
By default axis titles are positioned to the
middle of the axis.
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Title.Position = tpStart
4) Chart Legend :
Important change: The Legend Symbol Squared property
is now TRUE by default. It was FALSE before. The
reason is cosmetic. Squared symbols look better in
more situations and different series styles,
than non-squared.
Chart1.Legend.Symbol.Squared = False
Series Transparency property is now used to display
Legend Symbols, in order to improve matching the
series format with the legend.
New Height and HeightUnits properties for Legend Symbol.
The vertical size of Symbols in Chart Legend can now be
specified in pixels or as a percentage of available space
(that depends on the size of the Legend Font).
5) Chart SeriesList :
New OnSeriesClicked method, returns the Series and the series
ValueIndex'th point that is under the XY pixel parameters:
ASeriesIndex = TChart1.SeriesList.Clicked( x,y, ValueIndex )
Returns “-1" if no point of any series contains XY.
One example of use is at MarksTip tool, this tool calls
SeriesList Clicked method to obtain which series is under
the mouse cursor.
6) New Filled property (boolean, default False)
for ContourSeries.
This property is equivalent to setting Brush.Style
= bsSolid, but more convenient and easy to remember.
TChart1.Series(0).asCountour.Filled = True
7) Bar and HorizBar Series
Improved detection in mouse xy Clicked method for 3D Bar cubes
and diamond styles. The algorithm now includes the bar cube
sides in 3D view (orthogonal and perspective).
8) Series Marks
New marks style “smsLabelOrValue”. This is now the default Style.
If Series point label text is empty, uses point value instead.
TChart1.Series(0).Marks.Style = smsLabelOrValue
New Automatic property (of type TAutomaticMarks)
Note: This property is not yet handled by all series styles. So far
it is used by Map and World series.
The intention of “Automatic” is to perform several attempts to avoid
series marks overlap other marks or other parts of the chart. It is
True by default in all subproperties.
Note: The existing AutoPosition property is now deprecated and mapped
to the Automatic.Move property.
Marks will be first repositioned to avoid overlapping. Its after auto
positioning when Automatic.Hide takes place if the mark still can't be
appropiately displayed.
Automatic.Resize means the series will try to reduce the mark font size
to fit the mark inside the available space, before deciding to hide the
mark completely.
Automatic.Wrap means to split the mark text into several lines of text,
to try to fit the mark.
Automatic.Rotate means to rotate 45 or 90 degrees the mark, as it can be
sometimes more convenient to fit more marks.
9) Custom Series
New InflateMargins boolean property (default True).
When False, Line or Area series will not try to expand the axes to
accommodate for the border size. This is more noticeable when the
TChart1.Series(0).asLine.Pen.Width is bigger than 2.
10)Series Pointer
New Pointer Arrow style (psArrow enum type):
TChart1.Series(0).Pointer.Style = psArrow
New Picture property (of type TTeePicture) to display an image at
New public properties:
SizeFloat (Single)
SizeUnits (suPixels or suAxis)
SizeFloat allows specifying pointer size with more precision (with decimals),
while SizeUnits lets calculate pointer size using axes scales instead of screen
This means, when “suAxis”, zooming a chart will also display zoomed pointers.
This feature is primarily used internally by TMapSeries.
Improved display of less-than-360 degree Circular gauge Frame border.
Smooth painting of range color lines (with more precision and antialias).
New Hands collection property for Circular Gauge. More than one “Hand” can now
be displayed. Each hand has its own formatting and Value.
The previous “Hand” property is still supported, but now refers to Hands[0] item.
New Circular gauge Hand style: psArrow (draws an arrow head at Hand end position).
TChart.Series(0).asCircularGauge.Hand.Style = psArrow
New Ranges[] collection property for Linear, Knob and Circular gauges, allows more
than two colored segments inside the gauges. Existing “GreenLine” and “RedLine”
properties are still supported, but they now refer to Range[0] and Range[1].
Each Range now supports displaying normal or “spiralled” segments. Each Range now
includes a new Position property (% radius from gauge center), and StartValue and
EndValue properties to define the Range boundaries.
New AxisRanges[] collection property, allows drawing Axes in range segments.
Each “range” segment has Format properties.
Automatic calculation of gauge axis Increment (the step between gauge axis labels),
to avoid overlapping labels. Same as with normal charts, automatic Increment when its
Circular Gauge axis labels are now displayed using the Axis DrawAxisLabel method
instead of a simple Canvas Texout. This allows supporting all Axis.Texts formatting
properties, like background, shadow, etc.
Gauge editor dialogs have been modified to support editing (and adding, deleting)
multiple Ranges and Hands items at design-time and runtime.
CircularGauge Marks now supported.
Gauge Hand value can be displayed using the default Marks property, located below the
gauge center.
TChart1.Series(0).asCircularGauge.Marks.Visible := True
Improved support for semi-transparent (alpha) PNG images, for both GDI and GDI+ canvases.
Transparent PNG pictures are now correctly blended with the background
(note: TChart1.BufferedDisplay property must be True).
This applies to both Canvas Draw and StretchDraw methods.
New CubeHull method returns the polygon that encloses a 3D cube. It is used by CustomBar
series (to detect mouse clicks on 3D bars with the Clicked method), and Canvas ClipCube
method to limit drawing outside the 3D “cube” delimited by axes.
New internal IsAvailable boolean class virtual function.
GDI+ canvas overrides this function, see Other Changes below.
GDI+ canvas now correctly displays flat shadows when any object's Shadow.Smooth property
is False.
TChart1.Legend.Shadow.Smooth = False
OpenGL canvas improved display of Pen Transparency. And better Zoom matching when switching
from a non-opengl canvas.
13)WorldMap Series
World and Map series “Layers”.
“Layers” concept for Maps can be easily implemented by using additional series. Each Layer
being a different Series, with its own properties, and painted one after the other over the
same chart.
Also, more than one Map or World series can be used and combined in the same chart.
With this new release, Map Layers get more useful as there are new methods to handle GIS file
formats like Google's Earth KML with placemarks, and ShapeFile files containing polylines (roads, etc).
World Country names have been augmented with country ISO 2-letter codes (ie: Canada=CA) Series Marks
can now display country names, codes, or both.
China, France, Japan county maps are now included. One polygon is used for each county / province.
New TeeFlags.res resource, contains all country flags pictures as small gifs. These flags can be used
in World series to display them inside each country polygon, and also at chart grid when visualizating
country data.
To enable showing flags, a new property is introduced:
TChart1.Series(0).Flags.Visible = True
17) Map Series
New IMapPolygon Code (string) property. This is an alternative string to Text property, and can be used
when displaying Series Marks inside the polygon.
New TTeePolygon Centroid function (returns TPoint). Centroid returns the XY point inside the polygon that
is best equidistant to all polygon points. This is different than the middle XY position of the polygon
bounding rectangle.
Centroid position is used when displaying text Marks inside the polygon.
New IMapPolygon Picture property (of type IBackImage). Allows filling the polygon interior using an image.
New ITeePolygonGroup class, allows creating logical groups of polygons (shapes) to change properties of all
items with a single group property. Groups are used for example by World series to keep together continent
countries or country states or provinces.
New Shapes.ByCode array property, returns shape that has a given Code:
tmp = TChart1.Series(0).asWorld.Shapes.ByCode['CA'] ; // Returns shape that corresponds to “Canada”
New MapMarks property. Contains properties to customize displaying series text marks inside polygons:
TChart1.Series(0).asWorld.MapMarks.AutoSize = False
AutoSize (boolean default True), fits text inside polygon by changing font size.
Centroid (boolean default True), positions text at polygon centroid instead of center of polygon rectangle bounds.
TextStyle (mtLabel, mtCode, mtBoth) choose which polygon text to display.
Uppercase (boolean default False), when True, show mark text in uppercase.
New Pointer property (TSeriesPointer) and PointSize (Single).
These properties enable Map series to display items as simple “pointer” shapes instead of polygons. It is useful
for example to display thousands of dots over a World map, being each dot an Airport or a City or whatever.
When Point size is zero (the default), size is automatically changed when zooming the map.
TChart.Series(0).asWorld.Pointer.Style = psCircle
Several optimizations in Map series intended to improve the painting speed when zooming or scrolling maps. Best
speed is achieved when using an OpenGL canvas.
18) 3D / Palette Series
Added CountLegendItems function.
Added LoadPaletteFromFile method.
Added SavePaletteToFile method.
Color palette for 3D series can now display custom Text at Legend (runtime only):
The Legend TextStyle property is used like in all other series styles to determine when to use this palette text:
TChart1.Legend.TextStyle = ltsLeftValue
19) Tower 3D Series
New Stacked property.
Like in TeeChart for .Net, multiple Tower series can now be displayed as stacked (one on top of another).
TChart1.Series(0).Stacked = tsStacked
20) Chart Tools
MarksTip tool new property SystemHints (boolean default True).
When False, a normal ITeeShape object is used to paint the tiptool instead of using the VCL system
TChart1.Tools.Items(0).asMarksTip.SystemHints = False
TChart1.Tools.Items(0).asMarksTip.Format.Font.Size = 24
TChart1.Tools.Items(0).asMarksTip.Format.Font.Color = vbBlue
The only disadvantadge compared to system hints is the shape cannot be displayed outside the chart bounds.
When SystemHints is False, the new Format property (of type ITeeShape) contains all the formatting properties
(Brush, Pen, Font, etc) to display the hint.
21) TBackImage
New property DrawQuality : EStretchDrawQuality (default value: sqHigh):
TChart1.Panel.BackImage.DrawQuality = sqLow
22) TSeriesMarks
New property UseSeriesTransparency : Boolean (default True)
When False, series marks will be painted using their own transparency, without accumulating the marks series
transparency, if any.
TChart1.Series(0).Marks.UseSeriesTransparency = False
23) All Series
New ISeries.Legend property of type ITextShape.
This new property includes a Picture property to display an image or icon for each series at the Chart Legend
Thanks to this new property, the existing ISeries.ShowInLegend is now equivalent to ISeries.Legend.Visible,
and ISeries.LegendTitle is the same as ISeries.Legend.Text.
24) IImagePoint and IDeltaPoint
Improved painting of legend symbols, these series now show the corresponding image for each point at the legend.
25) ColorGrid, Surface, TriSurface Series
Speed improvements, caching calculated values to avoid repeating and spending time at each repaint (like when
doing zoom and scroll).
Adding or modifying series point values empties the cache so it will be recalculated at the next repaint.
26) Bar and HorizBar Series
Cylinders are now painted filling them with gradients, instead of drawing “sides”.
The output is of much better quality (and speed), although currently there is no rotation of gradients when the
chart is rotated with 3D perspective.
The ConePercent property (from 0 to 100, default 0) is now published (it was public).
27) Contour Series
Null values (in grid cell data) are now supported. Contour levels will not use null data.
TChart1.Series(0).SetNull( 23 ) ' ? point index 23 is now null
28) Polar Contour Series
New series style to display contour lines from XYZ data using Polar (Angle and Radius) coordinates.
This series is derived from Polar series class (to draw circular background, axes, etc), and includes a Contour
series internal field (to calculate the contouring lines, customize contour levels, etc).
“X” indexes are converted to angles (from 0 to 360 degree). For example if the 3D grid has NumXValues = 10, then every angle interval will be 36.
“Z” indexes determine the radius, and the “Y” values are used to calculate the level lines.
Data can be manually added using the Series1.AddXYZ or AddNullXZ methods.
Typical settings for geographical data are to set 90 degree at top (North), and drawing labels clockwise (270 = West, 90 = East).
29) SeriesStats Tool
New method to remove (destroy) all series that have been created using the Series Stats tool editor dialog:
New button at Series Stats dialog editor that allows removing (destroying) all series added using it
Added the Kurtosis:Double; function.
Added the Mean:Double; function.
Added the Skewness:Double; function.
Added the StdDeviation:Double; function.
30) TLegendPalette tool
New Title, SubTitle, Foot and SubFoot properties are now persisted at design-time and can be accessed also
by code:
TChart1.Tools.Items(0).asLegendPalette.Title.Caption = "Speed"
31) FastLine Series
New experimental code to draw multiple fast-line series in parallel using more than one CPU (see below for
complete info).
32) DragPoint tool
Implemented point dragging support for Polar (and Radar, WindRose) series.
Just add a DragPoint tool and set its Series property to a Polar or derived series.
New OnDragPointToolEndDrag event, called when the mouse button is released after a dragging operation.
33) TeeEditor
New option to disable manually editing at the “Data” tab of Chart Editor dialog (the TeeChartGrid control).
TeeEditor1.Options.EditData = False
Removed: Help button at chart editor.
The help file is currently obsolete and in *.hlp format, not generally supported in Windows Vista and later.
Available documentation and tutorials can be found at http://wiki.teechart.net
34) ICustom3DGridSeries
Speed improvement for all 3D grid series (ColorGrid, Surface, etc) by replacing a loop with a binary-search
algorithm in GetSurfacePaletteColor method which is used to calculate the appropiate color of a given “Y”
value using the Palette array.
Typical gains are about 30% faster for big series (for example a ColorGrid of 1000x1000 cells).
35) ILineSeries, IPolarSeries
New PointerBehind boolean property (default is False).
This applies to all series derived from Line and Polar that have a Pointer property. When PointerBehind is True,
pointers will be displayed behind the line (in 2D mode only).
Also the line draw style should be set to “dsAll” (to draw first all pointers and then a line using all points,
instead of one-point, one-line “dsSegments”)
TChart1.Series(0).asLine.DrawStyle = dsAll
TChart1.Series(0).asLine.PointerBehind = True
36) ILegend
New property DrawBehind (boolean, default False).
DrawBehind determines if the legend has to be painted below (behind) or on top of Chart.
This is useful when ResizeChart is False, to make the legend “float” over the chart.
TChart1.Legend.DrawBehind = True
Other changes
More colors added to AndroidPalette (Android Theme), from 9 to 14.
Chart Titles and Footers delayed creation (to increase speed when creating new charts)
TeeListBox control now correctly detects changes to TChart.Legend.CheckBoxes property to display a checkbox or
a radioitem for each series in the list.
ImagePoint series now reuses the new Pointer.Picture property instead of creating an additional internal one.
New icons for Series styles, with a more “modern” design.
Protection against exceptions when using the GDI+ canvas from inside a dll.
If the GDIPLUS.dll is not initialized by the caller executable, TeeChart GDI+ canvas now will detect this problem
and will use the old GDI canvas, instead of raising an exception.
See this blog page for more information.
This protection is also done at Chart Gallery panel control, used by many editor dialogs.
The new GDI+ Canvas IsAvailable boolean function returns False when GDI+ cannot be used in the current environment
(ie: inside a dll when the exe caller has not initialized GDI+).
Picture file size is now displayed at Image editor dialog.
1) The mouse zoom function draw the box not in
correct position. The box is drawn outside
the window. Fixed.
Visit the online TeeChart Bugs database for a live list of fixed issues and feature requests:
A long list of fixes have been made for this new release, including:
Fixed access violation in Arrow series Clicked method for very small arrows.
TChart1.ClearChart method now correctly calls the Create constructor for your custom TChart derived classes.
Setting the Legend.TextSymbolGap property now correctly repaints the chart.
Several fixes to avoid “Control has no Parent” exceptions when using Charts without displaying them on screen.
Pie series ExplodedSlice is now only used when there are at least 2 slices in the Pie.
Language translations fixed issue.
9th April 2014
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2014
v2014.0.0.0 Release
New Features:
For a full list of new functionality and properties
implemented please visit :
20th November 2013
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2013
v2013.0.1.4 Release
1) Application process is not terminated due to
the GDI+ Shutdown. Now fixed.
2) HTML page scripted demos behaved differently
under IE9 and IE10. Now resolved.
3) [TA05012954]
New property IEnvironment.MouseWheelToParent,
by default to True, which tells the Chart
object if allows to pass through the
parent DoMouseWheel event. This is related
to a enhacement hwne AutoScroll form property
is set to True.
4) Demo Features fixes.
25th October 2013
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2013
v2013.0.1.3 Release
1) Problems with relaible repaint using the
Chart Draw method. Resolved.
2) [TA05016666]
TeePreviewPanel OnAfterDraw and OnChangeMargins
events disappeared, now fixed!
New Features:
1) Added new Transparent property for
IMapPolygon which allows to set transparent
a specific map polygon.
2) New Points property for IMapPolygon. It returns
a IChartSeries object allowing to work with its
properties and methods.
i.e: TChart1.Series(0).asWorld.Shapes.
Polygon(PolygonIndex).Points.Delete (PointIndex)
3) New IPolygonSeries interface which allows to
access to the specific Polygon Series (TChartSeries)
properties and methods through the Points property
of the IMapSeries.
i.e: TChart1.Series(0).asWorld.Shapes.Polygon
(PolygonIndex).Points.Polygon.Gradient.Visible = True
4) Added the INearestTool.Distance property to
specify a distance between the mouve and point.
5) [TA05016589]
Added the INearesTool.Hint property that allows
to get or set a Hint to be displayed once the
newarestpoint tool fires.
6) [TA05016589]
New INearesTool.HintStyle property which allows to
specify a style to show the Hint.
7) [TA05016659]
Added ClickTolerance property for ICustomSeries
(Line,FastLine, Area,...)
7th June 2013
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2013
v2013.0.1.2 Release
1) CrossTabSource Editor does not appear if we
choose it as a DataSource for Series, now
2) Unicode languages are not displayed correctly,
now fixed.
3) The teechart palette component still labeled
as 2012, changed to 2013.
7th June 2013
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2013
v2013.0.1.1 Release
1) CrossTabSource Editor does not appear if we
choose it as a DataSource for Series, now
2) Unicode languages are not displayed correctly,
now fixed.
3) The teechart palette component still labeled
as 2012, changed to 2013.
17th May 2013
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2013
v2013.0.1.0 Release
1) [TA05016396]
VC++ examples that uses OpenGL mode launch
assertions (used for debug compilations)
once OpenGL is activated, now these don't
2) New TLegendItem Font property for custom
items. Now you're able to do :
With TChart1
.AddSeries scBar
.AddSeries scBar
.Series(0).FillSampleValues (3)
.Series(1).FillSampleValues (3)
.Legend.LegendStyle = lsAuto
.Legend.Items.Items(0).Text = "item1"
.Legend.Items.Items(0).Font.Name = "Verdana"
.Legend.Items.Items(1).Text = "item2"
.Legend.Items.Items(1).Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
End With
3) asAxisBreaksTool does not work fine in some
IDEs, now fixed.
4) [TV52015903]
Shadow in IPieSeries didn't plot correctly.
5) [TV52016400 and TV52016403]
Removing an AntiAlias tool with the chart
editor produced an Access Violation error.
6) [NO BUG ID]
Fixed resource leak when creating / saving
more than 2500 JPEGs.
7) [TV52016180]
Pie series not rendering correctly in
GDI+ when Rotation<>0. Fixed.
8) [TV52016371]
"Close" button in chart editor not visible
after visiting "Export" tab. Fixed.
9) [TV52016177]
"Grid index out of range" error when adding a
Custom Legend tool at design time. Fixed.
10) [TV52016237 and TV52016487]
Pointer Brush Style and Pointer Brush Color
don't work fine. Fixed.
11) [TV52016525]
Scrolling with the MouseWheel doesn't save
the state of the axes. Fixed.
12) [TV52016531]
IAxisBreaksTool was not displaying axis labels
13) [TV52015791]
Clicked function for IAreaSeries with Stairs
doesn't work well. Fixed.
14) [TV52016179]
Standard Deviation not working under
some circumstances. Fixed.
15) The Update and UpdateVSNET utilities was
looking for teechart2010.ocx file, now changed
to 2012.
16) [TA05015877]
TeeChartAXV2012Demo Fixes.
17) [TA05016497]
Chart.Environment.MouseWheelScroll doesn't take
effect, you can continue scrolling, now fixed.
As a workaround TChart1.Panning.MouseWheel = pmwNone
could have been used.
18) [NO BUG ID]
Chart.Panning interface gives errors using
some properties, now fixed.
19) [TA05016297]
In TeeMapsDemo, clicking an area between the Left
axis the Hand style, and immediatly appears an Acces
Violation Error. Fixed.
New Features:
1) [TV52014335]
New Series.Marks.Style: smsLabelPercentValue
which includes: Label, Percent, and Value.
2) ICircledSeries Circled property default value
changed, from False to True. (Pie,Donut,etc)
3) New IPieSeries.PieMarks.InsideSlice boolean
property (default False).
4) New ITChart.Themes property which accesses
to the IThemesList methods and properties.
5) New IThemesList.ApplyFromChart
methods to use any
TeeChart or *.tee file as a theme for other
6) New Metro and iOS palettes applicable via
7) New .AsATR function property which allows to
use specific properties and methods for ATR
8) [TA05016566]
Now the PolarGrid tabs available in the editor,
like in VCL version.
9) [TA05012954]
Vertically scroll the chart with the mouse wheel
when you have AutoScroll property to true, always
first scroll the window and then the Chart, it
should only scroll the Chart if focus is set to
the Chart. This behavious has been changed.
10) [TA05016565]
Isn't possible customize the axes of
LegendPaletteTool at runtime. Now Chart property
has been added for the Tool which allow to access
to all the chart properties.
11) GDI+ rendering has been improved and activated as
the default designtime rendering scheme. If you
wish to display charts as GDI you may change the
rendering option in the Chart Editor via the
3D::Rendering tab. The runtime property under the
Aspect.GDIPlus interface may be used for dynamic
runtime switching.
25th September 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2012
v2012.0.0.9 Release
1) [TA05016244]
The images of sample,CompareOutput.asp,
isn't displayed properly in windows XP.Fixed.
2) [TA05016258]
Some applications cycling new TChart instances
were reporting "DAX Error: Error creating windows
class" after several tens of thousands of cycles.
This was not the case for all Windows versions or
application scenarios but was known to affect some
applications on Windows 2008. Now fixed.
3) [TV52016235]
"Access denied" message on image exportation
preview in some IDEs. Fixed.
4) [TV52016247]
Zooming and panning not working when not
having the "normal" ITeeCommander button.
5) [TV52016296]
Some buttons in the export editor overlapped
when resizing it. Fixed.
6) [TV52016309]
Circled property broken for ICircledSeries.
7) [TV52016335]
Clicked function for IPoint3DSeries doesn't
work well in non-orthogonal charts. Fixed.
New Features
1) []
New GradientCell property for IChartGrid
2) []
New OnDragPointToolStartDrag event for
the DragPoint Tool.
3) [TA05016069]
New method CreateSeriesChangeGallery shows a
Gallery for selected Series, offering
options for type change.
11th July 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2012
v2012.0.0.8 Release
1) [No bug id]
Double-byte languages were not displaying
correctly in v2012.0.0.7 Editors. Fixed.
New Features
1) [TV52016040]
New LineTransparency property for the
IPoint3DSeries LinePen.
4th July 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2012
v2012.0.0.7 Release
1) [TA05015162]
TeeChart's Modal Editors could fall behind the
application form if selected directly from the
taskbar. Fixed. Some Editors will required the
ChartLink to be passed as argument if they are
to remain on top. One Editor currently excluded
from the modifications is the font dialogue
editor that has presented some unique challenges.
2) [TA05015851]
All Features -> Chart Styles -> Statistical
-> Error
Throw a Run-time error "Run-time error '438':
Object doesn't support this property or method"
size of error series doesn't change.
3) [TA05015854]
Changing Bar style of Bar3D series to Cylinder,
it's displayed as Rectangle. Fixed.
4) [TA05015846]
Example Organizational of Demo isn't displayed.
5) [TV52015167]
EditorBrush buttons did not always give expected
results when applied to Area and LineSeries.
6) [TA05015887]
Some TeeNew demo files was not included into
the installer (BigCandleForm.frm for example),
now fixed.
7) [TA05015888]
Trying to open form SeriesType_Treemap of TeeNew
demo project error appears, now fixed.
8) [TA05015882]
RightWallForm demo scroll does not work, now
9) [TA05015840]
Custom Levels of Contour Series example, seems
there is a problem when it is drawn in the panel.
10) [TA05015233]
Loader Lock exception when ending the execution of
a Visual Studio application with a Chart.
11) [TA05015863]
Inertia and Cursor example demo does not allow to
change the cursor. Fixed.
12) [TA05015871]
When you use the demo project All Features ->
Tools -> Video Creator and you click the "Start
recording .." button, a runtime error occurs.
13) [TA05015909]
The "Import from file" demo doesn't load the
*.tee file correctly at runtime. Fixed.
14) [TA05013550]
The Preview tab of the Themes tab in Editor does
not display the Series into the Chart. Fixed.
15) [TA05013302]
ChartEditorPanelFormForm Demo included into
TeeNew features demo does now work fine,
Tree of editor is not displayed, now fixed.
16) [TA05015852]
In upper two gauges, apparently annotation texts
aren't aligned properly so that they are overlayed
at left side and if you compare it to the same example
there is in VCL demo you can find there is different
visible results using same code.
Demo :All Features -> Chart styles -> Gauges ->
LED and LinearGauges.
17) ErrorPoint3D Series cannot be added at runtime via
code, fixed.
18) [TA05015883]
Image Brush of Demo project sample All Features
->Micellaneous->Back Wall->Brush image doesn't
appear. Fixed.
19) [TA05015864]
In demo All Features->Tools->Draw Line appears
a button shouldn't be in the example project.
20) [No Issue id.]
Transparency was not functioning correctly for the
Gridband Tool when rendered as GDI+. Fixed.
New Features
1) [TA05012682]
Added new Horizontal property for IAxis
interface, which allows to check if specific
axis is Horizontar or not.
2) [TA05012682]
Added new Items property for IAxis
interface, which returns specific axis
properties and methods.
3) [TA05015670]
Added the ITeeFunction.ClassType property which
allows to check which function type is
assigned to a specific Chart Series.
4) [TA05015908]
New IPieAngle and Angles property for IPieSeries
which allows to get Start, Mid and End values
of the angle list.
5) [TA05014654]
ICandleSeries now allows to set specific Label
and Color using the AddCandle method (both
parameters are opcional).
6) [TA05015738]
New Series clone method CloneSeriesFromChart allows
Series to be cloned from different Charts.
7) [TA05012743]
New Tool clone method CloneToolFromChart allows
Tools to be cloned from different Charts. Note,
source Axes or Series must be re-established.
8) [TA05015641]
All walls now have the Shadow property available
at runtime.
9) [TA05015923]
IPointFigureSeries now includes Pointer property
and all properties and methods inherited from
ICustomSeries interface.
10) New EquiVolume Financial Series. Series plots
market volume and trade movements on a non-linear
Axis scale.
11) New export format to Javascript for the HTML5
Canvas. The current implementation defaults to
use Steema's online .js source at:
The Javascript export format supports a limited
chart featureset to create active charts for most
browser types. Javascript Export currently supports
the following Series types only:
- Line
- Area
- Bar
- HorizLine
- HorizArea
- HorizBar
- Pie
- Bubble
- Donut
- Candle
Please see the Steema Javascript pages for more
details of use, examples and documentation:
12) [TA05015158]
The following dialogues now have boolean return
values for OK/Cancel:
13) New GotoURL method at IEnvironment interface
which allows to open spefific url at runtime.
18th June 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2012
v2012.0.0.6 Release
x86/x64 version interim update release
1) [TV52016064]
Zoom Rectangle drawn incorrectly when
tzdHorizontal or tzdVertical directions
are used. Fixed.
2) [TV52015427] & [TV52015964]
Part 2 bugfix for this issue, resolving line
width plot issues when iAntiAlias Tool active
in Chart.
3) [TV52015862]
Fix for iCursorTool in GDI+. It wasn't
rendering correctly in previous versions. Now
4) [TV52015898]
FastLineSeries errored when scrolling all data
off Chart. Fixed.
5) [TV52015865]
DonutSeries sidewalls painting incorrectly for
some value combinations. Improved for this
6) [TV52015521]
Affecting rendering in GDI+ only, Canvas
StretchDraw was not functioning correctly
causing the non-rendering of rotated graphics
(example images on Chart LeftWall or RightWall).
Now fixed.
7) [TV52015773]
The default palette could not be returned for
serialization once it had been changed to
another. Fixed.
8) [TV52015428]
Custom Axis Labels would not completely scroll
off the Axis when scrolled to so do. Fixed.
9) [TV52015747]
The ClearChart method was not correctly
updating the SeriesList counter. Fixed.
10) [TV52016086]
Candle series with same Open, Close and
High/Low values not being drawn as a
perfect "T" or inverted "T". Fixed.
11) [TV52015978]
The unique case of changing a Series colour to
a default one after changing the Chart palette
from a default machine palette with non zero
index to the zero index palette (TeeChart)
causes the new Series colour to be not
serialised correctly (overwritten by machine
palette default colour). Fixed.
12) [TV52016042]
Clicking on a chart with a iLegendPaletteTool
caused an exception. Fixed.
13) [TV52015654]
iHorizHistogramSeries not rendering
correctly in 3D. Fixed.
14) [TA05015119]
The RemoveSeries method failed to destroy the
Series instance correctly in some linked-series
scenarios. Fixed.
15) [No Issue ID]
Attempting to debug with MS VC++ provoked a
debug assertion. Fixed. Affects x86 & x64
New Features
1) TeeChart Pro 2012 constants fully
translated to Slovak.
4th April 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2012
v2012.0.0.1 Release
1) Exporting Chart to GIF via code the image differs from the
the one painted in Chart. Code of use :
TChart1.Export.asGIF.SaveToFile "c:\chart.gif"
2) DropDown menu that appears by rightclicking over the Chart
at designtime will appear tranlated to the language
specified. It will only works once the project is reloaded.
3) New security improvements applied.
4) [TA05016048]
The MarkTips tool doesn't work in v2011.0.0.5.
Now fixed.
5) [TV52015960]
CrossPoints function gives wrong points in
some cases. Fixed.
6) [TV52015939]
Null points broken for IFastLineSeries.
7) [TV52015992]
Filled IContourSeries not plotting
correctly when IrregularGrid=True.
8) [TV52015896]
Second and next IAreaSeries drawn incorrectly
in 64bits. Fixed.
9) [TV52016025]
MarkTools causes Access Violation error when
one of the stacked IAreaSeries is empty.
10) [TV52015944]
Use Origin checkbox was overlapping in
volume series editor. Fixed.
11) [TV52015959]
Chart Editor - Tab Panel - Tab Image:
Some image options were not shown. Fixed.
New features
1) Included new x64 version of TeeChart ActiveX Control.
2) TeeChart Pro 2012 constants fully
translated to Portuguese. Usage of
the Portuguese translation is
encouraged too for Brazilian users
as it complies with directives
included in the language
standardisation agreement made
between Portuguese speaking countries.
12th January 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2011
v2011.0.0.5 Release
1) Integer overflow security vulnerabilities resolution.
2) MS Access Chart positioning improvements for designtime.
3) [TA05010743]
Tag property (OleVariant) for ISeries interface was
removed accidentally, now fixed.
4) Some fixes in the included ASP examples.
5) TeeCommander OnEditedChart event was not available in
TeeChart 2011, now fixed.
6) [TV52015960]
CrossPoints function gives wrong points in
some cases. Fixed.
7) [TV52015939]
Null points broken for IFastLineSeries.
8) [TV52015992]
Filled IContourSeries not plotting
correctly when IrregularGrid=True.
2nd September 2011
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2011
v2011.0.0.4 Release
New Features
1) Custom color palette save and loading
functionality for Custom3D series.
2) TeeChart Pro 2011 constants fully
translated to Japanese and Korean.
3) Front and Back Errors for IErrorPoint3DSeries.
4) New "Mouse" and "Palette" subtabs at Chart
editor (General tab).
5) New tool: IClusteringTool
6) New IErrorPointSeries.
7) New IErrorPoint3DSeries.
8) [TA05015048]
New ITChart.ShowSeriesEditor method which
allows to show Series editor for specific
1) [TV52015540]
Clicked function returns the righ point
index while should return the left. Fixed.
2) [TV52015573]
TeeMouseCursor editor not fully translated.
3) [TV52015567]
New series ErrorPoint not translated
in the chart editor gallery. Fixed.
4) [TV52015565]
Cloning a IKnobGauge series threw an AV
exception. Fixed.
5) Global var TeeUseMouseWheel (Chart.pas)
moved to tChart1.Panning.MouseWheel property.
6) TChart: TabStop property
default now changed to: True.
7) [TV52015390]
DrawToMetaCanvas not working correctly.
8) [TV52015260]
Excel exported files failed to import
correctly in Japanese Excel 2010. Now
9) [TV52015444]
Series.Pen.Visible:=False didn't work
in 3D GDI+ charts. Fixed.
10) [TV52015423]
IIsoSurfaceSeries not calculating first
level correctly. Fixed.
11) [TV52015430]
Chart panel color not working. Fixed.
12) [TV52015409]
Series background turned black at the
editor gallery under some circumstances.
13) [TV52015426]
Changing an AngleValue in a Polar
series did not work. Fixed.
14) [TV52015433]
Rotating pie and donut series crashed
for certain rotation/elevation angles.
15) [TV52015462]
Wrong line colors in IPolarSeries when
ColorEachPoint=True. Fixed.
64) [TV52015411]
Area Series not correctly responding
to Gradient render codelines. Fixed.
17) [TV52015318]
IVideoPlayerTool non-functional. Fixed.
18) [TV52015427]
IAntiAliasTool not clipping series
points correclty. Fixed.
19) [TV52011753]
Series transparency and legend checkboxes
not working with TAntiAliasCanvas. Fixed.
20) Applied integer arg limitation to AddSeries,
Tools.Add and SetFunction methods.
21) [TA05011823]
Legend is not correctly resized using long
Series names and Legend Title. Fixed.
11th February 2011
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2010
v2010.0.0.3 Release
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2024
Copyright (c) 1997-2024 by Steema Software.
All Rights Reserved.
Support forum
Wishes and issues
Email: [email protected]
11th December 2024
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2024
v2024.0.12.11 Release
- Improvements in ChartListBox performance.
- Derived Series Editor not updating changes
instantly, now fixed.
- ActiveX Bugfixes and related VCL/FMX
25th June 2024
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2024
v2024.0.6.25 Release
- Bug #2720 Resize errors in Excel Form VBA
18th April 2024
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2024
v2024.0.4.18 Release
- ICustomTrendFunction Coefficient were not
added into the past maintenance, now it has
been added.
- Canvas StretchRotate method were not
added into the past maintenance, now it has
been added.
- All changes related to name changes for
version changes 2024.
16th November 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.11.16 Release
- New Slope Series.
ISlopeSeries sorts and paints several lines into
a single series. Vertical order of points is based
on their ranking at each horizontal coordinate.
- New Squarified Map Series
ISquarifiedMapSeries displays hierarchical data as
rectangles inside rectangles, trying to calculate
the rectangles the more squarified as possible,
proportional to their values, using the standard
- New Chart Layout tool
Provides a way to create a grid of charts inside a
chart. Derives from SubChart tool class and includes
Rows and Columns properties to configure the grid.
Cell sizes can be specified in pixels or as percentage
of total available space.
- New ISelfStack Percent boolean property (default False).
Used by Bar and Horizontal bar series to paint all bars
stacked as absolute values or as a percentage from 0%
to 100%.
BarSeries1.MultiBar := mbSelfStack;
BarSeries1.SelfStack.Percent := True;
New ITeePicture Angle property of type Single
(default zero 0).
Used by the new Canvas StretchRotate method to paint
rotated pictures everywhere.
ICustomTrendFunction Coefficient overload method with
no first and last parameters (it uses the Source series range).
ICustomTrendFunction ITrendFloat type (defaults to Double).
It can be changed to Extended (32bit) when more precision
is needed.
ICustomSeries base class has been refactored, deriving a
new class from it: TCustomStackSeries.
The new ISlopeSeries class derives directly from ICustomSeries,
while the existing ILineSeries, IPointSeries, IAreaSeries
etc now derive from ICustomStackSeries.
New ICustomLineSeries base class, now the ancestor class
of ICustomSeries and IFastLineSeries.
New ISeries FormatValue method, shortcut to:
FormatFloat(Series1.ValueFormat, Value)
and FormatPercent, shortcut to:
FormatFloat(Series1.PercentFormat, Value)
New SaveChartToString and LoadChartFromString methods, convert a Chart into textual representation (default text format dfm).
IMapSeries and IWorldSeries can now persist their data values both at design and runtime.
New ISubChartTool Clear method, removes all sub-charts
The default canvas class for TeeChart controls is now GDI+ instead of GDI.
20th March 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.3.20 Release
- Fix setting Axis for x64bits, added the
IAxis.SetAxisLinkx64 property.
23th February 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.2.23 Release
- Fix on installer. Was not possible to use
control in VB6.
4th February 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.2.4 Release
- Fixes related to the TeeChart202364.cab
generation. inf file was not correctly
used for 64bits version.
30th January 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.1.30 Release
- Fixes in version Name and other minor changes.
16th January 2023
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2023
v2023.0.1.16 Release
- ActiveX Bugfixes and related VCL/FMX bugfixes that
have been integrated in this version listed at:
- Now IExport interface includes CopyToClipboardJPEG and CopyToClipboardPNG.
- SeriesAnimation tool now exported to SVG, an example:
Dim FileName As String
Private Sub Form_Load()
FileName = "d:\svgimage.svg"
With TChart1
.Aspect.View3D = False
.Panel.Gradient.Visible = False
.Panel.Color = vbWhite
.Walls.Back.Gradient.Visible = False
.Walls.Back.Color = vbWhite
.Animations.Add tcSeriesAnimation
.Export.asSVG.SaveToFile FileName
.Environment.GoToURL FileName
End With
End Sub
31th January 2022
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2022
v2022.0.1.31 Release
- Breaking change : Due to a new conflict with
IMapPolygon.GetPoints method oce a new Microsoft
Visual Studio VC.NET project is created that uses
the TeeChart ActiveX component, we've had to
change the IMapPolygon.GetPoints method by
IMapPolygon.GetPixelPoints method.
- ActiveX Bugfixes and related VCL/FMX bugfixes that
have been integrated in this version listed at:
10th February 2021
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2021
v2021.0.2.10 Release
- New Violin and HorizViolin Series style.
- Mew BeeSwarm and HorizBeeSwarm Series style.
- New KDE Function.
- New Lagrange Function.
- ActiveX Bugfixes and related VCL/FMX bugfixes that
have been integrated in this version listed at:
30th November 2020
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2020
v2020.0.11.30 Release
- Bug #2071 - Fixed, now one can change the size
throught the editor and all is working fine, on AX.
- ActiveX Bugfixes and related VCL/FMX bugfixes that
have been integrated in this version listed at:
20th April 2020
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2020
v2020.0.4.20 Release
- Bug/Wish 2208 - Added new ISeries properties :
- Bug 2118 fixed :
TChart1.Series(0).asPolarGrid.Palette.UsePalette = True
- Bug 2180 - ILegend.NumRows and ILegend.NumCols properties
have been implemented.
- Bug 2235 - Now LightTool DrawStyle can be set via code.
Property added.
- Bug 2208 - The activity gauge series doesn't work in VB6,
adding series at designtime.
- Other bug fixes related with VCL version :
23th July 2019
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2019
v2019.0.7.23 Release
- New ISeriesColorPalette interface to support
25th April 2019
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2019
v2019.0.4.25 Release
This maintenance release includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
- Added new IClockGaugeSeries (scClockGauge) interface, and
its properties and methods. IClockSeries (scClock) is
2st Oct 2018
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018
v2018.0.10.2 Release
This maintenance release includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
- Changes in version number.
- Added new property which allows to export to new Excel
format (xlsx) at runtime.
1st Oct 2018
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018
v2018.0.10.1 Release
This maintenance release includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
27th Aug 2018
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018
v2018.0.8.10 Release
This maintenance release includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
16th March 2018
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018
v2018.0.3.16 Release
1) There was a problem registering the ocx library
that does not allow to select components at the
component list, now fixed.
"Note" : Please, if you've installed the
TeeChart v2018.0.2.9 previously, unregister it
before to install the v.2018.0.3.16.
This maintenance release also includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
9th Feb 2018
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018
v2018.0.2.9 Release
This maintenance release also includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
More bugfixes/changes
1) [No bug id]. Speed improvements to FastLine AddRealtime
method. See VB FastLine demo.
2nd Mar 2017
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2017
v2017.0.0.0 Release
1) Using asCircularFrame interface crashes. Now fixed.
2) Added new ShapeVisible property for ITeeCustomShape
This maintenance release also includes all ActiveX bugs
and all related with VCL fixed bugs that can be found here :
20th Jun 2016
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2016
v2016.0.0.2 Release
1) VBScript support changed for the latest IE versions.
Added lines to support VBScript calls on html cab
2) TeeSmall.ocx crashes due to the use for Animation
which is not supported for "small" compilation.
3) About box shows version as v2016.0.0.0, it should be
v2016.0.0.1. Now changed to actual v2016.0.0.2.
4) About box shows "Unregistered" although the version is
already registered. Fixed.
This maintenance release also includes all ActiveX bugs
that are related with VCL fixed bugs found here :
20th May 2016
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2016
v2016.0.0.1 Release
1) All codesigning certificates have been updated to SHA256.
2) Bug 1536
The Chart popup menus aren’t translated to Japanese.
The same occurs for other Unicode Languages. Fixed.
4th May 2016
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2016
v2016.0.0.0 Release
New Features:
1) Third legend column support
Support for a third legend column accompanied by a new
TextStyle value: ltsXAndValueAndText.
This shows each point X, Y, and Text label at legend.
2) New GDI+ canvas ITeeGDIPlus.Scale property :
Creates smoother looking charts. Default value is 1 and
can be changed at design and runtime through the Chart
editor 3D render dialog.
3) MarksTail. Feature renders Tail from Mark to data point.
4) MS Access demo updated to MS Office 2016.
1) ISubChartTool and IText3DTool properties and
methods did not work on JavaScript code, fixed.
2) Bug 1015 - Removing Panel Gradient and Back Wall
Gradient at design time doesn't take effect.
3) Improved label positioned when rotated labels.
4) TeeChart was incorrectly plotting Font size in
MS Access Reports. Fixed.
This maintenance also includes several bug fixes
already fixed into the TeeChart VCL version.
For a full list of all fixed bugs please visit :
24th Sep 2015
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2015
v2015.0.0.3 Release
New Features:
1) Bug 1198
Added a new Tag property (integer) for each
tools item.
1) Bug 1193
Added IDoubleHorizBar.LeftChart property which
allows to access to the left chart properties
and methods.
2) DoubleHorizBarSeries and PolarContourSeries
could not be added at runtime, now fixed.
3) Bug 777
Persistence of some designtime changes not
saving properly depending on what default
Theme is selected. Resolved for affected
4) Bug 1247
Designtime flickering of chart occurred for
VC++ projects in VSNET after 'edit control'
option selected. Fixed. Note. Please use
the Chart Editor from the 'Property Pages'
5) Bug 1237
The AxisScrollBar Tool is not accesible via
code, now added support.
6) Bug 1220
Calling AddRealTime from the timer, the
Series are now drawn. Fixed.
7) Bug 461
Video Player doesn't play a created avi file.
8) Setting a Legend TextStyle property gives
an error, now fixed.
9) Setting a Legend TextFormat property gives
an error, now fixed.
10) Bug 1195
Fixed some problems into the TeeMaps demo.
11) Bug 1250
Using ISelectorTool properties gives the
"Not implemented" message and the property
does not take effect, now fixed.
12) Bug 99
Emboss is not available for series marks font
in VC++. Fixed.
13) OVBFunction did not work fine at designtime
and runtime, now fixed.
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2015
Copyright (c) 1997-2015
by Steema Software SL
All Rights Reserved.
email: [email protected]
support forums: http://support.steema.com
18th May 2015
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2015
v2015.0.0.2 Release
1) An error appears trying to load the the TeeChart
ActiveX Components to the VB6 component palette,
now fixed.
29th April 2015
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2015
v2015.0.0.1 Release
New Features:
1) New property. ITeeGDIPlus.GDIShutdown.
Advanced use only. Permits pre-termination and
unloading drivers of TeeChart GDIPlus rendering
option. Use the Active property when requiring to
simply enable/disable GDIPlus.
1) Setting an IOrgShape.Format gives an error,
now fixed.
2) Setting properties for Pie and Donut series, like
SliceHeight gives an error, now fixed.
3) Several examples demo bugs have been fixed.
4) This maintenance release includes a new chm file
help version.
5) Runtime Editor help source has been updated.
6) [No bug ID]
TeeChart's GDIPlus not closing cleanly on some
Japanese Windows installations. Fixed.
7) StrongNamed dlls has been updated as the
interop.TeeChart.dll could not be registered
due to the signkey.
31st March 2015
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2015
v2015.0.0.0 Release
New Features:
1) New property. Printer.FixedFontPPI permits
Font PixelsPerInch override when printing.
1) [B1122]
Exporting when TeeChart rendering in GDI
resulted in memory error when closing Chart or
recallin GDIPlus mode. Fixed.
2) [B1154]
Fonts weren't sizing correctly when printing
GDIPlus rendered Charts. Fixed.
3) [960]
Series Marks cannot be rotated at runtime by using
the following code :
TChart1.Series(0).Marks.Angle = 45
4) [212]
The JoinPen visible property of BarJoin, never is
setting to false. Fixed.
5) [837]
StartLine and EndLine in IColorBandTool are disabled
by default. This makes the Annotations on them not
to be visible even if you set a text for them.
Now are visible by default.
3th February 2015
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2014
v2014.0.0.3 Release
1) [B588]
IScrollPagerTool implemented.
2) IRepaintMonitor tool crashes once you use the
items property at ITools interface, now fixed.
3) IArrowTool could not be added via code, now
4) IScrollPagerTool could not be added via code,
now fixed.
5) ChartLink property was not working correctly
in x64 Windows due to change of integer spec.
New properties added (eg. ChartLinkx64) to
offer correct connectivity. ChartLinkx64 uses
variant type and also supports x86.
6) Modifications to instantiation code to better
support later and x64 versions of MSOffice.
7) SubChart tool's Chart now correctly
accessible via code for later versions of
Visual Studio.
20th November 2014
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2014
v2014.0.0.2 Release
New Features:
For a full list of new functionality and properties
implemented please visit :
1) Polar, Radar and WindRose Series
New property ColorEachLine boolean property (default True).
When ColorEachPoint is True, ColorEachLine determines if lines connecting points will be also colored
segment by segment.
TChart1.Series(0).ColorEachPoint = True
TChart1.Series(0).asPolar.ColorEachLine = True
2) All CLSIDs have been updated by new ones.
3) Notice, as all the CLSIDs has been updated for a new ones, this version is considered as a new major
version, meaning that some registry consideration has to be taken, since the TeeChart Pro v2014.0.0.1
the TeeChart components have been registered using 9 number version on registry, so to use specific
component you had to use for example "TeeChart.Chart.9", now the number version has been changed to "10",
having to use "TeeChart.Chart.10".
1) TextAlignment and other related Text properties was not available due to the last v2014 changes,
now the properties are available again. For example :
With TChart1
.Footer.TextAlignment = taLeftJustify
.SubFooter.TextAlignment = taLeftJustify
End With
17th June 2014
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2014
v2014.0.0.1 Release
New Features:
For a full list of new functionality and properties
implemented please visit :
1) AskDelete property at IChartEditorOptions
which allows to specify if user have to
be asked before to remove a Series.
2) EditData property at IChartEditorOptions
which allows to specify if grid at
Data tab is readonly of not.
3) New Position property (Start, Center, End),
default = Center.
By default axis titles are positioned to the
middle of the axis.
Chart1.Axis.Bottom.Title.Position = tpStart
4) Chart Legend :
Important change: The Legend Symbol Squared property
is now TRUE by default. It was FALSE before. The
reason is cosmetic. Squared symbols look better in
more situations and different series styles,
than non-squared.
Chart1.Legend.Symbol.Squared = False
Series Transparency property is now used to display
Legend Symbols, in order to improve matching the
series format with the legend.
New Height and HeightUnits properties for Legend Symbol.
The vertical size of Symbols in Chart Legend can now be
specified in pixels or as a percentage of available space
(that depends on the size of the Legend Font).
5) Chart SeriesList :
New OnSeriesClicked method, returns the Series and the series
ValueIndex'th point that is under the XY pixel parameters:
ASeriesIndex = TChart1.SeriesList.Clicked( x,y, ValueIndex )
Returns “-1" if no point of any series contains XY.
One example of use is at MarksTip tool, this tool calls
SeriesList Clicked method to obtain which series is under
the mouse cursor.
6) New Filled property (boolean, default False)
for ContourSeries.
This property is equivalent to setting Brush.Style
= bsSolid, but more convenient and easy to remember.
TChart1.Series(0).asCountour.Filled = True
7) Bar and HorizBar Series
Improved detection in mouse xy Clicked method for 3D Bar cubes
and diamond styles. The algorithm now includes the bar cube
sides in 3D view (orthogonal and perspective).
8) Series Marks
New marks style “smsLabelOrValue”. This is now the default Style.
If Series point label text is empty, uses point value instead.
TChart1.Series(0).Marks.Style = smsLabelOrValue
New Automatic property (of type TAutomaticMarks)
Note: This property is not yet handled by all series styles. So far
it is used by Map and World series.
The intention of “Automatic” is to perform several attempts to avoid
series marks overlap other marks or other parts of the chart. It is
True by default in all subproperties.
Note: The existing AutoPosition property is now deprecated and mapped
to the Automatic.Move property.
Marks will be first repositioned to avoid overlapping. Its after auto
positioning when Automatic.Hide takes place if the mark still can't be
appropiately displayed.
Automatic.Resize means the series will try to reduce the mark font size
to fit the mark inside the available space, before deciding to hide the
mark completely.
Automatic.Wrap means to split the mark text into several lines of text,
to try to fit the mark.
Automatic.Rotate means to rotate 45 or 90 degrees the mark, as it can be
sometimes more convenient to fit more marks.
9) Custom Series
New InflateMargins boolean property (default True).
When False, Line or Area series will not try to expand the axes to
accommodate for the border size. This is more noticeable when the
TChart1.Series(0).asLine.Pen.Width is bigger than 2.
10)Series Pointer
New Pointer Arrow style (psArrow enum type):
TChart1.Series(0).Pointer.Style = psArrow
New Picture property (of type TTeePicture) to display an image at
New public properties:
SizeFloat (Single)
SizeUnits (suPixels or suAxis)
SizeFloat allows specifying pointer size with more precision (with decimals),
while SizeUnits lets calculate pointer size using axes scales instead of screen
This means, when “suAxis”, zooming a chart will also display zoomed pointers.
This feature is primarily used internally by TMapSeries.
Improved display of less-than-360 degree Circular gauge Frame border.
Smooth painting of range color lines (with more precision and antialias).
New Hands collection property for Circular Gauge. More than one “Hand” can now
be displayed. Each hand has its own formatting and Value.
The previous “Hand” property is still supported, but now refers to Hands[0] item.
New Circular gauge Hand style: psArrow (draws an arrow head at Hand end position).
TChart.Series(0).asCircularGauge.Hand.Style = psArrow
New Ranges[] collection property for Linear, Knob and Circular gauges, allows more
than two colored segments inside the gauges. Existing “GreenLine” and “RedLine”
properties are still supported, but they now refer to Range[0] and Range[1].
Each Range now supports displaying normal or “spiralled” segments. Each Range now
includes a new Position property (% radius from gauge center), and StartValue and
EndValue properties to define the Range boundaries.
New AxisRanges[] collection property, allows drawing Axes in range segments.
Each “range” segment has Format properties.
Automatic calculation of gauge axis Increment (the step between gauge axis labels),
to avoid overlapping labels. Same as with normal charts, automatic Increment when its
Circular Gauge axis labels are now displayed using the Axis DrawAxisLabel method
instead of a simple Canvas Texout. This allows supporting all Axis.Texts formatting
properties, like background, shadow, etc.
Gauge editor dialogs have been modified to support editing (and adding, deleting)
multiple Ranges and Hands items at design-time and runtime.
CircularGauge Marks now supported.
Gauge Hand value can be displayed using the default Marks property, located below the
gauge center.
TChart1.Series(0).asCircularGauge.Marks.Visible := True
Improved support for semi-transparent (alpha) PNG images, for both GDI and GDI+ canvases.
Transparent PNG pictures are now correctly blended with the background
(note: TChart1.BufferedDisplay property must be True).
This applies to both Canvas Draw and StretchDraw methods.
New CubeHull method returns the polygon that encloses a 3D cube. It is used by CustomBar
series (to detect mouse clicks on 3D bars with the Clicked method), and Canvas ClipCube
method to limit drawing outside the 3D “cube” delimited by axes.
New internal IsAvailable boolean class virtual function.
GDI+ canvas overrides this function, see Other Changes below.
GDI+ canvas now correctly displays flat shadows when any object's Shadow.Smooth property
is False.
TChart1.Legend.Shadow.Smooth = False
OpenGL canvas improved display of Pen Transparency. And better Zoom matching when switching
from a non-opengl canvas.
13)WorldMap Series
World and Map series “Layers”.
“Layers” concept for Maps can be easily implemented by using additional series. Each Layer
being a different Series, with its own properties, and painted one after the other over the
same chart.
Also, more than one Map or World series can be used and combined in the same chart.
With this new release, Map Layers get more useful as there are new methods to handle GIS file
formats like Google's Earth KML with placemarks, and ShapeFile files containing polylines (roads, etc).
World Country names have been augmented with country ISO 2-letter codes (ie: Canada=CA) Series Marks
can now display country names, codes, or both.
China, France, Japan county maps are now included. One polygon is used for each county / province.
New TeeFlags.res resource, contains all country flags pictures as small gifs. These flags can be used
in World series to display them inside each country polygon, and also at chart grid when visualizating
country data.
To enable showing flags, a new property is introduced:
TChart1.Series(0).Flags.Visible = True
17) Map Series
New IMapPolygon Code (string) property. This is an alternative string to Text property, and can be used
when displaying Series Marks inside the polygon.
New TTeePolygon Centroid function (returns TPoint). Centroid returns the XY point inside the polygon that
is best equidistant to all polygon points. This is different than the middle XY position of the polygon
bounding rectangle.
Centroid position is used when displaying text Marks inside the polygon.
New IMapPolygon Picture property (of type IBackImage). Allows filling the polygon interior using an image.
New ITeePolygonGroup class, allows creating logical groups of polygons (shapes) to change properties of all
items with a single group property. Groups are used for example by World series to keep together continent
countries or country states or provinces.
New Shapes.ByCode array property, returns shape that has a given Code:
tmp = TChart1.Series(0).asWorld.Shapes.ByCode['CA'] ; // Returns shape that corresponds to “Canada”
New MapMarks property. Contains properties to customize displaying series text marks inside polygons:
TChart1.Series(0).asWorld.MapMarks.AutoSize = False
AutoSize (boolean default True), fits text inside polygon by changing font size.
Centroid (boolean default True), positions text at polygon centroid instead of center of polygon rectangle bounds.
TextStyle (mtLabel, mtCode, mtBoth) choose which polygon text to display.
Uppercase (boolean default False), when True, show mark text in uppercase.
New Pointer property (TSeriesPointer) and PointSize (Single).
These properties enable Map series to display items as simple “pointer” shapes instead of polygons. It is useful
for example to display thousands of dots over a World map, being each dot an Airport or a City or whatever.
When Point size is zero (the default), size is automatically changed when zooming the map.
TChart.Series(0).asWorld.Pointer.Style = psCircle
Several optimizations in Map series intended to improve the painting speed when zooming or scrolling maps. Best
speed is achieved when using an OpenGL canvas.
18) 3D / Palette Series
Added CountLegendItems function.
Added LoadPaletteFromFile method.
Added SavePaletteToFile method.
Color palette for 3D series can now display custom Text at Legend (runtime only):
The Legend TextStyle property is used like in all other series styles to determine when to use this palette text:
TChart1.Legend.TextStyle = ltsLeftValue
19) Tower 3D Series
New Stacked property.
Like in TeeChart for .Net, multiple Tower series can now be displayed as stacked (one on top of another).
TChart1.Series(0).Stacked = tsStacked
20) Chart Tools
MarksTip tool new property SystemHints (boolean default True).
When False, a normal ITeeShape object is used to paint the tiptool instead of using the VCL system
TChart1.Tools.Items(0).asMarksTip.SystemHints = False
TChart1.Tools.Items(0).asMarksTip.Format.Font.Size = 24
TChart1.Tools.Items(0).asMarksTip.Format.Font.Color = vbBlue
The only disadvantadge compared to system hints is the shape cannot be displayed outside the chart bounds.
When SystemHints is False, the new Format property (of type ITeeShape) contains all the formatting properties
(Brush, Pen, Font, etc) to display the hint.
21) TBackImage
New property DrawQuality : EStretchDrawQuality (default value: sqHigh):
TChart1.Panel.BackImage.DrawQuality = sqLow
22) TSeriesMarks
New property UseSeriesTransparency : Boolean (default True)
When False, series marks will be painted using their own transparency, without accumulating the marks series
transparency, if any.
TChart1.Series(0).Marks.UseSeriesTransparency = False
23) All Series
New ISeries.Legend property of type ITextShape.
This new property includes a Picture property to display an image or icon for each series at the Chart Legend
Thanks to this new property, the existing ISeries.ShowInLegend is now equivalent to ISeries.Legend.Visible,
and ISeries.LegendTitle is the same as ISeries.Legend.Text.
24) IImagePoint and IDeltaPoint
Improved painting of legend symbols, these series now show the corresponding image for each point at the legend.
25) ColorGrid, Surface, TriSurface Series
Speed improvements, caching calculated values to avoid repeating and spending time at each repaint (like when
doing zoom and scroll).
Adding or modifying series point values empties the cache so it will be recalculated at the next repaint.
26) Bar and HorizBar Series
Cylinders are now painted filling them with gradients, instead of drawing “sides”.
The output is of much better quality (and speed), although currently there is no rotation of gradients when the
chart is rotated with 3D perspective.
The ConePercent property (from 0 to 100, default 0) is now published (it was public).
27) Contour Series
Null values (in grid cell data) are now supported. Contour levels will not use null data.
TChart1.Series(0).SetNull( 23 ) ' ? point index 23 is now null
28) Polar Contour Series
New series style to display contour lines from XYZ data using Polar (Angle and Radius) coordinates.
This series is derived from Polar series class (to draw circular background, axes, etc), and includes a Contour
series internal field (to calculate the contouring lines, customize contour levels, etc).
“X” indexes are converted to angles (from 0 to 360 degree). For example if the 3D grid has NumXValues = 10, then every angle interval will be 36.
“Z” indexes determine the radius, and the “Y” values are used to calculate the level lines.
Data can be manually added using the Series1.AddXYZ or AddNullXZ methods.
Typical settings for geographical data are to set 90 degree at top (North), and drawing labels clockwise (270 = West, 90 = East).
29) SeriesStats Tool
New method to remove (destroy) all series that have been created using the Series Stats tool editor dialog:
New button at Series Stats dialog editor that allows removing (destroying) all series added using it
Added the Kurtosis:Double; function.
Added the Mean:Double; function.
Added the Skewness:Double; function.
Added the StdDeviation:Double; function.
30) TLegendPalette tool
New Title, SubTitle, Foot and SubFoot properties are now persisted at design-time and can be accessed also
by code:
TChart1.Tools.Items(0).asLegendPalette.Title.Caption = "Speed"
31) FastLine Series
New experimental code to draw multiple fast-line series in parallel using more than one CPU (see below for
complete info).
32) DragPoint tool
Implemented point dragging support for Polar (and Radar, WindRose) series.
Just add a DragPoint tool and set its Series property to a Polar or derived series.
New OnDragPointToolEndDrag event, called when the mouse button is released after a dragging operation.
33) TeeEditor
New option to disable manually editing at the “Data” tab of Chart Editor dialog (the TeeChartGrid control).
TeeEditor1.Options.EditData = False
Removed: Help button at chart editor.
The help file is currently obsolete and in *.hlp format, not generally supported in Windows Vista and later.
Available documentation and tutorials can be found at http://wiki.teechart.net
34) ICustom3DGridSeries
Speed improvement for all 3D grid series (ColorGrid, Surface, etc) by replacing a loop with a binary-search
algorithm in GetSurfacePaletteColor method which is used to calculate the appropiate color of a given “Y”
value using the Palette array.
Typical gains are about 30% faster for big series (for example a ColorGrid of 1000x1000 cells).
35) ILineSeries, IPolarSeries
New PointerBehind boolean property (default is False).
This applies to all series derived from Line and Polar that have a Pointer property. When PointerBehind is True,
pointers will be displayed behind the line (in 2D mode only).
Also the line draw style should be set to “dsAll” (to draw first all pointers and then a line using all points,
instead of one-point, one-line “dsSegments”)
TChart1.Series(0).asLine.DrawStyle = dsAll
TChart1.Series(0).asLine.PointerBehind = True
36) ILegend
New property DrawBehind (boolean, default False).
DrawBehind determines if the legend has to be painted below (behind) or on top of Chart.
This is useful when ResizeChart is False, to make the legend “float” over the chart.
TChart1.Legend.DrawBehind = True
Other changes
More colors added to AndroidPalette (Android Theme), from 9 to 14.
Chart Titles and Footers delayed creation (to increase speed when creating new charts)
TeeListBox control now correctly detects changes to TChart.Legend.CheckBoxes property to display a checkbox or
a radioitem for each series in the list.
ImagePoint series now reuses the new Pointer.Picture property instead of creating an additional internal one.
New icons for Series styles, with a more “modern” design.
Protection against exceptions when using the GDI+ canvas from inside a dll.
If the GDIPLUS.dll is not initialized by the caller executable, TeeChart GDI+ canvas now will detect this problem
and will use the old GDI canvas, instead of raising an exception.
See this blog page for more information.
This protection is also done at Chart Gallery panel control, used by many editor dialogs.
The new GDI+ Canvas IsAvailable boolean function returns False when GDI+ cannot be used in the current environment
(ie: inside a dll when the exe caller has not initialized GDI+).
Picture file size is now displayed at Image editor dialog.
1) The mouse zoom function draw the box not in
correct position. The box is drawn outside
the window. Fixed.
Visit the online TeeChart Bugs database for a live list of fixed issues and feature requests:
A long list of fixes have been made for this new release, including:
Fixed access violation in Arrow series Clicked method for very small arrows.
TChart1.ClearChart method now correctly calls the Create constructor for your custom TChart derived classes.
Setting the Legend.TextSymbolGap property now correctly repaints the chart.
Several fixes to avoid “Control has no Parent” exceptions when using Charts without displaying them on screen.
Pie series ExplodedSlice is now only used when there are at least 2 slices in the Pie.
Language translations fixed issue.
9th April 2014
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2014
v2014.0.0.0 Release
New Features:
For a full list of new functionality and properties
implemented please visit :
20th November 2013
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2013
v2013.0.1.4 Release
1) Application process is not terminated due to
the GDI+ Shutdown. Now fixed.
2) HTML page scripted demos behaved differently
under IE9 and IE10. Now resolved.
3) [TA05012954]
New property IEnvironment.MouseWheelToParent,
by default to True, which tells the Chart
object if allows to pass through the
parent DoMouseWheel event. This is related
to a enhacement hwne AutoScroll form property
is set to True.
4) Demo Features fixes.
25th October 2013
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2013
v2013.0.1.3 Release
1) Problems with relaible repaint using the
Chart Draw method. Resolved.
2) [TA05016666]
TeePreviewPanel OnAfterDraw and OnChangeMargins
events disappeared, now fixed!
New Features:
1) Added new Transparent property for
IMapPolygon which allows to set transparent
a specific map polygon.
2) New Points property for IMapPolygon. It returns
a IChartSeries object allowing to work with its
properties and methods.
i.e: TChart1.Series(0).asWorld.Shapes.
Polygon(PolygonIndex).Points.Delete (PointIndex)
3) New IPolygonSeries interface which allows to
access to the specific Polygon Series (TChartSeries)
properties and methods through the Points property
of the IMapSeries.
i.e: TChart1.Series(0).asWorld.Shapes.Polygon
(PolygonIndex).Points.Polygon.Gradient.Visible = True
4) Added the INearestTool.Distance property to
specify a distance between the mouve and point.
5) [TA05016589]
Added the INearesTool.Hint property that allows
to get or set a Hint to be displayed once the
newarestpoint tool fires.
6) [TA05016589]
New INearesTool.HintStyle property which allows to
specify a style to show the Hint.
7) [TA05016659]
Added ClickTolerance property for ICustomSeries
(Line,FastLine, Area,...)
7th June 2013
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2013
v2013.0.1.2 Release
1) CrossTabSource Editor does not appear if we
choose it as a DataSource for Series, now
2) Unicode languages are not displayed correctly,
now fixed.
3) The teechart palette component still labeled
as 2012, changed to 2013.
7th June 2013
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2013
v2013.0.1.1 Release
1) CrossTabSource Editor does not appear if we
choose it as a DataSource for Series, now
2) Unicode languages are not displayed correctly,
now fixed.
3) The teechart palette component still labeled
as 2012, changed to 2013.
17th May 2013
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2013
v2013.0.1.0 Release
1) [TA05016396]
VC++ examples that uses OpenGL mode launch
assertions (used for debug compilations)
once OpenGL is activated, now these don't
2) New TLegendItem Font property for custom
items. Now you're able to do :
With TChart1
.AddSeries scBar
.AddSeries scBar
.Series(0).FillSampleValues (3)
.Series(1).FillSampleValues (3)
.Legend.LegendStyle = lsAuto
.Legend.Items.Items(0).Text = "item1"
.Legend.Items.Items(0).Font.Name = "Verdana"
.Legend.Items.Items(1).Text = "item2"
.Legend.Items.Items(1).Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
End With
3) asAxisBreaksTool does not work fine in some
IDEs, now fixed.
4) [TV52015903]
Shadow in IPieSeries didn't plot correctly.
5) [TV52016400 and TV52016403]
Removing an AntiAlias tool with the chart
editor produced an Access Violation error.
6) [NO BUG ID]
Fixed resource leak when creating / saving
more than 2500 JPEGs.
7) [TV52016180]
Pie series not rendering correctly in
GDI+ when Rotation<>0. Fixed.
8) [TV52016371]
"Close" button in chart editor not visible
after visiting "Export" tab. Fixed.
9) [TV52016177]
"Grid index out of range" error when adding a
Custom Legend tool at design time. Fixed.
10) [TV52016237 and TV52016487]
Pointer Brush Style and Pointer Brush Color
don't work fine. Fixed.
11) [TV52016525]
Scrolling with the MouseWheel doesn't save
the state of the axes. Fixed.
12) [TV52016531]
IAxisBreaksTool was not displaying axis labels
13) [TV52015791]
Clicked function for IAreaSeries with Stairs
doesn't work well. Fixed.
14) [TV52016179]
Standard Deviation not working under
some circumstances. Fixed.
15) The Update and UpdateVSNET utilities was
looking for teechart2010.ocx file, now changed
to 2012.
16) [TA05015877]
TeeChartAXV2012Demo Fixes.
17) [TA05016497]
Chart.Environment.MouseWheelScroll doesn't take
effect, you can continue scrolling, now fixed.
As a workaround TChart1.Panning.MouseWheel = pmwNone
could have been used.
18) [NO BUG ID]
Chart.Panning interface gives errors using
some properties, now fixed.
19) [TA05016297]
In TeeMapsDemo, clicking an area between the Left
axis the Hand style, and immediatly appears an Acces
Violation Error. Fixed.
New Features:
1) [TV52014335]
New Series.Marks.Style: smsLabelPercentValue
which includes: Label, Percent, and Value.
2) ICircledSeries Circled property default value
changed, from False to True. (Pie,Donut,etc)
3) New IPieSeries.PieMarks.InsideSlice boolean
property (default False).
4) New ITChart.Themes property which accesses
to the IThemesList methods and properties.
5) New IThemesList.ApplyFromChart
methods to use any
TeeChart or *.tee file as a theme for other
6) New Metro and iOS palettes applicable via
7) New .AsATR function property which allows to
use specific properties and methods for ATR
8) [TA05016566]
Now the PolarGrid tabs available in the editor,
like in VCL version.
9) [TA05012954]
Vertically scroll the chart with the mouse wheel
when you have AutoScroll property to true, always
first scroll the window and then the Chart, it
should only scroll the Chart if focus is set to
the Chart. This behavious has been changed.
10) [TA05016565]
Isn't possible customize the axes of
LegendPaletteTool at runtime. Now Chart property
has been added for the Tool which allow to access
to all the chart properties.
11) GDI+ rendering has been improved and activated as
the default designtime rendering scheme. If you
wish to display charts as GDI you may change the
rendering option in the Chart Editor via the
3D::Rendering tab. The runtime property under the
Aspect.GDIPlus interface may be used for dynamic
runtime switching.
25th September 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2012
v2012.0.0.9 Release
1) [TA05016244]
The images of sample,CompareOutput.asp,
isn't displayed properly in windows XP.Fixed.
2) [TA05016258]
Some applications cycling new TChart instances
were reporting "DAX Error: Error creating windows
class" after several tens of thousands of cycles.
This was not the case for all Windows versions or
application scenarios but was known to affect some
applications on Windows 2008. Now fixed.
3) [TV52016235]
"Access denied" message on image exportation
preview in some IDEs. Fixed.
4) [TV52016247]
Zooming and panning not working when not
having the "normal" ITeeCommander button.
5) [TV52016296]
Some buttons in the export editor overlapped
when resizing it. Fixed.
6) [TV52016309]
Circled property broken for ICircledSeries.
7) [TV52016335]
Clicked function for IPoint3DSeries doesn't
work well in non-orthogonal charts. Fixed.
New Features
1) []
New GradientCell property for IChartGrid
2) []
New OnDragPointToolStartDrag event for
the DragPoint Tool.
3) [TA05016069]
New method CreateSeriesChangeGallery shows a
Gallery for selected Series, offering
options for type change.
11th July 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2012
v2012.0.0.8 Release
1) [No bug id]
Double-byte languages were not displaying
correctly in v2012.0.0.7 Editors. Fixed.
New Features
1) [TV52016040]
New LineTransparency property for the
IPoint3DSeries LinePen.
4th July 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2012
v2012.0.0.7 Release
1) [TA05015162]
TeeChart's Modal Editors could fall behind the
application form if selected directly from the
taskbar. Fixed. Some Editors will required the
ChartLink to be passed as argument if they are
to remain on top. One Editor currently excluded
from the modifications is the font dialogue
editor that has presented some unique challenges.
2) [TA05015851]
All Features -> Chart Styles -> Statistical
-> Error
Throw a Run-time error "Run-time error '438':
Object doesn't support this property or method"
size of error series doesn't change.
3) [TA05015854]
Changing Bar style of Bar3D series to Cylinder,
it's displayed as Rectangle. Fixed.
4) [TA05015846]
Example Organizational of Demo isn't displayed.
5) [TV52015167]
EditorBrush buttons did not always give expected
results when applied to Area and LineSeries.
6) [TA05015887]
Some TeeNew demo files was not included into
the installer (BigCandleForm.frm for example),
now fixed.
7) [TA05015888]
Trying to open form SeriesType_Treemap of TeeNew
demo project error appears, now fixed.
8) [TA05015882]
RightWallForm demo scroll does not work, now
9) [TA05015840]
Custom Levels of Contour Series example, seems
there is a problem when it is drawn in the panel.
10) [TA05015233]
Loader Lock exception when ending the execution of
a Visual Studio application with a Chart.
11) [TA05015863]
Inertia and Cursor example demo does not allow to
change the cursor. Fixed.
12) [TA05015871]
When you use the demo project All Features ->
Tools -> Video Creator and you click the "Start
recording .." button, a runtime error occurs.
13) [TA05015909]
The "Import from file" demo doesn't load the
*.tee file correctly at runtime. Fixed.
14) [TA05013550]
The Preview tab of the Themes tab in Editor does
not display the Series into the Chart. Fixed.
15) [TA05013302]
ChartEditorPanelFormForm Demo included into
TeeNew features demo does now work fine,
Tree of editor is not displayed, now fixed.
16) [TA05015852]
In upper two gauges, apparently annotation texts
aren't aligned properly so that they are overlayed
at left side and if you compare it to the same example
there is in VCL demo you can find there is different
visible results using same code.
Demo :All Features -> Chart styles -> Gauges ->
LED and LinearGauges.
17) ErrorPoint3D Series cannot be added at runtime via
code, fixed.
18) [TA05015883]
Image Brush of Demo project sample All Features
->Micellaneous->Back Wall->Brush image doesn't
appear. Fixed.
19) [TA05015864]
In demo All Features->Tools->Draw Line appears
a button shouldn't be in the example project.
20) [No Issue id.]
Transparency was not functioning correctly for the
Gridband Tool when rendered as GDI+. Fixed.
New Features
1) [TA05012682]
Added new Horizontal property for IAxis
interface, which allows to check if specific
axis is Horizontar or not.
2) [TA05012682]
Added new Items property for IAxis
interface, which returns specific axis
properties and methods.
3) [TA05015670]
Added the ITeeFunction.ClassType property which
allows to check which function type is
assigned to a specific Chart Series.
4) [TA05015908]
New IPieAngle and Angles property for IPieSeries
which allows to get Start, Mid and End values
of the angle list.
5) [TA05014654]
ICandleSeries now allows to set specific Label
and Color using the AddCandle method (both
parameters are opcional).
6) [TA05015738]
New Series clone method CloneSeriesFromChart allows
Series to be cloned from different Charts.
7) [TA05012743]
New Tool clone method CloneToolFromChart allows
Tools to be cloned from different Charts. Note,
source Axes or Series must be re-established.
8) [TA05015641]
All walls now have the Shadow property available
at runtime.
9) [TA05015923]
IPointFigureSeries now includes Pointer property
and all properties and methods inherited from
ICustomSeries interface.
10) New EquiVolume Financial Series. Series plots
market volume and trade movements on a non-linear
Axis scale.
11) New export format to Javascript for the HTML5
Canvas. The current implementation defaults to
use Steema's online .js source at:
The Javascript export format supports a limited
chart featureset to create active charts for most
browser types. Javascript Export currently supports
the following Series types only:
- Line
- Area
- Bar
- HorizLine
- HorizArea
- HorizBar
- Pie
- Bubble
- Donut
- Candle
Please see the Steema Javascript pages for more
details of use, examples and documentation:
12) [TA05015158]
The following dialogues now have boolean return
values for OK/Cancel:
13) New GotoURL method at IEnvironment interface
which allows to open spefific url at runtime.
18th June 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2012
v2012.0.0.6 Release
x86/x64 version interim update release
1) [TV52016064]
Zoom Rectangle drawn incorrectly when
tzdHorizontal or tzdVertical directions
are used. Fixed.
2) [TV52015427] & [TV52015964]
Part 2 bugfix for this issue, resolving line
width plot issues when iAntiAlias Tool active
in Chart.
3) [TV52015862]
Fix for iCursorTool in GDI+. It wasn't
rendering correctly in previous versions. Now
4) [TV52015898]
FastLineSeries errored when scrolling all data
off Chart. Fixed.
5) [TV52015865]
DonutSeries sidewalls painting incorrectly for
some value combinations. Improved for this
6) [TV52015521]
Affecting rendering in GDI+ only, Canvas
StretchDraw was not functioning correctly
causing the non-rendering of rotated graphics
(example images on Chart LeftWall or RightWall).
Now fixed.
7) [TV52015773]
The default palette could not be returned for
serialization once it had been changed to
another. Fixed.
8) [TV52015428]
Custom Axis Labels would not completely scroll
off the Axis when scrolled to so do. Fixed.
9) [TV52015747]
The ClearChart method was not correctly
updating the SeriesList counter. Fixed.
10) [TV52016086]
Candle series with same Open, Close and
High/Low values not being drawn as a
perfect "T" or inverted "T". Fixed.
11) [TV52015978]
The unique case of changing a Series colour to
a default one after changing the Chart palette
from a default machine palette with non zero
index to the zero index palette (TeeChart)
causes the new Series colour to be not
serialised correctly (overwritten by machine
palette default colour). Fixed.
12) [TV52016042]
Clicking on a chart with a iLegendPaletteTool
caused an exception. Fixed.
13) [TV52015654]
iHorizHistogramSeries not rendering
correctly in 3D. Fixed.
14) [TA05015119]
The RemoveSeries method failed to destroy the
Series instance correctly in some linked-series
scenarios. Fixed.
15) [No Issue ID]
Attempting to debug with MS VC++ provoked a
debug assertion. Fixed. Affects x86 & x64
New Features
1) TeeChart Pro 2012 constants fully
translated to Slovak.
4th April 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2012
v2012.0.0.1 Release
1) Exporting Chart to GIF via code the image differs from the
the one painted in Chart. Code of use :
TChart1.Export.asGIF.SaveToFile "c:\chart.gif"
2) DropDown menu that appears by rightclicking over the Chart
at designtime will appear tranlated to the language
specified. It will only works once the project is reloaded.
3) New security improvements applied.
4) [TA05016048]
The MarkTips tool doesn't work in v2011.0.0.5.
Now fixed.
5) [TV52015960]
CrossPoints function gives wrong points in
some cases. Fixed.
6) [TV52015939]
Null points broken for IFastLineSeries.
7) [TV52015992]
Filled IContourSeries not plotting
correctly when IrregularGrid=True.
8) [TV52015896]
Second and next IAreaSeries drawn incorrectly
in 64bits. Fixed.
9) [TV52016025]
MarkTools causes Access Violation error when
one of the stacked IAreaSeries is empty.
10) [TV52015944]
Use Origin checkbox was overlapping in
volume series editor. Fixed.
11) [TV52015959]
Chart Editor - Tab Panel - Tab Image:
Some image options were not shown. Fixed.
New features
1) Included new x64 version of TeeChart ActiveX Control.
2) TeeChart Pro 2012 constants fully
translated to Portuguese. Usage of
the Portuguese translation is
encouraged too for Brazilian users
as it complies with directives
included in the language
standardisation agreement made
between Portuguese speaking countries.
12th January 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2011
v2011.0.0.5 Release
1) Integer overflow security vulnerabilities resolution.
2) MS Access Chart positioning improvements for designtime.
3) [TA05010743]
Tag property (OleVariant) for ISeries interface was
removed accidentally, now fixed.
4) Some fixes in the included ASP examples.
5) TeeCommander OnEditedChart event was not available in
TeeChart 2011, now fixed.
6) [TV52015960]
CrossPoints function gives wrong points in
some cases. Fixed.
7) [TV52015939]
Null points broken for IFastLineSeries.
8) [TV52015992]
Filled IContourSeries not plotting
correctly when IrregularGrid=True.
2nd September 2011
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2011
v2011.0.0.4 Release
New Features
1) Custom color palette save and loading
functionality for Custom3D series.
2) TeeChart Pro 2011 constants fully
translated to Japanese and Korean.
3) Front and Back Errors for IErrorPoint3DSeries.
4) New "Mouse" and "Palette" subtabs at Chart
editor (General tab).
5) New tool: IClusteringTool
6) New IErrorPointSeries.
7) New IErrorPoint3DSeries.
8) [TA05015048]
New ITChart.ShowSeriesEditor method which
allows to show Series editor for specific
1) [TV52015540]
Clicked function returns the righ point
index while should return the left. Fixed.
2) [TV52015573]
TeeMouseCursor editor not fully translated.
3) [TV52015567]
New series ErrorPoint not translated
in the chart editor gallery. Fixed.
4) [TV52015565]
Cloning a IKnobGauge series threw an AV
exception. Fixed.
5) Global var TeeUseMouseWheel (Chart.pas)
moved to tChart1.Panning.MouseWheel property.
6) TChart: TabStop property
default now changed to: True.
7) [TV52015390]
DrawToMetaCanvas not working correctly.
8) [TV52015260]
Excel exported files failed to import
correctly in Japanese Excel 2010. Now
9) [TV52015444]
Series.Pen.Visible:=False didn't work
in 3D GDI+ charts. Fixed.
10) [TV52015423]
IIsoSurfaceSeries not calculating first
level correctly. Fixed.
11) [TV52015430]
Chart panel color not working. Fixed.
12) [TV52015409]
Series background turned black at the
editor gallery under some circumstances.
13) [TV52015426]
Changing an AngleValue in a Polar
series did not work. Fixed.
14) [TV52015433]
Rotating pie and donut series crashed
for certain rotation/elevation angles.
15) [TV52015462]
Wrong line colors in IPolarSeries when
ColorEachPoint=True. Fixed.
64) [TV52015411]
Area Series not correctly responding
to Gradient render codelines. Fixed.
17) [TV52015318]
IVideoPlayerTool non-functional. Fixed.
18) [TV52015427]
IAntiAliasTool not clipping series
points correclty. Fixed.
19) [TV52011753]
Series transparency and legend checkboxes
not working with TAntiAliasCanvas. Fixed.
20) Applied integer arg limitation to AddSeries,
Tools.Add and SetFunction methods.
21) [TA05011823]
Legend is not correctly resized using long
Series names and Legend Title. Fixed.
11th February 2011
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2010
v2010.0.0.3 Release
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
Copyright (c) 1997-2012
by Steema Software SL
All Rights Reserved.
email: [email protected]
support forums: http://support.steema.com
28th March 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v8.0.1.3 Release notes
New ocx files added to installer to support
teesmall version.
1st March 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.1.3 Release
1) Further security vulnerabilities resolution.
4th January 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.1.2 Release
1) Integer overflow security vulnerabilities resolution.
2) MS Access Chart positioning improvements for designtime.
June 2011
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.1.1 Release
1) Fixed a memory leak drawing axis labels
with Unicode version.
December 2010
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.1.0 Release
1) Problems registering TeeChart in virtual
machine environments where printer exists.
Resolved in this update.
New property for manual printer
initialisation (use is optional and not
required for most applications).
October 2010
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.9 Release
1) Added IMarks.OnTop property.
2) [TA05013050]
DrawAxisLabelEvent returns a different
axis index that the ClickAxis event.
Now fixed.
3) [TA05010743]
New Tag property (OleVariant) for ISeries
4) [TA05014784]
Having several series, if you remove the
first one, the first and the second series
are removed. Now fixed.
5) [TA05013254]
With version the code Hand proeprty
do not work. It works with version
Now fixed.
6) [TA05014219]
Added the UseMiddleColor method for the
March 2010
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.8 Release
1) Series are not completely freed using the
removeSeries method (using the same series
name for a new Series added crashes), now
2) [TF02014321]
Chart Editor didn't allow the editing of
DateTime values when the equivalent date
was less than or equal to 0 (zero).
3) [TV52014389]
Axes assignment ignored labels font
settings. Fixed.
4) [TV52014016]
Colors not plotted correctly in
TAreaSeries when rotated. Fixed.
5) [TV52014524]
Horiontal grids are not drawn in
TColorGridSeries. Fixed.
6) [TF02014545]
Pie Series Marks Shadow not drawing
correctly when angle non-zero. Fixed.
7) [TV52013638]
TLineSeries rendering took excessive
time under some circumstances. Fixed.
8) [TV52014401]
OnGetMarkText event not available in
TChartShape series. Fixed.
9) [TV52014436]
Scrolling TBarSeries resized the bars
under some circumstances. Fixed.
10) [TV52014649]
Null values painted in TCandleSeries
with CandleStyle set to csLine. Fixed.
11) [TV52014608]
TSeriesTextSource crashed at runtime.
12) [TV52014561]
IgnoreNulls property interfering with
TreatNulls in TFastLineSeries. Fixed.
13) [TV52014677]
2D TLineSeries with LinePen.Width > 1
and TAntiAliasTool are always black.
14) [TV52014692]
Chart editor crashed when using
TAntiAliasTool under some circumstances.
October 2009
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.7 Release
1) Revisions to Save code to support Excel housed
Charts where Datasource is set.
2) TeeChart Help file updated.
3) TA05014329
Hand property for Circular Gauges was not
available at runtime, now fixed.
May 2009
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.6 Release
// Changes and Fixes
1) [No bugfix log]
Added new parameter to the ICanvas.ClipEllipse
method. Now Inverted can be set.
2) TA05013862
MiddleBrush gradient for CircularGauge Series
could not be assigned. Also, Hand distance and
Offset properties were not available, now fixed.
3) TA05013030
ColorLine tool with a bar series, when you move
the mouse over the color line the cursor changes
(to allow drag), but the mouse cursor won't
change until you'll move it out of the Bar, now
4) [No bugfix log]
Added IDownSamplingFunction.DisplayedPointCount
5) TA05013476
Constant missing for Light Filter. New ILightFilter
interface and constant for EFilterClass added.
6) TA05012598
Axes position is not working fine when having
several axis set to different positions. It
always has the value of defaultaxes position.
7) TA05010881
Colorpicker can be opened more than once, If this
is done the opened colorpicker becomes a kind of
ghost window that cannot be selected or closed.
Nor can the chart editor and the application be
closed. Now fixed.
8) [No bugfix log]
Added CustomXRadius and CustomYRadius properties
for CircledSeries.
9) TA05013190
Shadow property is now available for all series
whose inherit from ICircledSeries.
10) [No bugfix log]
Setting values for SelectorTool properties gives
and error using it under VC++, now fixed.
11) TA05013632
Being able to set editor's TreeMode option at
designtime. Now "Options" menu option has been
added into the popup menu of the TChart Control
which allows to change this mode and other
12) [No bugfix log]
Added the AsPointLine property to ISeries to
access to the methods and properties of the
13) [No bugfix log]
Exporting a large number of times the Chart to
PDF (i.e. 5000) in a loop "out of resources"
error appears. We've been investigating the
cause of the problem and trying to find a good
solution, however, we'ven't found a fix for it.
The problem is that when the Chart is exported
to PDF for a this large number of times, if
smooth shadows are used into the Chart, the
resources wasted are growing and growing until
the error appears. We've tried to control this
consumption with no luck.
So, at the end a workaround for these case when
the number of exportations are really big would
be to hide the shadows or just set the shadow
smooth to false.
14) [TF02012544]
Zooming or scrolling on a IBubbleSeries
caused bubbles at the edges of the
chart to "disappear". Fixed.
15) [TF02013413]
Scrolling on a ICandleSeries caused
incorrect FirstDisplayedIndex and
LastDisplayedIndex values to be returned.
16) [similar to TF02012544]
Problems similar to TF02012544 also
occurred in the following Series types:
IBarSeries, IHorizBarSeries, IBar3DSeries,
IBarJoinSeries, IErrorSeries,
IErrorBarSeries, IImageBarSeries,
IPointSeries, IImagePointSeries
and IPointFigureSeries. Fixed.
17) [TF02013442]
ISmithSeries circle unnecessarily reduced
in size when Marks made visible. Fixed.
18) [TF02013446]
IHistogramSeries and IHorizHistogramSeries
not rendering correctly when the axis
associated with the XValues is inverted.
19) [TV52013959]
Memory leak in IPNGExportFormat.
SaveToStreamCompression, now Fixed.
20) [TF02013524]
Null values could not be set for the
Candle Series. Fixed. Null values can
now be set using the IChartSeries.SetNull()
21) [TV52013949]
Axis increment calculation produced an
error with very big ranges. Fixed.
22) [No bugfix log]
CalcXPos and CalcYPos not working in the
IColorGridSeries. Fixed.
23) [TV52013783]
Grid lines not plotted in IColorGridSeries
under some circumstances. Fixed.
24) [TF02013701]
IPointSeries failing to show last points
under exceptional circumstances. Fixed.
25) [TF02013714]
IHorizBarseries not displaying
all points when chart resized. Fixed.
26) [TV52012609]
Added support for IVideoTool.Compression.
Video compression can be assigned recording
video if it exists as a codec on the system.
27) [TV52013763]
Adding Video Player Tool from the editor
gives an exception, now fixed.
28) [TV52013795]
Axes titles painted at the wrong position
under some circumstances. Fixed.
29) [TV52013762]
Series' VisibleCount property not working
correctly, now fixed.
30) [TV52013523]
Adding null values to a candle series
plotted black candles. Fixed.
31) [TV52013796]
IColorGridSeries not plotted correctly
when an associated axis has Inverted
property set to true. Fixed.
32) [TV52012772]
First value in IHistogramFunction wrongly
calculated. Fixed.
33) [TV52013866]
Big difference in values crashes when
calculating axis labels increment. Fixed.
34) [TV52013770]
Multiline chart footer and subfooter
not plotted corectly. Fixed.
35) [TV52013637]
IColorGridSeries.Clicked method not
working when IrregularGrid=True. Fixed.
36) [TV52013462]
Polar series not plotting correctly
when ClockWiseLabels set to false.
37) [TV52013958]
Pie Series now has support for image
as Brush for each slice in 3D mode.
38) [TV52012814]
Filled checkbox in IContourSeries
editor non-functional at design-time.
39) [TV52013778, TV52013431]
SmoothBitmap property in IColorGridSeries
not working fine. Fixed.
40) [TV52013433]
Setting ILegendItem.Text produced an
error. Fixed.
41) [TV52013257]
Series points not painted correctly
when scrolling and horizontal axis
is inverted. Fixed.
42) [TV52013470]
IHorizHistogramSeries with inverted
vertical axis not plotting correctly.
43) [TV52013314]
IMarksTipTool doesn't work correctly
with IErrorSeries. Fixed.
44) [TF02013509]
Using the OnGetAxisLabel event,
although the label is modified properly
(for example cut it) on the Axis, the
Axis label size is calculated by the
complete labels so a lot of empty space
appears at the bottom, now fixed.
45) [TV52014081]
ITagCloudSeries threw an exception when
only had one value. Fixed.
46) [TV52013611]
Using IDrawLineTool in a chart with
a IAntiAliasTool, when scrolling lines
out of the chart boundaries produced an
error. Fixed.
47) [TV52014108]
3D editor dialog allowed Perspective
values greater than 100. Fixed.
48) [TV52013610]
IDrawLineTool not painting lines
correctly when used together with
49) [TV52013767]
The ColorGrid Series was not displaying
correctly in OpenGL or PDFExport. Now
50) [TV52010768]
Some functions not working fine for
horizontal series. Fixed.
51) [TV52012014]
Selecting marks from a series with null
points using a ISelectorTool produced
an error. Fixed.
52) [TV52013276]
New DefaultNullValue property for ISeries.
53) [No bugfix log]
Added the asLinePoint property which alllows
to access to the LinePoint propertries and
54) [No bugfix log]
New FontSeriesColor for Marks which sets the
font color for each mark giving its point
55) [TV52013175]
New IncludeNulls property implemented for
IHistogramFunction. This property is true
by default.
56) [No bugfix log]
Two new constants for EDownSampleMethod :
dsMinMaxFirstLast and dsMinMaxFirstLastNull.
October 2008
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.5 Release
// Changes and Fixes
1) The LegendPaletteTool gives an Access
Violation with VC++, fixed.
2) [TA05013007] ActiveReports Forms containing
TeeChart did not compile correctly unless
form was open in IDE. Noew resolved.
3) Chart was not refreshing correctly when
Chart height sized below viewing range.
4) [TA05012791] The FullScreen Chart viewer
Tool was not displaying its data. Now
5) [TA05012798] LegendPalette Tool does not
work fine with VbScript.
6) [TA05012964] Using the ChartEditorPanel
control gives the error "Control Tree has
no parent window", now fixed.
7) [TA05013301] TeeNew -> ADX Function demo
don't show the three line Series by default
as text says, now modified.
8) [No bug id] Chart startup visible change
not effected correctly in some environments.
New 'ChartVisible' property in IEnvironment
resolves problem.
9) [No bug id] SeriesTextSource dataloads were
misidentifying Label fields in non-english
language versions only. Now resolved.
10) Added UseSeriesFormat and ValueFormat
properties for export data which allow to
use a specific valueformat or the one
choosed for Series.
11) [TV52013138]
Trying to get MaxLabelsWidth hangs if
IAxisSize=0. Now fixed.
12) Using translations, Field names of selected
table as datasource were translated too, now
13) [TF02013319]
FirstVisibleIndex and LastVisibleIndex
not calculated correctly under some
circumstances and for some series.
14) [TV52012914]
ILinearGauge's title settings at
designtime doesn't persist at runtime.
15) [TV52013112]
Print preview margins could not be
eddited using print preview controls.
16) [TV52013171]
ILineSeries' Add(YValue, Label, Color)
method override didn't produce different
color line segments. Fixed.
17) [TV52013076]
XML export/import loses null points.
18) [TV52013279]
ContourSeries did not colour fill
segments correctly when datasourced from
external file. Now resolved.
19) [TV52012634] Reviewed
ColorGrid Series generates unaligned cells
using similar code to the following one :
var x,z: Integer;
for x:=0 to 5 do
for z:=0 to 3 do
This happens when series' rows and columns
start at value zero. Now fixed.
20) [TV52013186]
When first point in a series is a null
value and TreatNulls=tnSkip a line is
drawn from first to last series point.
21) [TV52013251]
Surface Grid [new] cell insertion wasn't
working correctly. Now resolved.
22) [TV52013355]
Chart editor's export data tab generated
a semicolon when choosing "Colon" option
in the "Delimiter" field. Fixed.
July 2008
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.4 Release
// New Additions
- ISeries.ZOrder property is read/write now.
- Added IAxisLabels.Automatic to set Automatic
label items to True or False.
- Added SaveToXMLFile and SaveToXMLStream
methods to IExport interface.
- Added Items[] property for SeriesList.
- [TA05012742]
Added Series property for SeriesGroup which
allow to change settings for specific series
of a group. (ICustomSeriesList added).
- [TA05012977]
Added Chart1.Zoom.UpLeftZooms property
- [TA05012921]
Added LabelsMargin property for
ICustompPolarSeries interface.
- Added TreatNulls property for
ICustomPolarSeries interface.
- Added more color palettes like cpGrayScale,
cpOpera, cpWarm, cpCool
// Changes and Fixes
1) [TV52010241]
IHistogramSeries and IHorizHistogramSeries
not drawing correctly when axis is not
automatic. Fixed.
2) [TV52012770]
Fixed bug which appear at v8.02. Printing
the Charts access violation is thrown.
3) [TV52010983]
Fixed bug : SetNull doesn't work properly
for FastLine Series. Setting the IgnoreNulls
property of FastLineSeries to false in
conjunction to TreatNulls property works
fine now :
with TChart1.Series(0).asFastLine
.IgnoreNulls = False
.TreatNulls = tnDontPaint
end with
4) [TV52010079]
Crossover funtion: if there is a crossover
at x=0 and x=0 is the xvalue of the first
series point of BOTH series then crosspoints
doesn't work. Crosspoints does work for all
other situations with x=0
5) [TV52010196]
CrossPoints Function does not work fine
setting it at designtime. An extra point is
added at the end which is not correct. Now
6) [TV52012988], [TV52012592] and [TV52012533]
Legends with many items not behaving
correctly under some circumstances. Fixed.
7) [TV52012495]
Changing of a circular gauge to a linear
doesn't work well. Fixed.
8) [TV52010523] & [TV52011291]
Verified these bugs had been fixed in
earlier v8 releases.
9) [TV52012978]
ColorGrid click sensitivity was not correct
with CenteredGrid True. Fixed.
10) [TV52013006]
Changing Series type to BarSeries before
repaint caused a StackStyle problem. Fixed.
11) [TV52012330]
Horizontal Series types did not load XY data
correctly from SeriesTextSource. Fixed.
12) [TV52012634]
ColorGrid Series generates unaligned cells
using similar code to the following one :
var x,z: Integer;
for x:=0 to 5 do
for z:=0 to 3 do
This happens when series' rows and columns
start at value zero. Now fixed.
13) [TV52012332]
IBarSeries and IHorizBarSeries not drawing
correctly when axis is not automatic and
BarWidthPercent = 100. Fixed.
14) [TV52011721]
Problems sizing with Axis' custom label
size. Now fixed.
15) [TV52012992]
Reported "invalid floating point operation"
using the rotate tool under some steep angle
conditions. Fixed.
16) [TV52013025]
The labels list would remains empty when using
AddHighLow from HighLowSeries. Fixed.
17) [TA05012575]
Help for Series type tries to access to v7
help files. Now fixed.
18) [TV52012699]
Using ILegendPaletteTool with a ColorGrid
series with a custom palette didn't work
correctly. Fixed.
19) [TV52011868]
Mouse-panning would cause some axes bound
data to move more quickly than the mouse
movement. Fixed.
20) Setting values for OpenGL light direction gives
an error, now it's fixed.
21) Some examples of demo features project fixed.
22) ITeePicture do no allow to load jpg images,
now fixed.
23) [TA05012939]
GreenLine property access for LinearGauge series,
now fixed.
24) [TA05013071]
Custom Axes were not correctly reconnecting to
Axis events when imported from a tee file (or
stream). Now resolved.
25) Setting MacOS palette did not work fine,
now fixed.
26) [TA05012762]
Properties for Hand of CircularGauge Series
don't take effect. Now fixed.
27) [TA05013069]
Error "Member not found" trying to access to
HighPointer and LowPointer of IHighLowLineSeries
using VC++, now fixed.
28) [TA05012396]
SeriesIndex parameter at OnRemoveSeries event
is always -1. Comment : This parameter is
deprecated into the ActiveX version. Will
always returns -1.
29) [TA05012389]
Related with the [TA05012396].
30) PieOtherSlice.Legend.Visible produces an
Error, now fixed.
31) [TA05013192]
TeeNew Demo Bug, Brush Image demo does not
correspond with the demo showed.
32) IFullScreenTool do not work fine. Now fixed.
January 2008
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.3 Release
// New Additions
- Added method to chart : function TTChart.EditStrings(var Strings: WideString;
ReadOnly: WordBool): WordBool;
- SeriesTextSource allow to load data from Strings using LoadFromStrings method,
demo added to the Project demo.
- Added mirrorlabels property for WindRose series.
- Added the INumericGauge Series.
- Added the ILinearGauge Series.
- Added the ICircularGauge Series.
- New Elektra and Digital embedded fonts.
- New TeeGotoURL global procedure.
- New Color, Gradient and Shadow properties for TLegendPaletteTool.
- New "Random" and "Opera" visuals theme.
- Improvement on IXAMLCanvas export format (Silverlight / WPF).
- INearestTool new Style "hsSeries" (for example to use with a Pie or IWorldSeries).
- IWorldSeries now persists polygon "Z" values, and has a new editor dialog.
- New FibonacciTool to draw Fibonacci financial arcs and fans
- New Marks and AnnotationTool Margins subproperty
- New IMapSeries (and IWorldSeries) smooth Shadow, Transparent, Transparency and
PointSize property
- New IAxisTitle.Clicked function, works with rotated axis titles
- New ICustomBoxSeries.Clicked function
- New ITeeShadow Clip property
- New IPointer Shadow property
- New GradientBright property for IPieSeries.
- IOrgSeries can now be loaded from datasets.
- New IDataTableTool OnDataTableToolFilterSeries event to select specific series
to show.
- New ILinearGauge Horizontal property (and new vertical Linear Gauge series)
- New Gauges Frame Gradient property in Brush and Inner, Outer and Middle brushes.
- TA05012541 - Added IAnnotation Tool PositionUnits property to be able to change
it by code.
// Changes and Fixes
- IPageNumTool wrong display fixed.
- Exporting series data to text with some series with less number of points than
- ISeriesBandTool not clipping drawings when gradient visible.
- Mousewheel scrolling not calling OnAllowScroll event and not using AllowPanning
- IColorBandTool Gradient now using transparency property.
- Duplicate grid lines on logarithmic axes
- Rotated Axis Title and axis labels improved display when Transparent = False,
better Clicked
- ISelectorTool not deselecting series when series go invisible
- Font editor dialog not updating font name when changing it using Windows font
editor dialog.
- IDataTableTool not working fine when Chart MaxPointsPerPage <> 0
- Fixed visual bug of shadows with negative horizontal or vertical sizes.
- Unicode version Multiline labels and marks were not wrapping correctly. Now fixed.
- Assing LineMode property for AxisPen does not work (in opengl), now fixed.
- ExtraLegend Tool crashes assigning a Series to the Extra legend, now fixed.
- FindByName function used to find if a specific group name exists crashes if the
group name does not exists. It's fixed now, it returns -1 which has not found
the specified group name.
- TeeNew project - some demos has been fixed, and added additional ones.
- Using Point3D Series does not point legend symbols correctly, now fixed.
September 2007
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.2 Release
- Fix for the Error importing the TeeChart8.ocx directly with VC++ using :
#import "C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v8 ActiveX Control\TeeChart8.ocx"
no_implementation no_namespace
"cannot instantiate abstract class due to following members: IPicture".
- Updated Help and License files.
- Applied v7 object level memory leak fix
July 2007
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.1 Release
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
Copyright (c) 1997-2012
by Steema Software SL
All Rights Reserved.
email: [email protected]
support forums: http://support.steema.com
28th March 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v8.0.1.3 Release notes
New ocx files added to installer to support
teesmall version.
1st March 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.1.3 Release
1) Further security vulnerabilities resolution.
4th January 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.1.2 Release
1) Integer overflow security vulnerabilities resolution.
2) MS Access Chart positioning improvements for designtime.
June 2011
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.1.1 Release
1) Fixed a memory leak drawing axis labels
with Unicode version.
December 2010
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.1.0 Release
1) Problems registering TeeChart in virtual
machine environments where printer exists.
Resolved in this update.
New property for manual printer
initialisation (use is optional and not
required for most applications).
October 2010
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.9 Release
1) Added IMarks.OnTop property.
2) [TA05013050]
DrawAxisLabelEvent returns a different
axis index that the ClickAxis event.
Now fixed.
3) [TA05010743]
New Tag property (OleVariant) for ISeries
4) [TA05014784]
Having several series, if you remove the
first one, the first and the second series
are removed. Now fixed.
5) [TA05013254]
With version the code Hand proeprty
do not work. It works with version
Now fixed.
6) [TA05014219]
Added the UseMiddleColor method for the
March 2010
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.8 Release
1) Series are not completely freed using the
removeSeries method (using the same series
name for a new Series added crashes), now
2) [TF02014321]
Chart Editor didn't allow the editing of
DateTime values when the equivalent date
was less than or equal to 0 (zero).
3) [TV52014389]
Axes assignment ignored labels font
settings. Fixed.
4) [TV52014016]
Colors not plotted correctly in
TAreaSeries when rotated. Fixed.
5) [TV52014524]
Horiontal grids are not drawn in
TColorGridSeries. Fixed.
6) [TF02014545]
Pie Series Marks Shadow not drawing
correctly when angle non-zero. Fixed.
7) [TV52013638]
TLineSeries rendering took excessive
time under some circumstances. Fixed.
8) [TV52014401]
OnGetMarkText event not available in
TChartShape series. Fixed.
9) [TV52014436]
Scrolling TBarSeries resized the bars
under some circumstances. Fixed.
10) [TV52014649]
Null values painted in TCandleSeries
with CandleStyle set to csLine. Fixed.
11) [TV52014608]
TSeriesTextSource crashed at runtime.
12) [TV52014561]
IgnoreNulls property interfering with
TreatNulls in TFastLineSeries. Fixed.
13) [TV52014677]
2D TLineSeries with LinePen.Width > 1
and TAntiAliasTool are always black.
14) [TV52014692]
Chart editor crashed when using
TAntiAliasTool under some circumstances.
October 2009
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.7 Release
1) Revisions to Save code to support Excel housed
Charts where Datasource is set.
2) TeeChart Help file updated.
3) TA05014329
Hand property for Circular Gauges was not
available at runtime, now fixed.
May 2009
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.6 Release
// Changes and Fixes
1) [No bugfix log]
Added new parameter to the ICanvas.ClipEllipse
method. Now Inverted can be set.
2) TA05013862
MiddleBrush gradient for CircularGauge Series
could not be assigned. Also, Hand distance and
Offset properties were not available, now fixed.
3) TA05013030
ColorLine tool with a bar series, when you move
the mouse over the color line the cursor changes
(to allow drag), but the mouse cursor won't
change until you'll move it out of the Bar, now
4) [No bugfix log]
Added IDownSamplingFunction.DisplayedPointCount
5) TA05013476
Constant missing for Light Filter. New ILightFilter
interface and constant for EFilterClass added.
6) TA05012598
Axes position is not working fine when having
several axis set to different positions. It
always has the value of defaultaxes position.
7) TA05010881
Colorpicker can be opened more than once, If this
is done the opened colorpicker becomes a kind of
ghost window that cannot be selected or closed.
Nor can the chart editor and the application be
closed. Now fixed.
8) [No bugfix log]
Added CustomXRadius and CustomYRadius properties
for CircledSeries.
9) TA05013190
Shadow property is now available for all series
whose inherit from ICircledSeries.
10) [No bugfix log]
Setting values for SelectorTool properties gives
and error using it under VC++, now fixed.
11) TA05013632
Being able to set editor's TreeMode option at
designtime. Now "Options" menu option has been
added into the popup menu of the TChart Control
which allows to change this mode and other
12) [No bugfix log]
Added the AsPointLine property to ISeries to
access to the methods and properties of the
13) [No bugfix log]
Exporting a large number of times the Chart to
PDF (i.e. 5000) in a loop "out of resources"
error appears. We've been investigating the
cause of the problem and trying to find a good
solution, however, we'ven't found a fix for it.
The problem is that when the Chart is exported
to PDF for a this large number of times, if
smooth shadows are used into the Chart, the
resources wasted are growing and growing until
the error appears. We've tried to control this
consumption with no luck.
So, at the end a workaround for these case when
the number of exportations are really big would
be to hide the shadows or just set the shadow
smooth to false.
14) [TF02012544]
Zooming or scrolling on a IBubbleSeries
caused bubbles at the edges of the
chart to "disappear". Fixed.
15) [TF02013413]
Scrolling on a ICandleSeries caused
incorrect FirstDisplayedIndex and
LastDisplayedIndex values to be returned.
16) [similar to TF02012544]
Problems similar to TF02012544 also
occurred in the following Series types:
IBarSeries, IHorizBarSeries, IBar3DSeries,
IBarJoinSeries, IErrorSeries,
IErrorBarSeries, IImageBarSeries,
IPointSeries, IImagePointSeries
and IPointFigureSeries. Fixed.
17) [TF02013442]
ISmithSeries circle unnecessarily reduced
in size when Marks made visible. Fixed.
18) [TF02013446]
IHistogramSeries and IHorizHistogramSeries
not rendering correctly when the axis
associated with the XValues is inverted.
19) [TV52013959]
Memory leak in IPNGExportFormat.
SaveToStreamCompression, now Fixed.
20) [TF02013524]
Null values could not be set for the
Candle Series. Fixed. Null values can
now be set using the IChartSeries.SetNull()
21) [TV52013949]
Axis increment calculation produced an
error with very big ranges. Fixed.
22) [No bugfix log]
CalcXPos and CalcYPos not working in the
IColorGridSeries. Fixed.
23) [TV52013783]
Grid lines not plotted in IColorGridSeries
under some circumstances. Fixed.
24) [TF02013701]
IPointSeries failing to show last points
under exceptional circumstances. Fixed.
25) [TF02013714]
IHorizBarseries not displaying
all points when chart resized. Fixed.
26) [TV52012609]
Added support for IVideoTool.Compression.
Video compression can be assigned recording
video if it exists as a codec on the system.
27) [TV52013763]
Adding Video Player Tool from the editor
gives an exception, now fixed.
28) [TV52013795]
Axes titles painted at the wrong position
under some circumstances. Fixed.
29) [TV52013762]
Series' VisibleCount property not working
correctly, now fixed.
30) [TV52013523]
Adding null values to a candle series
plotted black candles. Fixed.
31) [TV52013796]
IColorGridSeries not plotted correctly
when an associated axis has Inverted
property set to true. Fixed.
32) [TV52012772]
First value in IHistogramFunction wrongly
calculated. Fixed.
33) [TV52013866]
Big difference in values crashes when
calculating axis labels increment. Fixed.
34) [TV52013770]
Multiline chart footer and subfooter
not plotted corectly. Fixed.
35) [TV52013637]
IColorGridSeries.Clicked method not
working when IrregularGrid=True. Fixed.
36) [TV52013462]
Polar series not plotting correctly
when ClockWiseLabels set to false.
37) [TV52013958]
Pie Series now has support for image
as Brush for each slice in 3D mode.
38) [TV52012814]
Filled checkbox in IContourSeries
editor non-functional at design-time.
39) [TV52013778, TV52013431]
SmoothBitmap property in IColorGridSeries
not working fine. Fixed.
40) [TV52013433]
Setting ILegendItem.Text produced an
error. Fixed.
41) [TV52013257]
Series points not painted correctly
when scrolling and horizontal axis
is inverted. Fixed.
42) [TV52013470]
IHorizHistogramSeries with inverted
vertical axis not plotting correctly.
43) [TV52013314]
IMarksTipTool doesn't work correctly
with IErrorSeries. Fixed.
44) [TF02013509]
Using the OnGetAxisLabel event,
although the label is modified properly
(for example cut it) on the Axis, the
Axis label size is calculated by the
complete labels so a lot of empty space
appears at the bottom, now fixed.
45) [TV52014081]
ITagCloudSeries threw an exception when
only had one value. Fixed.
46) [TV52013611]
Using IDrawLineTool in a chart with
a IAntiAliasTool, when scrolling lines
out of the chart boundaries produced an
error. Fixed.
47) [TV52014108]
3D editor dialog allowed Perspective
values greater than 100. Fixed.
48) [TV52013610]
IDrawLineTool not painting lines
correctly when used together with
49) [TV52013767]
The ColorGrid Series was not displaying
correctly in OpenGL or PDFExport. Now
50) [TV52010768]
Some functions not working fine for
horizontal series. Fixed.
51) [TV52012014]
Selecting marks from a series with null
points using a ISelectorTool produced
an error. Fixed.
52) [TV52013276]
New DefaultNullValue property for ISeries.
53) [No bugfix log]
Added the asLinePoint property which alllows
to access to the LinePoint propertries and
54) [No bugfix log]
New FontSeriesColor for Marks which sets the
font color for each mark giving its point
55) [TV52013175]
New IncludeNulls property implemented for
IHistogramFunction. This property is true
by default.
56) [No bugfix log]
Two new constants for EDownSampleMethod :
dsMinMaxFirstLast and dsMinMaxFirstLastNull.
October 2008
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.5 Release
// Changes and Fixes
1) The LegendPaletteTool gives an Access
Violation with VC++, fixed.
2) [TA05013007] ActiveReports Forms containing
TeeChart did not compile correctly unless
form was open in IDE. Noew resolved.
3) Chart was not refreshing correctly when
Chart height sized below viewing range.
4) [TA05012791] The FullScreen Chart viewer
Tool was not displaying its data. Now
5) [TA05012798] LegendPalette Tool does not
work fine with VbScript.
6) [TA05012964] Using the ChartEditorPanel
control gives the error "Control Tree has
no parent window", now fixed.
7) [TA05013301] TeeNew -> ADX Function demo
don't show the three line Series by default
as text says, now modified.
8) [No bug id] Chart startup visible change
not effected correctly in some environments.
New 'ChartVisible' property in IEnvironment
resolves problem.
9) [No bug id] SeriesTextSource dataloads were
misidentifying Label fields in non-english
language versions only. Now resolved.
10) Added UseSeriesFormat and ValueFormat
properties for export data which allow to
use a specific valueformat or the one
choosed for Series.
11) [TV52013138]
Trying to get MaxLabelsWidth hangs if
IAxisSize=0. Now fixed.
12) Using translations, Field names of selected
table as datasource were translated too, now
13) [TF02013319]
FirstVisibleIndex and LastVisibleIndex
not calculated correctly under some
circumstances and for some series.
14) [TV52012914]
ILinearGauge's title settings at
designtime doesn't persist at runtime.
15) [TV52013112]
Print preview margins could not be
eddited using print preview controls.
16) [TV52013171]
ILineSeries' Add(YValue, Label, Color)
method override didn't produce different
color line segments. Fixed.
17) [TV52013076]
XML export/import loses null points.
18) [TV52013279]
ContourSeries did not colour fill
segments correctly when datasourced from
external file. Now resolved.
19) [TV52012634] Reviewed
ColorGrid Series generates unaligned cells
using similar code to the following one :
var x,z: Integer;
for x:=0 to 5 do
for z:=0 to 3 do
This happens when series' rows and columns
start at value zero. Now fixed.
20) [TV52013186]
When first point in a series is a null
value and TreatNulls=tnSkip a line is
drawn from first to last series point.
21) [TV52013251]
Surface Grid [new] cell insertion wasn't
working correctly. Now resolved.
22) [TV52013355]
Chart editor's export data tab generated
a semicolon when choosing "Colon" option
in the "Delimiter" field. Fixed.
July 2008
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.4 Release
// New Additions
- ISeries.ZOrder property is read/write now.
- Added IAxisLabels.Automatic to set Automatic
label items to True or False.
- Added SaveToXMLFile and SaveToXMLStream
methods to IExport interface.
- Added Items[] property for SeriesList.
- [TA05012742]
Added Series property for SeriesGroup which
allow to change settings for specific series
of a group. (ICustomSeriesList added).
- [TA05012977]
Added Chart1.Zoom.UpLeftZooms property
- [TA05012921]
Added LabelsMargin property for
ICustompPolarSeries interface.
- Added TreatNulls property for
ICustomPolarSeries interface.
- Added more color palettes like cpGrayScale,
cpOpera, cpWarm, cpCool
// Changes and Fixes
1) [TV52010241]
IHistogramSeries and IHorizHistogramSeries
not drawing correctly when axis is not
automatic. Fixed.
2) [TV52012770]
Fixed bug which appear at v8.02. Printing
the Charts access violation is thrown.
3) [TV52010983]
Fixed bug : SetNull doesn't work properly
for FastLine Series. Setting the IgnoreNulls
property of FastLineSeries to false in
conjunction to TreatNulls property works
fine now :
with TChart1.Series(0).asFastLine
.IgnoreNulls = False
.TreatNulls = tnDontPaint
end with
4) [TV52010079]
Crossover funtion: if there is a crossover
at x=0 and x=0 is the xvalue of the first
series point of BOTH series then crosspoints
doesn't work. Crosspoints does work for all
other situations with x=0
5) [TV52010196]
CrossPoints Function does not work fine
setting it at designtime. An extra point is
added at the end which is not correct. Now
6) [TV52012988], [TV52012592] and [TV52012533]
Legends with many items not behaving
correctly under some circumstances. Fixed.
7) [TV52012495]
Changing of a circular gauge to a linear
doesn't work well. Fixed.
8) [TV52010523] & [TV52011291]
Verified these bugs had been fixed in
earlier v8 releases.
9) [TV52012978]
ColorGrid click sensitivity was not correct
with CenteredGrid True. Fixed.
10) [TV52013006]
Changing Series type to BarSeries before
repaint caused a StackStyle problem. Fixed.
11) [TV52012330]
Horizontal Series types did not load XY data
correctly from SeriesTextSource. Fixed.
12) [TV52012634]
ColorGrid Series generates unaligned cells
using similar code to the following one :
var x,z: Integer;
for x:=0 to 5 do
for z:=0 to 3 do
This happens when series' rows and columns
start at value zero. Now fixed.
13) [TV52012332]
IBarSeries and IHorizBarSeries not drawing
correctly when axis is not automatic and
BarWidthPercent = 100. Fixed.
14) [TV52011721]
Problems sizing with Axis' custom label
size. Now fixed.
15) [TV52012992]
Reported "invalid floating point operation"
using the rotate tool under some steep angle
conditions. Fixed.
16) [TV52013025]
The labels list would remains empty when using
AddHighLow from HighLowSeries. Fixed.
17) [TA05012575]
Help for Series type tries to access to v7
help files. Now fixed.
18) [TV52012699]
Using ILegendPaletteTool with a ColorGrid
series with a custom palette didn't work
correctly. Fixed.
19) [TV52011868]
Mouse-panning would cause some axes bound
data to move more quickly than the mouse
movement. Fixed.
20) Setting values for OpenGL light direction gives
an error, now it's fixed.
21) Some examples of demo features project fixed.
22) ITeePicture do no allow to load jpg images,
now fixed.
23) [TA05012939]
GreenLine property access for LinearGauge series,
now fixed.
24) [TA05013071]
Custom Axes were not correctly reconnecting to
Axis events when imported from a tee file (or
stream). Now resolved.
25) Setting MacOS palette did not work fine,
now fixed.
26) [TA05012762]
Properties for Hand of CircularGauge Series
don't take effect. Now fixed.
27) [TA05013069]
Error "Member not found" trying to access to
HighPointer and LowPointer of IHighLowLineSeries
using VC++, now fixed.
28) [TA05012396]
SeriesIndex parameter at OnRemoveSeries event
is always -1. Comment : This parameter is
deprecated into the ActiveX version. Will
always returns -1.
29) [TA05012389]
Related with the [TA05012396].
30) PieOtherSlice.Legend.Visible produces an
Error, now fixed.
31) [TA05013192]
TeeNew Demo Bug, Brush Image demo does not
correspond with the demo showed.
32) IFullScreenTool do not work fine. Now fixed.
January 2008
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.3 Release
// New Additions
- Added method to chart : function TTChart.EditStrings(var Strings: WideString;
ReadOnly: WordBool): WordBool;
- SeriesTextSource allow to load data from Strings using LoadFromStrings method,
demo added to the Project demo.
- Added mirrorlabels property for WindRose series.
- Added the INumericGauge Series.
- Added the ILinearGauge Series.
- Added the ICircularGauge Series.
- New Elektra and Digital embedded fonts.
- New TeeGotoURL global procedure.
- New Color, Gradient and Shadow properties for TLegendPaletteTool.
- New "Random" and "Opera" visuals theme.
- Improvement on IXAMLCanvas export format (Silverlight / WPF).
- INearestTool new Style "hsSeries" (for example to use with a Pie or IWorldSeries).
- IWorldSeries now persists polygon "Z" values, and has a new editor dialog.
- New FibonacciTool to draw Fibonacci financial arcs and fans
- New Marks and AnnotationTool Margins subproperty
- New IMapSeries (and IWorldSeries) smooth Shadow, Transparent, Transparency and
PointSize property
- New IAxisTitle.Clicked function, works with rotated axis titles
- New ICustomBoxSeries.Clicked function
- New ITeeShadow Clip property
- New IPointer Shadow property
- New GradientBright property for IPieSeries.
- IOrgSeries can now be loaded from datasets.
- New IDataTableTool OnDataTableToolFilterSeries event to select specific series
to show.
- New ILinearGauge Horizontal property (and new vertical Linear Gauge series)
- New Gauges Frame Gradient property in Brush and Inner, Outer and Middle brushes.
- TA05012541 - Added IAnnotation Tool PositionUnits property to be able to change
it by code.
// Changes and Fixes
- IPageNumTool wrong display fixed.
- Exporting series data to text with some series with less number of points than
- ISeriesBandTool not clipping drawings when gradient visible.
- Mousewheel scrolling not calling OnAllowScroll event and not using AllowPanning
- IColorBandTool Gradient now using transparency property.
- Duplicate grid lines on logarithmic axes
- Rotated Axis Title and axis labels improved display when Transparent = False,
better Clicked
- ISelectorTool not deselecting series when series go invisible
- Font editor dialog not updating font name when changing it using Windows font
editor dialog.
- IDataTableTool not working fine when Chart MaxPointsPerPage <> 0
- Fixed visual bug of shadows with negative horizontal or vertical sizes.
- Unicode version Multiline labels and marks were not wrapping correctly. Now fixed.
- Assing LineMode property for AxisPen does not work (in opengl), now fixed.
- ExtraLegend Tool crashes assigning a Series to the Extra legend, now fixed.
- FindByName function used to find if a specific group name exists crashes if the
group name does not exists. It's fixed now, it returns -1 which has not found
the specified group name.
- TeeNew project - some demos has been fixed, and added additional ones.
- Using Point3D Series does not point legend symbols correctly, now fixed.
September 2007
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.2 Release
- Fix for the Error importing the TeeChart8.ocx directly with VC++ using :
#import "C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart Pro v8 ActiveX Control\TeeChart8.ocx"
no_implementation no_namespace
"cannot instantiate abstract class due to following members: IPicture".
- Updated Help and License files.
- Applied v7 object level memory leak fix
July 2007
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v8
v8.0.0.1 Release
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
Copyright (c) 1997-2012
by Steema Software SL
All Rights Reserved.
email: [email protected]
support forums: http://support.steema.com
4th April 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.6 Release notes
The teechart7 cab files, but not the ocxs were
signcoded in earlier v7 installers. Now both
cab and ocx files are signed.
28th March 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.6 Release notes
New ocx files added to installer to support
teesmall version. ShowEditor method
1st March 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.6 Release notes
1) Integer overflow security vulnerabilities resolution.
2) MS Access Chart positioning improvements for designtime.
January 2011
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.5 Release notes:
Bug fixes
1) Problems registering TeeChart in virtual
machine environments where printer exists.
Resolved in this update.
2) Interface problem was reported using
Polar Series in v7.0.1.4.
Now resolved.
April 2007
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.4 Release notes:
* Additions
- 3D Rendering improvements to VolumePipeSeries
- Added a new property for IPointSeries (boolean FastPoint) which allows to desactive
the OnGetSeriesPointer callback. This increases the speed drawing.
- Added Pen property for shapes (ITeeCustomShape.Pen property).
- Added Visible property for individual Marks (IMarksItem.Visible).
- Added Brush property for individual Marks (IMarksItem.Brush=2662).
- New interface (IClipSeriesTool) which allow to add the ClipSeriesTool through code,
and is properties (ITools.asClipSeries).
- New AllSeries property which allows to hide the Series tab in the Editor :
- Added the OnAxisArrowToolClick event.
- Added AreaChartBrush property which allow to set the Brush of Area series through code.
* Fixes
- Some fixes accessing help dynamically (through Editor dialog).
- Bar Cone Style was always inverse in OpenGL. Now Fixed.
- TV52011834 - Using DataTable tool and setting MaxPointsPerPage to any value the cell
does not show the correct value of the point displayed in Chart (in case for 1 shows
the latest Series point value instead of the first one). Fixed !.
- Fix for Unicode version exporting to PDF.
- Adding Contour Series at design time app. breaks, now fixed.
November 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.3 Release notes:
* Fixes
- Other memory leak problems.
- Unicode problems :
Series Marks text.
Caption property returns empty strings.
October 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.2 Release notes:
* Additions
- Unicode version made available in parallel
with standard version. Available for
- New ISOSurface Series provides horizontal
band ranges.
- New ITChart.version property to get the used
* Fixes
- Memory leak resolved for new Chart instances
- Revisions to Save code to support Excel housed
- Revisions to permit correct loading of VBA
Userform housed Charts
- Series groups Active property gives an exception, now fixed.
- Zooming/Scrolling Colorgrid Series, the grid lines are not synchronized
with the grid cells, fixed.
* Known issues
- Cascaded Internet Explorer sheets do not
correctly paint TeeChart housed as 'OBJECT'.
Need to 'print preview' or 'refresh' page
to reactivate painting. Under investigation,
believed to be IE problem as Chart tested as
responding correctly even during non-apparent
paint period.
- Visual Studio 6's TestContainer does not free
correctly when unoading after Chart has been
opened in container.
- Deactivated TeeChart control in VStudio 6
TestContainer does not reposition correctly.
August 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.1 Release notes:
* Additions in the v7.0.1.1
- Added ITitles.Caption property.
- Added ICalendarSeries.ClickedDate function :
Private Sub TChart1_OnMouseDown(ByVal Button As TeeChart.EMouseButton, ByVal Shift As
TeeChart.EShiftState, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
Dim dateClicked As Date
Dim clickedDate As Boolean
clickedDate = TChart1.Series(0).asCalendar.clickedDate(X, Y, dateClicked)
If clickedDate Then
MsgBox Str(clickedDate) + " " + Str(dateClicked)
End If
End Sub
- Added ILegendTitle.Caption property.
- New Bar and HorizBar Series styles: Slant Cuve, Diamond, Inverted Cone and
Inverted Arrow (allow via code).
- Added IPointFigureSeries GetInversionColumn function.
- New OnSeriesAfterAdd event.
- Added OnGetSeriesPointerStyle event for ISmithSeries.
- New ICircledSeries.PointToRadius method.
- New global variable ICanvas.TeeCheckPenWidth (HP-Laserjet printers bug).
- IMarksItem Interface which allow to set Text for marks independently.
- Added OnGetSeriesBarStyle event.
- Support for IE7.
August 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
Test version only - Not recommended for production use
v7.0.1.0 Release notes:
08/09/2006 - Added teechart7.cab file into the TestVersion installer.
August 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
Test version only - Not recommended for production use
v7.0.0.9 Release notes:
TeeChart ActiveX version is not Unicode compliant
though may be used natively, respecting local
characterset, in all language operating systems
including far-east double-byte and non-Latin charset
Windows machines. Limitations occur when an application
is to be used across language-charset boundaries. The
test version included here improves support on Windows
machines where the language may not be that of the
application but Regional Settings codepage for
non-Unicode applications is set to the language
characterset of the application.
* Changes in the v7.0.0.9
- Prototype version, implementing improved support for
- Via all coded interface input
- Support for WideString SeriesTextSrc inputs
- Direct Unicode output using Canvas.TextOut
June 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.8 Release notes:
* Fixes in the v7.0.0.8
- Excel Close Fix, respecting OLEContainer close and VBA UserForm Chart add.
- Multiple IE Window fix. Resolves too, IE client SeriesTextSrc problem.
- Other minor problems.
April 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.7 Release notes:
* Changes and additions in version :
- New Tool class: IDataTableTool, ITableLegend
Series "Y" values are displayed at a grid table inside the chart.
- ISeriesSource new LoadMode property (see ISeriesXMLSource)
When LoadMode is "lmAppend", XML data is appended to series. Default is "lmClear".
- IGridBandBrush Gradient property (IGridBandTool)
Both Band1 and Band2 of GridBand tool can now be filled using gradient colors.
- ICrossTabSource HideSeries boolean property
When False, automatically created internal series are displayed at editors.
- ITitles Clear method
Removes text of chart titles and footers.
- Legend LeftPercent and TopPercent properties.
- Legend PositionUnits property (muPixels or muPercent).
Legend can now be positioned at a Left or Top percentage of chart size.
- Legend Items() amd Item(index) properties :
Returns legend displayed items individual properties.
- Added new VolumePipe Series (IVolumePipeSeries) and its properties.
- Added IArrowSeries.ArrowPercent property.
- Added ILegendSymbol Gradient property.
- Added IPen SmallSpace integer property.
- Added TeeCommander Gradient property.
- Added IAxisArrowTool HeadWidth (integer) and SizePercent (integer %) properties.
- Added IAnnotationTool Bounds property.
- Added IPrinter ShowSetupDlg method which allow you to access to Setup printers.
* Fixes in the v7.0.0.7
- Tee files now trimmed unless Import.v5TeeCompatible is selected.
- OpenGL Font error on close when multiple Charts open, now resolved.
- Some fixes related with Bar and HorizBar Series with SelfStack and MaxPointsPerPage.
#TV52010024 - All Features\Tools\Mark Tips\Mark Tips Tool.
Delay doesn't work.
#TV52010115 - Setting a Title for the Legend so long it appears out of the Frame, this only
happens with is aligned to the top or bottom.
- Fixes exporting to GIF.
#TV52011283 - Fixed bug in CalcADX function -"Invalid floating point operation" in ADX
- Calendar Series gives an Access violation accessing to the Themes tab, now is fixed.
- Several Help fixes
- Other minor fixes.
December 2005
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.6 Release notes:
* Changes and additions in version :
# TA05010095 - Added the CalculateTrend for TrendFunction.
# TA05010443 - Added properties and methods and its events of IRectangleTool interface.
# TA05010600 - Added the CalcZPos method for 3D Series.
# Added ExportNative property of ITeeEditorShowPages to allow to hide the Export Native
# Added Transparent property of ILegentTitle interface.
# TV52010985 - New option at TeeEditor1.Options :
When disabling ordering, the editor ChartListBox is also set to "EnableDragSeries=False"
# TV52011065 - Added a new boolean property to both all Series and Tools:
tChart1.Series(0).ShowInEditor = False
tChart1.Tools.Items(0).ShowInEditor = False
* Fixes in the v7.0.0.6
# TA05010694 - "Range check error" using "volume" Series in a chart. It
happens when the mouse pointer is over the chart area. Now Fixed.
# TA05010624 - TChart1.Canvas.Line method doesn't work. The problem was that
Line is a reserved word, this method has been changed to DrawLine.
# TA05010828 - TeeSplitLines method was removed in VCL but has been fixed to
be able to continue using it with ActiveX version.
# TA05011011 - Access violation exception setting IrregularGrid at design
time and passing the mouse over the Series without data. Now Fixed.
# The VerticalAxisCustom method does not give a currect index, now has been
# TV52010173 - Setting a minimum and maximum for Gauge Series like -10,10 the
axis does not cover the first 10 values, or maybe the labels should move to
place them under the axis. Now Fixed.
# TV52010449 - In the Contour Series examples, "Palette and Color range",changing
the palette has no effect on the chart. It also happens using the editor. Fixed.
# TV52010944- Exporting to Gif having XP Theme selected gives a "Color table
overflow" error. Now Fixed.
# TV52010945 - The character "T" on top the errorbar is drawn at inappropriate
position when Stacked 100%. Now Fixed.
# Installation of TeeChart on Excel/VBA Userform not possible in
prior releases of TeeChart AX7. Issue now resolved.
# TeeChart didn't support full range of Long HDCs sent from
recent Windows op systems. Now resolved.
# Some fixed in Features Demo.
July 2005
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.5 Release notes:
* Changes and additions in version :
# TA05010169 - Added Cursor property for the Annotation tool.
# TA05010273 - Add the following Boolean Properties for the TeeListBox :
# TA05010271 - Added the Following events for TeeListBox component :
# Added the ColorStyle property to Candle Series
# Added the UpCloseGradient property to Candle Series
# Adeed the DownCloseGradient to Candle Series
* Fixes in the v7.05 (until 28/07/2005)
# Multiple Instancing of Internet Explorer
Windows could generate an error when closing
if MarkTips tool present. Now resolved.
# Range Check Error appears in some cases. Now resolved
# Other minor changes..
April 2005
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.4 Release notes:
* Changes and additions in version 7.04 :
# New TeeMap demo
# TA05010169 - Added Cursor property for the Annotation tool.
# TA05010188 - Added the folllwing events for ColorLineTool :
OnBeginDragLine, OnDragLine,OnEndDragLine.
# TA05010265 - The TSeriesBand Tool has not been implemented
into the ActveX version, also adding it at design time does not
seems to work fine, once you run the app, does not display the
band (repaint problem).
# TA05010266 - Add the Selector Tool, for the moment it's only
available at design time.
# TA05010280 - Allow to change the Label column title. It's "Text"
as defect. In VCL version can be changed via TeeMsg...
# TA05010287 - Add the Uninstall option for the next installers... as a shortcut..
# Added DeleteRangeForm example to the Tree.
# Added FastPen property to tFastLineSeries
# Added AutoRepaint property to tFastLineSeries
# Added ISeriesBandTool
# Added ISelectorTool with its events
# Added AnnotationToolClick event
# Added some examples in de demo about AnnotationToolClick, ISeriesBand Tool, ISelectorTool
# TeeCommanderButton to allow to hide the buttons directly as TeeCommander1.Button3d.hide
# TeeCommander.RepositionControls property
# TeeListBox.ItemHeight property
# TeeListBox.ClearItems method
# Added LabelHeader property for Export : IExport.LabelHeader
# Added LabelHeader property for ChartGrid (same as for the Export) : IChartGrid.LabelHeader
# Added FastPen property for the FastLine Series : IFastLine.FastPen
# Added Autorepaint property for Series : ISeries.AutoRepaint
# New interface ISeriesBandTool to allow to add this tool at runtime, via code
# Added the following properties for the SeriesBandTool :
# Added asSeriesBand property to access to the SeriesBandTool
properties : ITools.asSeriesBand
# New interface ISelectorTool to allow to add this tool at runtime, via code
# Added the following properties for the SelectorTool :
# Added asSelector property to access to the SelectorTool properties : ITools.asSelector
# Added the following new events :
# Added RepositionControls property for TeeCommander component :
# Added the following properties for the TeeListBox component :
# Added Active property for the Tools to allow to enable/disable all the tools at the same
time :IToolList.Active
# Added the following properties for the tChart component :
# Added the following properties for the Series type which use Palette :
# Added the following properties and methods for the Map Series type :
# Added Shadow property for ICustomSeries (includes ILineSeries, IHorizLine,...) :
# Added Themes property in TeeEditor to allow to hide the Themes tab :
# New interface IPointArray which can be used to get the an array of TPoint (used for
IMapSeries to get the points IMapPolygon.GetPoints)
# Added the following properties for IPointArray interface :
# New interface ITeeCommanderButton to allow to hide TeeCommander buttons directly
# Added Hide method : ITeeCommanderButton.Hide
# Added the following properties for TeeCommander component :
#TV52010349 - Added ClickTolerance property for IDrawLineTool.
#TV52010355 - Added a new button "Clear" to Series DataSource tab which allow to clear the
data created by default when you add a new Series.
#TV52010435 - After painting a new line using IDrawLineTool, this line is not selected. Now,
SelectNewLines property has Been added ( default is True )
* Fixes in the v7.04 (until 12/04/2005)
#TA05010154 - Problem adding a Nearest Tool and Saving project Error :"cannot load tchart1"
#TA05010157 - ChartEditorPanel with Chart asigned, buttons greyed out.
#TA05010283 - It has been fixed witht he TA05010154. aLL THE ADDED tools are identified
and saved as ChartTool1
#TA05010284 - When accessing the Min & Max axis values for a custom axis, every axis index is
off by one. For example the
correct Min/Max axis values for Axis.Custom(9) are found at Axis.Custom(10).
#TA05010348 - In TeeChartv7FeatureDemo.exe I can't see example of source code in topic
"Axis Labels no Weekends"
#TA05010511 - Saving chart as a native TeeChart 'tee' template Line code :
tChart.Export.asNative.SaveToFile lsPathFileName,
True Error : -2147418113 Automation error Catastrophic failure
#TA05010539 - If you use the tool MarksTip in a color grid, the label of the last row and the
last column are never showed.
This is a bug of TeeChart6.ocx, and it is not resolved with the version 7.
#TV52010327 - The OnClick event for the TColorGrid series is not fired in some cases.
#TV52010045 - OnClickSeries event does no work for Pyramid Series.
#TV52010062 - Changing 2D-3D from the TeeCommander does not refresh the Color Icon on
ChartListBox since you click over it.
#TV52010065 - Changing the increment for DateTime Values from the Editor does not work
fine. If you go to
Chart-> Axis -> Bottom -> Click over the Change Increment Button, select
Standard and for example "One Week", you will notice that the axis changes
to "Three days", nor for one Week,
#TV52010149 - The button BClose is hidden when showing the preview inside the Print tab
in the editor.
It shows when using the preview window standalone or the TchartPreview
component Show.
I've moved the Setup and Print buttons inside a new panel, right aligned and
anchored to BClose panel.
#TV52010177 - Setting the Zoom Direction to tzHorizontal does not work fine.
#TV52010193 - The Depth axis is moved but not the Axis labels, ticks and title :
#TV52010270 - Setting a smaller pattern (like Fill 80%) for an Area series is not correctly
displayed in the legend symbol.
#TV52010286 - Using ClickeableLine property to true for LineSeries is not fired when the
point is outside the Chart area.
#TV52010293 - Legend with checkboxes with a big number of Series and ScrollBar tool
does not check/uncheck a correct Series when the legend is aligned to the bottom.
#TV52010324 - Retrieving the Size of an Annotation tool, it does not give you correct results,
you always get 0 as with and height using the Shape.ShapeBounds properties.
#TV52010342 - The event OnDrawLineToolDraggedLine is NOT only triggered when a
line has been dragged to a new location,it is called everytime you click on a line without
dragged it before !
#TV52010481 - List Index out of bounds clicking over the "Add" button without selecting
any tool in the Tool Gallery form.
#TV52010172 - Exporting the Chart through the Chart Editor to PCX you get a "range
check error"
December 2004
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.3 Release notes:
Changes and additions in version 7.03 :
- IColorBandTool now have the DrawBehindAxis property.
- Added the property Name which allow you to specifi the Text that will appear as Header
exporting the data of the Chart, Sample Code :
Private Sub Form_Load()
With TChart1
.AddSeries scPoint
.Series(0).FillSampleValues (5)
.Series(0).YValues.Name = "YVal"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
With TChart1.Export.asXLS
.IncludeHeader = True
.IncludeLabels = True
.SaveToFile "c:\Test.xls"
End With
End Sub
- Added the DragPointToolDragPoint event for the IDragPointTool.
- Added the DrawLineToolSelecting event for the IDrawLineTool.
- New properties and methods added the the ISurfaceNearestTool :
- Added the Width and Height properties for IAnnotation tool.
- New event OnRotateToolRotate which is fired when the Rotate tool has been added and
the Chart is rotated.
- Added IAreaSeries.AreaColor property to allow to set the color for the pattern lines
- Added some events for the ColorLineTool :
- Related problem with "Out of system resources error using TeeChart in ASP page"
1. Resource issue when connecting to file based (mdb) datasources.
2. Resource issue when resizing TeeChart in a browser page during
cascade/un-cascade operations whilst having open several/many such pages.
1. File based (mdb) datasources
High resource utilisation has proved to be an issue when connecting to file
based (mdb) datasources. Previous tests have shown that the same or greater
load when applied to an integrated dataserver (eg. MS's SQL Server) does
not suffer from similar resource l imitations. We recommend the use of that
type of database for applications where multiple access/high load to a
database is expected.
2. Resizing TeeChart during cascade/un-cascade operations
We can reproduce this issue. The problem occurs as a TeeChart internal bitmap
is being copied and requesting a windows handle during a TeeChart resize
operation in a child Internet Explorer window (here during the cascade/un-cascade
tests). In tests to date the problem seems to be limited to IE windows opened, as
child windows (ie. Ctrl-N from an existing Window).
In independently opened IE browsers and in Windows Form-based apps the problem
doesn't appear to occur. The problem occurs at a low Windows level that makes it
difficult for us to resolve the problem in TeeChart, not at least without further
investigating alternative techniques to achieve the required result. If the Chart isn't
resized the problem shouldn't occur and that has proved to be the case in tests here
to now - feedback on this would be useful. To avoid resize Charts can be fixed size
instead of percentage sized.
instead of
For regular TeeChart browser applications, where the need to load and resize multiple
child browser windows at a time is not necessary, the continued use of % sizing shouldn't
be a problem.
1. (mdb files) The issue is long-standing and related to resource use managed outside of
TeeChart. The recommended solution remains the use of a server-based database server.
2. (internal bitmaps) We are further investigating a fix to this issue that we feel is related to
an IE resource management deficiency. For the moment we recommend the workaround
described above.
Added for v6.0.0.6 and above
New interface elements
1) ITeeCommander.DefaultButton
1) New VS.NET ASP WebForm example to
demonstrate multiple Chart events.
Fixes in the v7.03
#1505 AV when closing form having TTeeFunction
#1499 TRotateTool and OpenGL conflict
#1470 TExtraLegendTool now works with automatic position
#1465 Missing entry in "Save as" combo at data export dialog
#1332 Paging was not working fine when MaxPointsPerPage = 1
#1074 ISeries.Marks.MultiLine bug fixed
#1238 Changing the Scroll style through the Editor is not saved.
#TA05010138 Placing a ChartListBox into a Net application gives an Exception
#TA05010073 IColorBandTool.DrawBehindAxes missing from AXv7.0.0.2.
#TA05010107 In Windows XP, using the TMarkTipsTool (for hints) the shadow of the
Mark still visible.
#TA05010121,#TA05010187 Some fixes in the Help Files.
Fixes for v6.0.0.6 included in the v7.03
Bug fixes/changes
1) Smoothing function reported an error with Interpolate set to true and more
than 250 data points. Fixed.
2) The addition and removal of IAnnotationTools caused a memory leak.
3) The IvalueList.Order property was not being serialised for both X and Y Values.
4) OnCursorToolChange event not fired if XVal and YVal properties changed via
code. Fixed.
5) Rounding problem with Logarithmic axes attached to certain series types. Fixed.
6) TeeCommander with custom buttons allowed panning when no button was
selected. Fixed by implementation of ITeeCommander.DefaultButton.
7) Changing the logarithmic base of an axis at designed time caused the Chart Editor
to hang. Fixed.
8) IHighLowSeries.AddHighLow sometimes returned incorrect index value. Fixed.
9) Multiple events could not be assigned to a chart created server-side in ASP.NET
For Example of necessary technique see TeeChart example CsharpWebForm.
10) The AutoRepaint property has now been set to non-browsable.
11) Series Titles which coincided with TeeChart constants were being automatically
translated. Fixed.
12) The database Summary tag in the Chart Editor wasn't being translated. Fixed.
13) Contour Series untrapped error when series emptied of points. Fixed.
14) Designtime Shape Series changes not saved. Fixed.
15) IE reported an error when unloading TeeChart under some specific circumstances.
Now resolved.
16) SeriesXMLSource non-functional with Pie series. Fixed.
August 2004
TeeChart Pro Activex Control
v7.0.0.2 Release notes:
New features:
- TeeChart Pro AX v7 includes
- 17 new interfaces
- More than 50 new properties methods and events
Please see the Docs\WhatsNewAXv7.txt file for a full list of new features.
Please see the VB TeeChart7Demo, accessible
from the program Manager group, for a summary
of new features with live examples.
email: [email protected]
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
Copyright (c) 1997-2012
by Steema Software SL
All Rights Reserved.
email: [email protected]
support forums: http://support.steema.com
4th April 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.6 Release notes
The teechart7 cab files, but not the ocxs were
signcoded in earlier v7 installers. Now both
cab and ocx files are signed.
28th March 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.6 Release notes
New ocx files added to installer to support
teesmall version. ShowEditor method
1st March 2012
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.6 Release notes
1) Integer overflow security vulnerabilities resolution.
2) MS Access Chart positioning improvements for designtime.
January 2011
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.5 Release notes:
Bug fixes
1) Problems registering TeeChart in virtual
machine environments where printer exists.
Resolved in this update.
2) Interface problem was reported using
Polar Series in v7.0.1.4.
Now resolved.
April 2007
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.4 Release notes:
* Additions
- 3D Rendering improvements to VolumePipeSeries
- Added a new property for IPointSeries (boolean FastPoint) which allows to desactive
the OnGetSeriesPointer callback. This increases the speed drawing.
- Added Pen property for shapes (ITeeCustomShape.Pen property).
- Added Visible property for individual Marks (IMarksItem.Visible).
- Added Brush property for individual Marks (IMarksItem.Brush=2662).
- New interface (IClipSeriesTool) which allow to add the ClipSeriesTool through code,
and is properties (ITools.asClipSeries).
- New AllSeries property which allows to hide the Series tab in the Editor :
- Added the OnAxisArrowToolClick event.
- Added AreaChartBrush property which allow to set the Brush of Area series through code.
* Fixes
- Some fixes accessing help dynamically (through Editor dialog).
- Bar Cone Style was always inverse in OpenGL. Now Fixed.
- TV52011834 - Using DataTable tool and setting MaxPointsPerPage to any value the cell
does not show the correct value of the point displayed in Chart (in case for 1 shows
the latest Series point value instead of the first one). Fixed !.
- Fix for Unicode version exporting to PDF.
- Adding Contour Series at design time app. breaks, now fixed.
November 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.3 Release notes:
* Fixes
- Other memory leak problems.
- Unicode problems :
Series Marks text.
Caption property returns empty strings.
October 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.2 Release notes:
* Additions
- Unicode version made available in parallel
with standard version. Available for
- New ISOSurface Series provides horizontal
band ranges.
- New ITChart.version property to get the used
* Fixes
- Memory leak resolved for new Chart instances
- Revisions to Save code to support Excel housed
- Revisions to permit correct loading of VBA
Userform housed Charts
- Series groups Active property gives an exception, now fixed.
- Zooming/Scrolling Colorgrid Series, the grid lines are not synchronized
with the grid cells, fixed.
* Known issues
- Cascaded Internet Explorer sheets do not
correctly paint TeeChart housed as 'OBJECT'.
Need to 'print preview' or 'refresh' page
to reactivate painting. Under investigation,
believed to be IE problem as Chart tested as
responding correctly even during non-apparent
paint period.
- Visual Studio 6's TestContainer does not free
correctly when unoading after Chart has been
opened in container.
- Deactivated TeeChart control in VStudio 6
TestContainer does not reposition correctly.
August 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.1.1 Release notes:
* Additions in the v7.0.1.1
- Added ITitles.Caption property.
- Added ICalendarSeries.ClickedDate function :
Private Sub TChart1_OnMouseDown(ByVal Button As TeeChart.EMouseButton, ByVal Shift As
TeeChart.EShiftState, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
Dim dateClicked As Date
Dim clickedDate As Boolean
clickedDate = TChart1.Series(0).asCalendar.clickedDate(X, Y, dateClicked)
If clickedDate Then
MsgBox Str(clickedDate) + " " + Str(dateClicked)
End If
End Sub
- Added ILegendTitle.Caption property.
- New Bar and HorizBar Series styles: Slant Cuve, Diamond, Inverted Cone and
Inverted Arrow (allow via code).
- Added IPointFigureSeries GetInversionColumn function.
- New OnSeriesAfterAdd event.
- Added OnGetSeriesPointerStyle event for ISmithSeries.
- New ICircledSeries.PointToRadius method.
- New global variable ICanvas.TeeCheckPenWidth (HP-Laserjet printers bug).
- IMarksItem Interface which allow to set Text for marks independently.
- Added OnGetSeriesBarStyle event.
- Support for IE7.
August 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
Test version only - Not recommended for production use
v7.0.1.0 Release notes:
08/09/2006 - Added teechart7.cab file into the TestVersion installer.
August 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
Test version only - Not recommended for production use
v7.0.0.9 Release notes:
TeeChart ActiveX version is not Unicode compliant
though may be used natively, respecting local
characterset, in all language operating systems
including far-east double-byte and non-Latin charset
Windows machines. Limitations occur when an application
is to be used across language-charset boundaries. The
test version included here improves support on Windows
machines where the language may not be that of the
application but Regional Settings codepage for
non-Unicode applications is set to the language
characterset of the application.
* Changes in the v7.0.0.9
- Prototype version, implementing improved support for
- Via all coded interface input
- Support for WideString SeriesTextSrc inputs
- Direct Unicode output using Canvas.TextOut
June 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.8 Release notes:
* Fixes in the v7.0.0.8
- Excel Close Fix, respecting OLEContainer close and VBA UserForm Chart add.
- Multiple IE Window fix. Resolves too, IE client SeriesTextSrc problem.
- Other minor problems.
April 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.7 Release notes:
* Changes and additions in version :
- New Tool class: IDataTableTool, ITableLegend
Series "Y" values are displayed at a grid table inside the chart.
- ISeriesSource new LoadMode property (see ISeriesXMLSource)
When LoadMode is "lmAppend", XML data is appended to series. Default is "lmClear".
- IGridBandBrush Gradient property (IGridBandTool)
Both Band1 and Band2 of GridBand tool can now be filled using gradient colors.
- ICrossTabSource HideSeries boolean property
When False, automatically created internal series are displayed at editors.
- ITitles Clear method
Removes text of chart titles and footers.
- Legend LeftPercent and TopPercent properties.
- Legend PositionUnits property (muPixels or muPercent).
Legend can now be positioned at a Left or Top percentage of chart size.
- Legend Items() amd Item(index) properties :
Returns legend displayed items individual properties.
- Added new VolumePipe Series (IVolumePipeSeries) and its properties.
- Added IArrowSeries.ArrowPercent property.
- Added ILegendSymbol Gradient property.
- Added IPen SmallSpace integer property.
- Added TeeCommander Gradient property.
- Added IAxisArrowTool HeadWidth (integer) and SizePercent (integer %) properties.
- Added IAnnotationTool Bounds property.
- Added IPrinter ShowSetupDlg method which allow you to access to Setup printers.
* Fixes in the v7.0.0.7
- Tee files now trimmed unless Import.v5TeeCompatible is selected.
- OpenGL Font error on close when multiple Charts open, now resolved.
- Some fixes related with Bar and HorizBar Series with SelfStack and MaxPointsPerPage.
#TV52010024 - All Features\Tools\Mark Tips\Mark Tips Tool.
Delay doesn't work.
#TV52010115 - Setting a Title for the Legend so long it appears out of the Frame, this only
happens with is aligned to the top or bottom.
- Fixes exporting to GIF.
#TV52011283 - Fixed bug in CalcADX function -"Invalid floating point operation" in ADX
- Calendar Series gives an Access violation accessing to the Themes tab, now is fixed.
- Several Help fixes
- Other minor fixes.
December 2005
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.6 Release notes:
* Changes and additions in version :
# TA05010095 - Added the CalculateTrend for TrendFunction.
# TA05010443 - Added properties and methods and its events of IRectangleTool interface.
# TA05010600 - Added the CalcZPos method for 3D Series.
# Added ExportNative property of ITeeEditorShowPages to allow to hide the Export Native
# Added Transparent property of ILegentTitle interface.
# TV52010985 - New option at TeeEditor1.Options :
When disabling ordering, the editor ChartListBox is also set to "EnableDragSeries=False"
# TV52011065 - Added a new boolean property to both all Series and Tools:
tChart1.Series(0).ShowInEditor = False
tChart1.Tools.Items(0).ShowInEditor = False
* Fixes in the v7.0.0.6
# TA05010694 - "Range check error" using "volume" Series in a chart. It
happens when the mouse pointer is over the chart area. Now Fixed.
# TA05010624 - TChart1.Canvas.Line method doesn't work. The problem was that
Line is a reserved word, this method has been changed to DrawLine.
# TA05010828 - TeeSplitLines method was removed in VCL but has been fixed to
be able to continue using it with ActiveX version.
# TA05011011 - Access violation exception setting IrregularGrid at design
time and passing the mouse over the Series without data. Now Fixed.
# The VerticalAxisCustom method does not give a currect index, now has been
# TV52010173 - Setting a minimum and maximum for Gauge Series like -10,10 the
axis does not cover the first 10 values, or maybe the labels should move to
place them under the axis. Now Fixed.
# TV52010449 - In the Contour Series examples, "Palette and Color range",changing
the palette has no effect on the chart. It also happens using the editor. Fixed.
# TV52010944- Exporting to Gif having XP Theme selected gives a "Color table
overflow" error. Now Fixed.
# TV52010945 - The character "T" on top the errorbar is drawn at inappropriate
position when Stacked 100%. Now Fixed.
# Installation of TeeChart on Excel/VBA Userform not possible in
prior releases of TeeChart AX7. Issue now resolved.
# TeeChart didn't support full range of Long HDCs sent from
recent Windows op systems. Now resolved.
# Some fixed in Features Demo.
July 2005
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.5 Release notes:
* Changes and additions in version :
# TA05010169 - Added Cursor property for the Annotation tool.
# TA05010273 - Add the following Boolean Properties for the TeeListBox :
# TA05010271 - Added the Following events for TeeListBox component :
# Added the ColorStyle property to Candle Series
# Added the UpCloseGradient property to Candle Series
# Adeed the DownCloseGradient to Candle Series
* Fixes in the v7.05 (until 28/07/2005)
# Multiple Instancing of Internet Explorer
Windows could generate an error when closing
if MarkTips tool present. Now resolved.
# Range Check Error appears in some cases. Now resolved
# Other minor changes..
April 2005
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.4 Release notes:
* Changes and additions in version 7.04 :
# New TeeMap demo
# TA05010169 - Added Cursor property for the Annotation tool.
# TA05010188 - Added the folllwing events for ColorLineTool :
OnBeginDragLine, OnDragLine,OnEndDragLine.
# TA05010265 - The TSeriesBand Tool has not been implemented
into the ActveX version, also adding it at design time does not
seems to work fine, once you run the app, does not display the
band (repaint problem).
# TA05010266 - Add the Selector Tool, for the moment it's only
available at design time.
# TA05010280 - Allow to change the Label column title. It's "Text"
as defect. In VCL version can be changed via TeeMsg...
# TA05010287 - Add the Uninstall option for the next installers... as a shortcut..
# Added DeleteRangeForm example to the Tree.
# Added FastPen property to tFastLineSeries
# Added AutoRepaint property to tFastLineSeries
# Added ISeriesBandTool
# Added ISelectorTool with its events
# Added AnnotationToolClick event
# Added some examples in de demo about AnnotationToolClick, ISeriesBand Tool, ISelectorTool
# TeeCommanderButton to allow to hide the buttons directly as TeeCommander1.Button3d.hide
# TeeCommander.RepositionControls property
# TeeListBox.ItemHeight property
# TeeListBox.ClearItems method
# Added LabelHeader property for Export : IExport.LabelHeader
# Added LabelHeader property for ChartGrid (same as for the Export) : IChartGrid.LabelHeader
# Added FastPen property for the FastLine Series : IFastLine.FastPen
# Added Autorepaint property for Series : ISeries.AutoRepaint
# New interface ISeriesBandTool to allow to add this tool at runtime, via code
# Added the following properties for the SeriesBandTool :
# Added asSeriesBand property to access to the SeriesBandTool
properties : ITools.asSeriesBand
# New interface ISelectorTool to allow to add this tool at runtime, via code
# Added the following properties for the SelectorTool :
# Added asSelector property to access to the SelectorTool properties : ITools.asSelector
# Added the following new events :
# Added RepositionControls property for TeeCommander component :
# Added the following properties for the TeeListBox component :
# Added Active property for the Tools to allow to enable/disable all the tools at the same
time :IToolList.Active
# Added the following properties for the tChart component :
# Added the following properties for the Series type which use Palette :
# Added the following properties and methods for the Map Series type :
# Added Shadow property for ICustomSeries (includes ILineSeries, IHorizLine,...) :
# Added Themes property in TeeEditor to allow to hide the Themes tab :
# New interface IPointArray which can be used to get the an array of TPoint (used for
IMapSeries to get the points IMapPolygon.GetPoints)
# Added the following properties for IPointArray interface :
# New interface ITeeCommanderButton to allow to hide TeeCommander buttons directly
# Added Hide method : ITeeCommanderButton.Hide
# Added the following properties for TeeCommander component :
#TV52010349 - Added ClickTolerance property for IDrawLineTool.
#TV52010355 - Added a new button "Clear" to Series DataSource tab which allow to clear the
data created by default when you add a new Series.
#TV52010435 - After painting a new line using IDrawLineTool, this line is not selected. Now,
SelectNewLines property has Been added ( default is True )
* Fixes in the v7.04 (until 12/04/2005)
#TA05010154 - Problem adding a Nearest Tool and Saving project Error :"cannot load tchart1"
#TA05010157 - ChartEditorPanel with Chart asigned, buttons greyed out.
#TA05010283 - It has been fixed witht he TA05010154. aLL THE ADDED tools are identified
and saved as ChartTool1
#TA05010284 - When accessing the Min & Max axis values for a custom axis, every axis index is
off by one. For example the
correct Min/Max axis values for Axis.Custom(9) are found at Axis.Custom(10).
#TA05010348 - In TeeChartv7FeatureDemo.exe I can't see example of source code in topic
"Axis Labels no Weekends"
#TA05010511 - Saving chart as a native TeeChart 'tee' template Line code :
tChart.Export.asNative.SaveToFile lsPathFileName,
True Error : -2147418113 Automation error Catastrophic failure
#TA05010539 - If you use the tool MarksTip in a color grid, the label of the last row and the
last column are never showed.
This is a bug of TeeChart6.ocx, and it is not resolved with the version 7.
#TV52010327 - The OnClick event for the TColorGrid series is not fired in some cases.
#TV52010045 - OnClickSeries event does no work for Pyramid Series.
#TV52010062 - Changing 2D-3D from the TeeCommander does not refresh the Color Icon on
ChartListBox since you click over it.
#TV52010065 - Changing the increment for DateTime Values from the Editor does not work
fine. If you go to
Chart-> Axis -> Bottom -> Click over the Change Increment Button, select
Standard and for example "One Week", you will notice that the axis changes
to "Three days", nor for one Week,
#TV52010149 - The button BClose is hidden when showing the preview inside the Print tab
in the editor.
It shows when using the preview window standalone or the TchartPreview
component Show.
I've moved the Setup and Print buttons inside a new panel, right aligned and
anchored to BClose panel.
#TV52010177 - Setting the Zoom Direction to tzHorizontal does not work fine.
#TV52010193 - The Depth axis is moved but not the Axis labels, ticks and title :
#TV52010270 - Setting a smaller pattern (like Fill 80%) for an Area series is not correctly
displayed in the legend symbol.
#TV52010286 - Using ClickeableLine property to true for LineSeries is not fired when the
point is outside the Chart area.
#TV52010293 - Legend with checkboxes with a big number of Series and ScrollBar tool
does not check/uncheck a correct Series when the legend is aligned to the bottom.
#TV52010324 - Retrieving the Size of an Annotation tool, it does not give you correct results,
you always get 0 as with and height using the Shape.ShapeBounds properties.
#TV52010342 - The event OnDrawLineToolDraggedLine is NOT only triggered when a
line has been dragged to a new location,it is called everytime you click on a line without
dragged it before !
#TV52010481 - List Index out of bounds clicking over the "Add" button without selecting
any tool in the Tool Gallery form.
#TV52010172 - Exporting the Chart through the Chart Editor to PCX you get a "range
check error"
December 2004
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v7
v7.0.0.3 Release notes:
Changes and additions in version 7.03 :
- IColorBandTool now have the DrawBehindAxis property.
- Added the property Name which allow you to specifi the Text that will appear as Header
exporting the data of the Chart, Sample Code :
Private Sub Form_Load()
With TChart1
.AddSeries scPoint
.Series(0).FillSampleValues (5)
.Series(0).YValues.Name = "YVal"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
With TChart1.Export.asXLS
.IncludeHeader = True
.IncludeLabels = True
.SaveToFile "c:\Test.xls"
End With
End Sub
- Added the DragPointToolDragPoint event for the IDragPointTool.
- Added the DrawLineToolSelecting event for the IDrawLineTool.
- New properties and methods added the the ISurfaceNearestTool :
- Added the Width and Height properties for IAnnotation tool.
- New event OnRotateToolRotate which is fired when the Rotate tool has been added and
the Chart is rotated.
- Added IAreaSeries.AreaColor property to allow to set the color for the pattern lines
- Added some events for the ColorLineTool :
- Related problem with "Out of system resources error using TeeChart in ASP page"
1. Resource issue when connecting to file based (mdb) datasources.
2. Resource issue when resizing TeeChart in a browser page during
cascade/un-cascade operations whilst having open several/many such pages.
1. File based (mdb) datasources
High resource utilisation has proved to be an issue when connecting to file
based (mdb) datasources. Previous tests have shown that the same or greater
load when applied to an integrated dataserver (eg. MS's SQL Server) does
not suffer from similar resource l imitations. We recommend the use of that
type of database for applications where multiple access/high load to a
database is expected.
2. Resizing TeeChart during cascade/un-cascade operations
We can reproduce this issue. The problem occurs as a TeeChart internal bitmap
is being copied and requesting a windows handle during a TeeChart resize
operation in a child Internet Explorer window (here during the cascade/un-cascade
tests). In tests to date the problem seems to be limited to IE windows opened, as
child windows (ie. Ctrl-N from an existing Window).
In independently opened IE browsers and in Windows Form-based apps the problem
doesn't appear to occur. The problem occurs at a low Windows level that makes it
difficult for us to resolve the problem in TeeChart, not at least without further
investigating alternative techniques to achieve the required result. If the Chart isn't
resized the problem shouldn't occur and that has proved to be the case in tests here
to now - feedback on this would be useful. To avoid resize Charts can be fixed size
instead of percentage sized.
instead of
For regular TeeChart browser applications, where the need to load and resize multiple
child browser windows at a time is not necessary, the continued use of % sizing shouldn't
be a problem.
1. (mdb files) The issue is long-standing and related to resource use managed outside of
TeeChart. The recommended solution remains the use of a server-based database server.
2. (internal bitmaps) We are further investigating a fix to this issue that we feel is related to
an IE resource management deficiency. For the moment we recommend the workaround
described above.
Added for v6.0.0.6 and above
New interface elements
1) ITeeCommander.DefaultButton
1) New VS.NET ASP WebForm example to
demonstrate multiple Chart events.
Fixes in the v7.03
#1505 AV when closing form having TTeeFunction
#1499 TRotateTool and OpenGL conflict
#1470 TExtraLegendTool now works with automatic position
#1465 Missing entry in "Save as" combo at data export dialog
#1332 Paging was not working fine when MaxPointsPerPage = 1
#1074 ISeries.Marks.MultiLine bug fixed
#1238 Changing the Scroll style through the Editor is not saved.
#TA05010138 Placing a ChartListBox into a Net application gives an Exception
#TA05010073 IColorBandTool.DrawBehindAxes missing from AXv7.0.0.2.
#TA05010107 In Windows XP, using the TMarkTipsTool (for hints) the shadow of the
Mark still visible.
#TA05010121,#TA05010187 Some fixes in the Help Files.
Fixes for v6.0.0.6 included in the v7.03
Bug fixes/changes
1) Smoothing function reported an error with Interpolate set to true and more
than 250 data points. Fixed.
2) The addition and removal of IAnnotationTools caused a memory leak.
3) The IvalueList.Order property was not being serialised for both X and Y Values.
4) OnCursorToolChange event not fired if XVal and YVal properties changed via
code. Fixed.
5) Rounding problem with Logarithmic axes attached to certain series types. Fixed.
6) TeeCommander with custom buttons allowed panning when no button was
selected. Fixed by implementation of ITeeCommander.DefaultButton.
7) Changing the logarithmic base of an axis at designed time caused the Chart Editor
to hang. Fixed.
8) IHighLowSeries.AddHighLow sometimes returned incorrect index value. Fixed.
9) Multiple events could not be assigned to a chart created server-side in ASP.NET
For Example of necessary technique see TeeChart example CsharpWebForm.
10) The AutoRepaint property has now been set to non-browsable.
11) Series Titles which coincided with TeeChart constants were being automatically
translated. Fixed.
12) The database Summary tag in the Chart Editor wasn't being translated. Fixed.
13) Contour Series untrapped error when series emptied of points. Fixed.
14) Designtime Shape Series changes not saved. Fixed.
15) IE reported an error when unloading TeeChart under some specific circumstances.
Now resolved.
16) SeriesXMLSource non-functional with Pie series. Fixed.
August 2004
TeeChart Pro Activex Control
v7.0.0.2 Release notes:
New features:
- TeeChart Pro AX v7 includes
- 17 new interfaces
- More than 50 new properties methods and events
Please see the Docs\WhatsNewAXv7.txt file for a full list of new features.
Please see the VB TeeChart7Demo, accessible
from the program Manager group, for a summary
of new features with live examples.
email: [email protected]
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v6
Copyright (c) 1997-2004
by Steema Software SL
All Rights Reserved.
email: [email protected]
support: http://support.steema.com
August 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v6
v6.0.0.7 Release notes:
Bug fixes/changes:
1) Multiple Instancing of Internet Explorer
Windows could generate an error when closing
if MarkTips tool present. Now resolved.
2) Installation of TeeChart on Excel/VBA Userform
not possible in prior releases of TeeChart
AX6. Issue now resolved.
3) Resilience improvements for IIS operability
Previous releases
September 2004
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v6
v6.0.0.6 Release notes:
New for this Release
Bug fixes/changes
1) Smoothing function reported an error
with Interpolate set to true and more
than 250 data points. Fixed.
2) The addition and removal of
IAnnotationTools caused a memory leak.
3) The IvalueList.Order property was not
being serialised for both X and Y Values.
4) OnCursorToolChange event not fired if
XVal and YVal properties changed via
code. Fixed.
5) Rounding problem with Logarithmic axes
attached to certain series types. Fixed.
6) TeeCommander with custom buttons
allowed panning when no button was
selected. Fixed by implementation of
7) Changing the logarithmic base of an axis
at designed time caused the Chart Editor
to hang. Fixed.
8) IHighLowSeries.AddHighLow sometimes
returned incorrect index value. Fixed.
9) Multiple events could not be assigned
to a chart created server-side in ASP.NET
For Example of necessary technique
see TeeChart example CsharpWebForm.
10) The AutoRepaint property has now been set
to non-browsable.
11) Series Titles which coincided with TeeChart
constants were being automatically
translated. Fixed.
12) The database Summary tag in the Chart
Editor wasn't being translated. Fixed.
13) Contour Series untrapped error when
series emptied of points. Fixed.
14) Designtime Shape Series changes not
saved. Fixed.
15) IE reported an error when unloading TeeChart
under some specific circumstances.
Now resolved.
16) SeriesXMLSource non-functional with Pie
series. Fixed.
New interface elements
1) ITeeCommander.DefaultButton
1) New VS.NET ASP WebForm example to
demonstrate multiple Chart events.
Previous releases
v6.0.0.5 Release notes:
Bug fixes/changes
1) ChartGrid reported an error when
opened in Editor after coded
Series point colour definition.
2) AreaSeries Brush extended styles now
supported when selected via code.
3) BubbleSeries OnClick sensitivity
much improved.
4) Bar BevelStyle added to codeable
5) ShapePanel interface corrected to
permit use of Shape.Frame in
Internet Explorer.
6) GridBandBrush Colors now codeable
in Internet Explorer.
7) ChartEditorPanel generated error when
adding Tools in previous versions. Now
8) AnnotationTool and MarkTool Callout
reported interface errors when used in
VBA. Now resolved.
9) Non-visible Charts were printing in IE.
Now resolved.
10) CandleSeries click sensitivity
improved in this version.
11) Annotation and Mark Callout interfaces
now include inherited Pointer elements.
12) Several Documentation links between
helpfiles were incorrect. Now resolved.
New interface elements
1) IAxisLabelsItem.Visible
2) IHighLowSeries.Transparency
3) IPieSeries.DarkPen
v6.0.0.4 Release notes:
Bug fixes/changes
1) EDateTimeStep constants were incorrect in v6.0.0.3.
This has been corrected for this version. Please pay
special attention to this point if you have used the
DateTime constant in your code.
2) ContourLevel error when setting
properties for custom levels by code.
Now resolved.
3) MouseOver on a HighLowSeries with no data
caused an AV error. Now resolved.
4) HorizBoxSeries elements from version 5 were
missing in version Now resolved.
5) Unique naming of Chart tools when consecutively
added to Chart at designtime failed. Now resolved.
6) tfPerformance Function constant misspelled in
v6.0.0.3. Now changed from "tfPerformace" to
7) Tabstop now supported for Chart in containers
supporting ISimpleFrameSite
(VB Form but not VC++ Dialogue)
8) Overflow when zooming on HistogramSeries with
transparency enabled now resolved.
9) BubbleSeries Clicked(X,Y) zone not correct for all
Points in one BubbleSeries. Now resolved.
New interface elements
1) ITeeFont.Gradient
2) ITeeFont.OutLine
3) SmithSeries ImagSymbol
4) ISeriesXMLSource.XML
5) ITChart OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events
6) ITeeCommander now includes properties to set
Border and Bevel.
1) Updates to documentation
2) New example of an ASP.NET application
written with a WebForm and VB.NET
v6.0.0.3 Release notes
Bug fixes/changes
1) EDateTimeStep constants were incorrect in v6.0.0.3.
This has been corrected for this version. Please pay
special attention to this point if you have used the
DateTime constant in your code.
2) ContourLevel error when setting
properties for custom levels by code.
Now resolved.
3) MouseOver on a HighLowSeries with no data
caused an AV error. Now resolved.
4) HorizBoxSeries elements from version 5 were
missing in version Now resolved.
5) Unique naming of Chart tools when consecutively
added to Chart at designtime failed. Now resolved.
6) tfPerformance Function constant misspelled in
v6.0.0.3. Now changed from "tfPerformace" to
7) Tabstop now supported for Chart in containers
supporting ISimpleFrameSite
(VB Form but not VC++ Dialogue)
8) Overflow when zooming on HistogramSeries with
transparency enabled now resolved.
9) BubbleSeries Clicked(X,Y) zone not correct for all
Points in one BubbleSeries. Now resolved.
New interface elements
1) ITeeFont.Gradient
2) ITeeFont.OutLine
3) SmithSeries ImagSymbol
4) ISeriesXMLSource.XML
5) ITChart OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events
6) ITeeCommander now includes properties to set
Border and Bevel.
1) Updates to documentation
2) New example of an ASP.NET application
written with a WebForm and VB.NET
v6.0.0.3 Release notes
New features:
- IChartPageNavigator and IChartGridNavigator Color
is now configurable
- OnClick added to ITeeListBox
- MaxVisibleValue and MinVisibleValue added
to Series
- ITitles supports Clicked recognition
- Chart now supports optional Anti-Alias via the
ICanvas.UseAntiAlias property
Please see the VB TeeChart6Demo, accessible
from the program Manager group, for a summary
of new features with live examples.
support: http://support.steema.com
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v6
Copyright (c) 1997-2004
by Steema Software SL
All Rights Reserved.
email: [email protected]
support: http://support.steema.com
August 2006
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v6
v6.0.0.7 Release notes:
Bug fixes/changes:
1) Multiple Instancing of Internet Explorer
Windows could generate an error when closing
if MarkTips tool present. Now resolved.
2) Installation of TeeChart on Excel/VBA Userform
not possible in prior releases of TeeChart
AX6. Issue now resolved.
3) Resilience improvements for IIS operability
Previous releases
September 2004
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v6
v6.0.0.6 Release notes:
New for this Release
Bug fixes/changes
1) Smoothing function reported an error
with Interpolate set to true and more
than 250 data points. Fixed.
2) The addition and removal of
IAnnotationTools caused a memory leak.
3) The IvalueList.Order property was not
being serialised for both X and Y Values.
4) OnCursorToolChange event not fired if
XVal and YVal properties changed via
code. Fixed.
5) Rounding problem with Logarithmic axes
attached to certain series types. Fixed.
6) TeeCommander with custom buttons
allowed panning when no button was
selected. Fixed by implementation of
7) Changing the logarithmic base of an axis
at designed time caused the Chart Editor
to hang. Fixed.
8) IHighLowSeries.AddHighLow sometimes
returned incorrect index value. Fixed.
9) Multiple events could not be assigned
to a chart created server-side in ASP.NET
For Example of necessary technique
see TeeChart example CsharpWebForm.
10) The AutoRepaint property has now been set
to non-browsable.
11) Series Titles which coincided with TeeChart
constants were being automatically
translated. Fixed.
12) The database Summary tag in the Chart
Editor wasn't being translated. Fixed.
13) Contour Series untrapped error when
series emptied of points. Fixed.
14) Designtime Shape Series changes not
saved. Fixed.
15) IE reported an error when unloading TeeChart
under some specific circumstances.
Now resolved.
16) SeriesXMLSource non-functional with Pie
series. Fixed.
New interface elements
1) ITeeCommander.DefaultButton
1) New VS.NET ASP WebForm example to
demonstrate multiple Chart events.
Previous releases
v6.0.0.5 Release notes:
Bug fixes/changes
1) ChartGrid reported an error when
opened in Editor after coded
Series point colour definition.
2) AreaSeries Brush extended styles now
supported when selected via code.
3) BubbleSeries OnClick sensitivity
much improved.
4) Bar BevelStyle added to codeable
5) ShapePanel interface corrected to
permit use of Shape.Frame in
Internet Explorer.
6) GridBandBrush Colors now codeable
in Internet Explorer.
7) ChartEditorPanel generated error when
adding Tools in previous versions. Now
8) AnnotationTool and MarkTool Callout
reported interface errors when used in
VBA. Now resolved.
9) Non-visible Charts were printing in IE.
Now resolved.
10) CandleSeries click sensitivity
improved in this version.
11) Annotation and Mark Callout interfaces
now include inherited Pointer elements.
12) Several Documentation links between
helpfiles were incorrect. Now resolved.
New interface elements
1) IAxisLabelsItem.Visible
2) IHighLowSeries.Transparency
3) IPieSeries.DarkPen
v6.0.0.4 Release notes:
Bug fixes/changes
1) EDateTimeStep constants were incorrect in v6.0.0.3.
This has been corrected for this version. Please pay
special attention to this point if you have used the
DateTime constant in your code.
2) ContourLevel error when setting
properties for custom levels by code.
Now resolved.
3) MouseOver on a HighLowSeries with no data
caused an AV error. Now resolved.
4) HorizBoxSeries elements from version 5 were
missing in version Now resolved.
5) Unique naming of Chart tools when consecutively
added to Chart at designtime failed. Now resolved.
6) tfPerformance Function constant misspelled in
v6.0.0.3. Now changed from "tfPerformace" to
7) Tabstop now supported for Chart in containers
supporting ISimpleFrameSite
(VB Form but not VC++ Dialogue)
8) Overflow when zooming on HistogramSeries with
transparency enabled now resolved.
9) BubbleSeries Clicked(X,Y) zone not correct for all
Points in one BubbleSeries. Now resolved.
New interface elements
1) ITeeFont.Gradient
2) ITeeFont.OutLine
3) SmithSeries ImagSymbol
4) ISeriesXMLSource.XML
5) ITChart OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events
6) ITeeCommander now includes properties to set
Border and Bevel.
1) Updates to documentation
2) New example of an ASP.NET application
written with a WebForm and VB.NET
v6.0.0.3 Release notes
Bug fixes/changes
1) EDateTimeStep constants were incorrect in v6.0.0.3.
This has been corrected for this version. Please pay
special attention to this point if you have used the
DateTime constant in your code.
2) ContourLevel error when setting
properties for custom levels by code.
Now resolved.
3) MouseOver on a HighLowSeries with no data
caused an AV error. Now resolved.
4) HorizBoxSeries elements from version 5 were
missing in version Now resolved.
5) Unique naming of Chart tools when consecutively
added to Chart at designtime failed. Now resolved.
6) tfPerformance Function constant misspelled in
v6.0.0.3. Now changed from "tfPerformace" to
7) Tabstop now supported for Chart in containers
supporting ISimpleFrameSite
(VB Form but not VC++ Dialogue)
8) Overflow when zooming on HistogramSeries with
transparency enabled now resolved.
9) BubbleSeries Clicked(X,Y) zone not correct for all
Points in one BubbleSeries. Now resolved.
New interface elements
1) ITeeFont.Gradient
2) ITeeFont.OutLine
3) SmithSeries ImagSymbol
4) ISeriesXMLSource.XML
5) ITChart OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events
6) ITeeCommander now includes properties to set
Border and Bevel.
1) Updates to documentation
2) New example of an ASP.NET application
written with a WebForm and VB.NET
v6.0.0.3 Release notes
New features:
- IChartPageNavigator and IChartGridNavigator Color
is now configurable
- OnClick added to ITeeListBox
- MaxVisibleValue and MinVisibleValue added
to Series
- ITitles supports Clicked recognition
- Chart now supports optional Anti-Alias via the
ICanvas.UseAntiAlias property
Please see the VB TeeChart6Demo, accessible
from the program Manager group, for a summary
of new features with live examples.
support: http://support.steema.com
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v5
Copyright (c) 1997-2003
by David Berneda and
Marc Meumann
All Rights Reserved.
email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Mar 2004
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v5
v5.0.7.0 Release notes:
For information about differences and use of
TeeChart Pro ActiveX v5 with respect to
TeeChart Pro ActiveX v4 please refer to the
'Upgrading from TeeChart v4.doc' document
accessible via the TeeChart Program Manager
Changes for this release:
Bugs resolved:
1) Range-check error occurred under some
printing circumstances when using TeePreviewer
Key known unresolved issues:
- ChartEditorPanel not supported in MS
VC++ applications due to incorrect
behaviour of Editor buttons
- Right Axis Arrows click area not located
correctly on 3D Charts
- StopMouse not working correctly in
DBlClick event
- Datasets set via the Chart Editor and requiring
password access need the 'save password' option
to be selected in the ADO dialogue. This is not
a requirement when setting up an ADO connection
via code.
- Dragdrop events not functioning in .NET.
- Only one TeeChart AX event is triggered, per
page, for a WebForm in ASP.Net.
email: [email protected]
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v5
Copyright (c) 1997-2003
by David Berneda and
Marc Meumann
All Rights Reserved.
email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Mar 2004
TeeChart Pro Activex Control v5
v5.0.7.0 Release notes:
For information about differences and use of
TeeChart Pro ActiveX v5 with respect to
TeeChart Pro ActiveX v4 please refer to the
'Upgrading from TeeChart v4.doc' document
accessible via the TeeChart Program Manager
Changes for this release:
Bugs resolved:
1) Range-check error occurred under some
printing circumstances when using TeePreviewer
Key known unresolved issues:
- ChartEditorPanel not supported in MS
VC++ applications due to incorrect
behaviour of Editor buttons
- Right Axis Arrows click area not located
correctly on 3D Charts
- StopMouse not working correctly in
DBlClick event
- Datasets set via the Chart Editor and requiring
password access need the 'save password' option
to be selected in the ADO dialogue. This is not
a requirement when setting up an ADO connection
via code.
- Dragdrop events not functioning in .NET.
- Only one TeeChart AX event is triggered, per
page, for a WebForm in ASP.Net.
email: [email protected]